
  Analyzed about 1 hour ago

99 Commits in mostly XML

Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected almost 2 years ago.
Developer on ext/id3

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected 5 months ago.
Contributor Contributed the documentation for the id3-functions

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Developer and Project Co-Founder Affiliated with 1&1 Internet AG * Contributed to the design of the framework. * Developed the IoC component, the JSON-RPC component and some of the XML components * Worked on the build process

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Analyzed 3 months ago. based on code collected 3 months ago.
Analyzed about 6 hours ago. based on code collected about 10 hours ago.
Developer and documentation writer Affiliated with 1&1 Internet AG Fixed several bugs, contributed to the OXM component, added some smaller features, wrote several tutorials and helped writing the documentation.

85 Commits in mostly XML

Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected about 23 hours ago.
Project Manager

3 Commits in mostly HTML

Analyzed about 2 hours ago. based on code collected about 5 hours ago.

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.