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Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
Only a few days after the launch of the new DataCleaner website, we are once again ready with new exciting features. This time we are launching the first edition of our new regular expression (regex) sharing subsite called "RegexSwap". RegexSwap ... [More] is a specialized forum for sharing, categorizing, commenting and voting on regular expressions that can be used in DataCleaner and other regex-based applications. It is really easy to post your own regular expressions, test them online on the website, comment and vote on the regexes that you have found useful. In time the next releases of DataCleaner will also take advantage of this online "always up to date" regex resource and offer direct integration with RegexSwap. RegexSwap is still in beta but is ready at a functional level which is why we are launching publically it now. It will recieve dedicated attention in the weeks and months to come. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
Dear everybody, As a special christmas present we have been working hard to design a new website for DataCleaner! Hopefully you will all enjoy the new site, which have been designed to further support our community and let it grow by incorporating ... [More] more features to socialize and share ideas online. So go visit it now at the new URL: http://datacleaner.eobjects.org Among the new features are a more personal profile system which is linked to some of the communities that our users already use frequently, namely LinkedIn and SourceForge. We have a whole new media section with cool screenshots and webcasts. We are also redesigning our mailing list structure. Instead of the single mailing list that we have been using so far, we are launching new "announcement" and "dev" mailing lists. Our goal is to continuously launch new features on the website. The first one being a user survey to gain a better insight into the minds of our users and community. So be sure to fill it out. In the future we will add more exiting features such as online sharing of regular expressions and reference data for DataCleaner dictionaries. The old website will continue to exist, but primarily as a wiki and bugtracking system. During the next couple of days we will be editing the wiki pages to make them more suitable for wiki-style editing (by everyone) as opposed to the former readonly strategy. We hope you like our christmas present and that you will let us know. and we wish you all a great 2009. Without a doubt, it will bring exiting times for DataCleaner and the DataCleaner community. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
As we where recently made aware of, we have once again messed up our maven deployments of MetaModel, sorry! If you're using maven for your Java projects and you just updated your <dependency> tag in your POM files, replacing the version entry ... [More] "1.1.2" with "1.1.3", I'm sure you ran into a lot of ClassNotFoundException's, because the maven artifacts where in fact empty! We are very sorry about this poor release management situation, but here are a couple of ways that we (you) can fix this: You can add the eobjects maven repository to your POM. The eobjects maven repository contains valid maven artifacts so that's quite an easy fix: <repositories> <repository> <id>eobjects-maven</id> <name>Eobjects repository for Maven</name> <url>http://datacleaner.sourceforge.net/m2-repo/</url> </repository> </repositories> You can wait a few hours and the central maven repo will have been updated with a couple of new artifacts with the "1.1.3-FINAL" version literal. So your new dependency will look like this: <dependency> <groupId>dk.eobjects.metamodel</groupId> <artifactId>MetaModel-full</artifactId> <version>1.1.3-FINAL</version> </dependency> [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
We've just released MetaModel version 1.1.3. This is a stabilization release containing some microscopical bugfixes, specifically in regards of Schema serialization. If you're currently using any 1.1.x release of MetaModel, then you should do a ... [More] drop-in replacement and expect no changes to your code. As always MetaModel is available from our downloads page and through the maven repositories. Unless anything urgent comes up this will be the last release of the 1.1 branch of MetaModel. The next focus of MetaModel 1.2 will be to include support for more datastore formats, including dBase and improved XML tag-to-table modelling. And of course if you have any ideas for development, don't hesitate to let us know! [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
I'm happy to announce that eobjects.org have gotten new hosts and that the troubles that we have been experiencing the last couple of months due to weird server crashed is finally over! My final word on the matter is - getting a large OSS-based J2EE ... [More] environment up and running on a proprietary power pc platform is kind of a nasty affair! :-) So luckily we've found a better solution. This also means that we can once again say hello to our friend Hudson, the continuous integration system. While it is already online I will be tweaking it for the days to come so look out for periodic builds, test-reports and all that stuff that we all love! Update: After some initial problems cloning the old environment we have finally ruled out all the small defects I think. So lets have a cheers for our new postgresql server (humly hosting the trac system) and our new Hudson server: http://jee.eobjects.org/hudson [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
