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Projects not updating


Wonderful, thanks a lot!

François Suter almost 11 years ago


An update of the 17 remaining enlistments started immediately and also finished OK. Analysis is at May 16, 2013 on code collected on May 16, 2013 and last commit is at April 22, 2013.

Please remind me here if the project goes astray again.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago

I have added a new git-repo to powerdns and it was scanned.
Should I remove the old svn-repo or does it just take time to update all data?

Arsen Stasic almost 11 years ago


Please check the enlistments page. No update will be made in the project until all enlistments are updated successfully. The subversion is showing Failed about 1 year ago. The actual error is svn: Unknown hostname '' Will check to see if the repository is dead or if it's a transient condition from 443 days ago.

Works OK from my workstation. Will retry the update and see where that leads.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


Rescheduled the update which finished OK (707 added commits). Analysis is now at May 17, 2013 on code collected on May 17, 2013 and last commit is at May 17, 2013 - about 4 hours ago.

Please remind me here if the project goes astray again.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


the Ayam project ( seems to be stuck.
Manually triggering a recount by modifying the ignore list did not help.


rschultz almost 11 years ago


Ohloh update completed about 20 hours ago. (I didn't intervene...)

Analysis is now at May 22, 2013 on code collected on May 22, 2013 and last commit is at May 22, 2013.

Look it over and let me know here if it continues to have issues.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


The Anjuta project ( seems to be stuck since 3 months. Could you check if something goes wrong?

Regards, Sébastien

Sébastien Granjoux almost 11 years ago


It seems my profile is not updating with my latest commits ( to the GNOME project ( Do you know what might be happening?


Fabiana Simões almost 11 years ago


It appears that guadec-web is not enlisted currently in the Gnome project. It's too cumbersome to check if it has been disabled recently (there are 263 pages of edits, but I did go back to the end of January) so I can only refer you to the project managers for now. I will enlist it in a nonsense project to test it, however. I'll let you know what I find out.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


The enlistment exactly as you gave it to me here works OK (55 total commits). I have some small evidence that the enlistment may have been using an http: transport previously and those have been failing since August, 2012. Please let me know if you are unable to contact the Gnome team and I'll be the go-between.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


The enlistment failed since http: transport is no longer allowed for that repository. I installed an https: enlistment which finished OK (7937 total commits). Now just waiting for the other two enlistments to update - both are 3 months old. Will monitor to see when that update runs. Will report back when I have news.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


A second enlistment came up with the same affliction; I applied the same cure. The initial fetch finished OK (294 total commits). Analysis is now at May 27, 2013 for code collected on May 27, 2013 and last commit is at May 26, 2013 - about 22 hours ago.

Please be sure you remind me here if the project fails to update again.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago

Gerrit needs a kick (Analyzed 11 days ago based on code collected 11 days ago)

It seems that Gerrit fails more often than other projects @ Ohloh. Is there something wrong with the code hosting?

Best regards

Gustaf Lundh almost 11 years ago


Have given Gerrit a subtle kick. Nothing wrong with the repository that I can see... No errors were showing; in fact nothing was showing at all. This has been a problem for a number of projects lately; they just seem to fade out and stop updating. We are working on this and I have made some modifications to the ignore order hoping to stimulate an update. It may take 24 hours before this happens. If not, I'll need to do something more drastic.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago

Hey, it seems I'm unable to reach the GNOME team for Ohloh. Could you help me?

Fabiana Simões almost 11 years ago


Glad to do so. New co-manager is in place for a couple of days and I'll contact him on your behalf.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago

Unity seems to have stopped updating a month ago:

James Henstridge almost 11 years ago


We were hit by bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (Empty reply from server) 29 days ago. I have rescheduled the update which finished OK (502 added commits). Analysis is now at May 29, 2013 on code collected on April 29, 2013 and last commit is at May 29, 2013 - about 7 hours ago. Now just need to wait for the other enlistment to update.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago needs a small kick (5 months since last update)


Gustaf Lundh almost 11 years ago


On the job...


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago


Needed to reorganize the enlistment's analysis which finished OK (3523 total commits). Waited about 2 hours for an update to run which also finished OK (1893 added commits). Analysis is now at June 05, 2013 on code collected on June 05, 2013 and last commit is at June 05, 2013 - about 1 hour ago.

Please remind me here if the project goes astray again.


ssnow-blackduck almost 11 years ago

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