
Toronto, ON, Canada

Reviews and Ratings

It should be included with SonicMQ,...  
written about 15 years ago

This is the tool that I'd thought about writing for four years, but never seemed to find the time.

The first time I saw the SonicMQ JMS Test Client I was convinced that it had been written by a first-year Coop student with no supervision. The interface is clumsy and unintuitive, it doesn't remember your old settings, and you have to use the Management Console to get broker and queue names.

The Sonic Message Manager is everything that the JMS Test Client isn't. It goes out of its way to make it easy to view, move, delete and copy messages on a SonicMQ installation. It automatically enumerates brokers and queues and allows you to pick them from lists. It does a good job of displaying messages and properties. It allows you to easily delete from queues, move them from one to another, and copy them between brokers.

I've used it under Windows, RedHat (Gnome and KDE), and HP-UX and it worked fine for all three.

Offline installation is simple and straightforward: just drop two jar files into the Sonic ./lib directory.

Online operation (i.e. download from website at runtime) worked fine on Windows, but signing issues foiled it on *nix.

Support is terrific. The lead developer is very responsive to bug reports and enhancement requests (< 24 hour turnaround time).

I find that I prefer the JMS test client's Send Message interface for actually constructing the message, but I see on the project's Roadmap that this is being reworked.

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