We have identified a problem with the MetaModel 1.1.1 artifacts in the maven repository, so we will be releasing MetaModel 1.1.2 very shortly. The problem was related to the upload process and caused the jar's in the repository to not contain any ... [More] .class files! The downloadables from our website did not suffer from this problem, so if you're using those, you're OK. The new maven artifacts can be downloaded using this dependency tag: <dependency> <groupId>dk.eobjects.metamodel</groupId> <artifactId>MetaModel-full</artifactId> <version>1.1.2</version> </dependency> A single feature have been added in the 1.1.2 release - CSV and XML content is now accessible not only through files but all kinds of input sources, including internet URLs. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
We've just released MetaModel 1.1.1, the successor to the major 1.1 release! This release is a minor fix release and you should be able to make an easy drop-in replacement of the 1.1 release. Here are the three fixes/improvements that we have been ... [More] working on for the update: Minor bug fixed: The equals() method of SelectClause had a minor bug related to comparing the distinct property. Improvement: The Column and Table classes have had a getQualifiedLabel() method added. The qualified label is a dot-separated qualified name such as "MY_SCHEMA.MY_TABLE.MY_COLUMN". The qualified label can be used as a unique identifier for the column but is not necessarily directly transferable to SQL syntax. Improvement: Getters and setters have been added to the SelectItem class [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
As I write this newsitem I'm uploading the new version of MetaModel to the maven repositories! So let me take the time to tell you what's new in this release. First of all I'd like to say that this is really a release with lots of fundamental ... [More] changes and we have sacrificed backwards-compatibility at some places, so be sure to check that everything is working exactly as before. That said - those things that we have changed will also cause you compilation problems, so if you do a drop-in replacement and your build fails, then it's because the features have changed. We think this is the easiest way for everybody to deal with changes - it's a lot more obvious that you need to do something if it's really keeping your application from working! The good thing is that the new MetaModel provides a lot of great improvements and new features! Here's a sum-up of the changes made to MetaModel from version 1.0 to 1.1: We've done a major restructuring of the project as to make it more modular and easier to figure out. This also means that the way you create DataContext objects have changed. In 1.0 you used the constructor of DataContext. This approach have been replaced by a factory class, which does all the instantiation and initialization stuff for you: DataContextFactory. The MetaModel project is now LGPL licensed instead of using the Apache License version 2.0. For more info see MetaModelLicense. The built-in query-engine, "Query postprocessor", which is used to serve CSV, Excel and XML content, have gone through numerous improvements to performance and functinality. Column types can now be detected, narrowed and transformed using the Query postprocessor engine. This means that you can use the engine to detect and retrieve Integer, Double, Date, Time and Boolean types as well as the old String-based values, even from text-only datastores such as CSV files. The JDBC datastores now have a query rewriter component which allows for optimization of queries using native SQL-syntax. Query postprocessor now also generates information schemas used to investigate metadata about CSV, Excel and XML files. Database compliancy have grown constantly during development and will keep doing so forward on. You can check the supported databases here: MetaModelCompliancy All in all I think this release marks a high degree of maturity for the MetaModel project and we're very proud to present it to you! [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
As we're moving steadily along towards the release of DataCleaner 1.5 we are fixing a few bugs and enhancing a lot of features. This leads to the desire to release our work since practically nothing has undergone changes that could destabilize the ... [More] application since the 1.4 release. So today we're releasing DataCleaner 1.5 "snapshot". This also marks the first release under our new LGPL license. Here are the changes from 1.4 so far: Change of license to LGPL. New profile: Date mask matcher. New profile: Regex matcher. More file types supported (.dat, .txt) XML file support improved (.xml) Although this is in principle a development/beta release, we feel that it would be worth working with for most of your profiling needs. So... Go on, download it, tell us what you think and we'll see you around! [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by kasper
We've made a principal decision at eobjects.org to change the preferred license of our projects from the Apache License 2.0 to the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The main difference between the two licenses are that the LGPL requires any ... [More] modifications to be contributed back to the Open Source community (ie. licensed under a similar license; LGPL or GPL). The eobjects.org projects are gaining the obvious advantages of the LGPL by ensuring that improvements are submitted back to the projects. This also means that we don't risk that anyone sell modified versions of our projects. It is still just as appropriate to use the projects as a part of commercial applications, but any modifications must be contributed back to the community. The Apache License 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Lesser General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt Initially this change in license will affect the two flagship projects of eobjects.org: DataCleaner and MetaModel. This means that the next versions of these projects (DataCleaner 1.5 and MetaModel 1.1 accordingly) will be LGPL licensed. Also, new projects will be LGPL licensed unless special circumstances suggest otherwise. [Less]