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Why do URLs for factoids change?


I am linking to factoid information from here:

But it has changed over time, so old links become blank page (and I am quoting Ohloh about activity level)

Here is what changed:

Can you use same URLs or at least not make old URLs blank?


M ;-)

TikiWiki CMS/Groupware

Marc Laporte almost 16 years ago

Hi Marc,

This doesn't appear to have any simple solution.

Whenever there is a new analysis report generated by our system, a new set of factoid objects also gets generated, which means that the factoid IDs change and therefore the URLs change. That's the current problem to be solved.

It's theoretically possible for us to continue to support the old factoid IDs in the URLs, but even this won't last for long because we end up cleaning up the old objects from our database at some point, and then the IDs in the URL will lead to nowhere.

Supposing we did stretch our brains and came up with a way to reference factoids in the URL without using unique IDs, we still have a problem in that a new analysis might remove the factoid you are trying to link to. For instance, the factoid increasing year-over-year development activity might simply cease to be true at some point, in which case there's no way to get Ohloh to show that page.

I guess it would be possible to have something like 'categories' for factoids, so you could for instance link to /projects/tikiwiki/factoids/activity, and be shown whatever activity factoid currently exists, whether good or bad. That's theoretically possible, but would take a good bit of redesign on our end.

One URL that never changes is /projects/tikiwiki/factoids. This is the collection of all current factoids for the project, and might be good enough for your needs.

Let me know if you have something simple in mind,

Robin Luckey almost 16 years ago

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the information.

Yes, /projects/tikiwiki/factoids works for me. In fact, it works better.

Why even bother with individual pages for factoids? Now, we must click back & forth to read all the factoids. It could just be some anchors all linking to one page.

About the information being updated and the quote no longer being accurate: Maybe just add a date of last update at the bottom of the factoid page. I am a wiki guy, so I could suggest to make a history of the page :-) But this is a lot of work and I don't think it's worth it.

If you drop individual factoid URLs, you could set a redirect so no existing links are broken, and everyone is just sent to general factoid page.

One thing that would be nice: That I could comment on the factoid page. In my case, I would like to add the following note:

The project IS LGPL. The notes below about may conflict with GPL are caused because TikiWiki includes tripled licensed code. Please see:

Best regards,

M ;-)

Marc Laporte almost 16 years ago