Forums : Suggestions for Ohloh 2.0

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Captcha against Spam

I got a simple proposal:
Add captchas :)

The spam is taking over... have a look at the API Board...

Maybe is Recaptcha a good choice.

(btw: totally weird BB-Code tags ^^ But fun though)


x!sign.dll over 15 years ago

Yes, we've been lucky so far, but it's getting to that time when we may have to add some necessary annoyances.

However, I'm not convinced that adding captcha to our forums will remove the spam -- I suspect that our current spam is the work of one person who is creating bogus accounts (which is itself prevented by captcha) and then entering the spam posts manually. If I'm right, then more captcha won't prevent them.

It is getting worse lately, so something might have to be done.

Robin Luckey over 15 years ago

well... manually added spam can't be prevented.

maybe some sort of cookie + random captcha methods (logical, readable, ...) at the register process will do the trick. adding a captcha to the forum for registered users is really a pain in the ass imho.

x!sign.dll over 15 years ago

The SPAM is really dreadful for those of us who're reading by RSS too, since the SPAM posts are larger than more legitimate posts.

Stuart Yeates over 15 years ago

I created this account w/ ohloh minutes ago. I think ohloh is/might be cool, but I really find it inconvenient to face a reverse Turing test again and again and again (i.e. every time I make a forum post).

Can't there be a one-time captcha, a moderator system, and strong authentication+encryption? (perhaps kerberos+ssl/ssh)

Also, I agree that reCAPTCHA is the way to go.

By the way, I am a human being!


njg about 15 years ago

Hi njg,

We only require captcha for new, untrusted accounts. Our system will quickly figure out whether you're a spammer or not, and the captcha requirements will go away.


Robin Luckey about 15 years ago

Hi Robin.

Well, I feel silly now. Thanks for the info.


njg about 15 years ago