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Posted about 15 years ago by John Mettraux
rufus-decision is a small ruby gem for ‘running decision tables’. Decision tables are useful for mapping conditions to actions. This example decision table considers two conditions : ‘topic’ and ‘region’ (I tend to call them ‘inputs’). Certain ... [More] combinations of condition yield one or more output value. In the example, when the topic is about finance and [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by John Mettraux
Just released version 0.1.12 of rufus-tokyo, a Ruby library for accessing Tokyo Cabinet and Tokyo Tyrant (via FFI or via the Ruby classes provided with the Tokyo products). Tokyo Tyrant, once successfully compiled with –enable-lua, is open to lots of interesting usages. In his last post on the Mixi dev blog, the author of Tokyo Cabinet / [...]
Posted about 15 years ago by John Mettraux
Just released rufus-lua 1.0 There are two main new features : lua garbage collection control (thanks Alain) and the possibility to bind Ruby blocks as Lua functions. Rufus-lua is available via sudo gem install rufus-lua  
Posted about 15 years ago by John Mettraux
Just released rufus-tokyo 0.1.10. It supports the new setlimit method in Tokyo Cabinet 1.4.10 tables and Tokyo Tyrant 1.1.17 tables. (I put up a piece of documentation on how to install TC and TT at http://openwferu.rubyforge.org/tokyo.html) What’s ... [More] the deal with this setlimit method ? Well, it’s an improvement over setmax which only accepted a count parameter. require 'rubygems' require [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by John Mettraux
With the help from Alain I just released rufus-lua 0.1.0. This ruby gem talks to Lua via Ruby FFI. One could say it’s “embedding Lua”, as Lua is described as “Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.” I feel tempted by Lua, there’s the speed, the austerity and that javascript feeling.   Rufus-lua is not the first [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by John Mettraux
I have just released rufus-tokyo 0.1.9 (sudo gem install rufus-tokyo) Rufus-tokyo provides rubyist friendly classes for accessing Tokyo Cabinet and Tokyo Tyrant structures. It does so by binding Tokyo C libraries via FFI and … Hirabayashi-san, the ... [More] author of Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant provides a ‘native’ Ruby library for Tokyo Cabinet and a pure Ruby library for [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by John Mettraux
If you go to the the Tokyo Cabinet page, you’ll sometimes be welcome with a banner saying “Nagoya Cabinet” or “Shinjuku Cupboard”, no worries, you’re at the right place. The two main projects of Mikio Hirabayashi are Tokyo Cabinet (local hash / ... [More] table) and Tokyo Tyrant (remote Tokyo Cabinet). After supporting Tokyo Cabinet in rufus-tokyo 0.1.4, Justin [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by John Mettraux
Just released the Ruby gem rufus-tokyo 0.1.3. It gives easy access to Tokyo Cabinet hashes and tables via Ruby. require 'rubygems' require 'rufus/tokyo' db = Rufus::Tokyo::Cabinet.new('data.tch') db['nada'] = 'surf' p db['nada'] # ... [More] => 'surf' p db['lost'] # => nil db.close This new release has undergone serious code restructurations (thanks [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by John Mettraux
I know, we hadhave a Tyrant but I wanted to focus just on the Cabinet, staying on my side of the network interface. Tokyo Cabinet is a great [C] library for managing DBM hashes, it’s very efficient, so efficient it’s one of the workhorses behind Mixi, the top japanese social network (damn me, I used the [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by John Mettraux
Just released version 1.0.12 of the rufus-scheduler gem. It contains a few improvements, like a more generic find_jobs() methods, but the main new feature is the :timeout attribute, which, when present, limits the time allocated for a triggered job. ... [More] require 'rubygems' require 'rufus/scheduler' # sudo gem install rufus-scheduler s = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new s.every "10h30m", :timeout => "3h" do do_that_long_job() end Every 10 [...] [Less]