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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 5 hours ago. based on code collected about 11 hours ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Changed the return value for the main overlib routine -- olMain() -- so that is now consistent with the way it worked in v3.51. This causes a small problem in Opera 7.x when the href is the null link (javascript:; or javascript: void(0);) and the triggering event is onMouseOver in that the cursor does not change to a "hand" cursor. All other supported browsers behave in the expected way. More... almost 20 years ago
Corrected a logic error in the runHook routine that was pointed out by Dennis Sandow which lead to javascript errors in IE6 and Netscape 4.x. This was related to the new CHAIN parameter that was introduced. More... almost 20 years ago
Corrected a programming error pointed out by Dennis Sandow in the computed value of widthFix in Netscape 4.x within a multi-frame enviroment. More... almost 20 years ago
Based on an email from Hallvord R. M. Steen, an Opera software developer, the code for Opera was changed to that recommended by him. More... about 20 years ago
Corrected an error in logic in the cursorOff() routine that was pointed out by Fote Macrides and which manisfests itself when the link is near the right-hand edge of the window and it must be scrolled horizontally to reach. This error caused the routine to report that the cursor was out of the popup when in fact it was still in it. More... about 20 years ago
Made a small change in how the Opera browser is handled when sniffing for a browser version. This change eliminates the error that is generated when trying to match for the string MSIE which isn't present when Opera is being identified as such. More... about 20 years ago
Corrected an error in the script which stripped out //-->(other stuff) that occurs at the end of a line. More... about 20 years ago
Corrected the mis-spelling of 'anonymous' that was in the code. More... about 20 years ago
Got all references to "Beta" converted to alpha as noted by Fote Macrides. More... about 20 years ago
Corrected the olMouseCapture command for the case where fN is null, signifying no match for a command name of a previous onmousemove handler. Treated the same as if it returned 'annoymous' or 'olMouseMove'. More... about 20 years ago
Made a small change to the 'simpleversion' parameter of the object Info to better take into account conversion of floating point numbers to intergers. More... about 20 years ago
Corrected an error that crept in for the filter parameter for setting opacity in IE. The word Beta was used instead of the correct value of Alpha. More... about 20 years ago
Added a new parameter, FCHAIN, associated with function registration. This will cause functions in turn, until one can handle the particular case. To indicate that other functions should be called the routine should return void(0); otherwise, any return type or value will stop further processing of the chain. More... about 20 years ago
Added flags to over-ride VAUTO and HAUTO settings if corresponding position commands are used on the command line. More... about 20 years ago
Changed version number to 4.1 in the initial call to Info() and modified the opt_MULTPLEARGS() routine to make it more general. More... about 20 years ago
First version of the new tool for making mini versions. More... about 20 years ago
Made a small change in checking for IE5.5 or greater to avoid an error when loading. More... about 20 years ago
Changed the "runHKFun" reference to "runHook". More... about 20 years ago
Added a small code change so that this module would work irregardless of the order that it was loaded. More... about 20 years ago
Added the statement o3_allowmove = 0 to the olMain() routine just before the lines where a timer was being set up. This line maintains compatiblity with prior versions of overlib. More... about 20 years ago
Corrected an improperly initialized hoveringSwitch variable More... about 20 years ago
Changed the core module slightly. Added the variable pmUpper which holds the upper end of the range reserved for commands. pmStart is the starting value for this range. More... about 20 years ago
Made small tweaks of the code to make sure that command arguments that should be strings are strings. Have done this using the built-in javascript function toString() of most objects in javascirpt. Specifically, in the routine escSglQuote() inserted the line str=str.toString() before using the replace function on it. Also, included this function in parseTokens() routine on the parsing of INARRAY and CAPARRAY so that the ol_texts() and ol_caps() elements that are assigned to o3_text (or ol_text) and o3_cap (or ol_cap) are strings. In addition, changed the logic of the initial part of the parse loop to require that any number being passed in initially must be greater than pmStart, otherwise it will be assigned to either ol_text or o3_text after conversion to a string. More... about 20 years ago
Refinement of the code checked in on 1/30/2004 so that it will work more generally. More... about 20 years ago
Simplified the code, Now just modifying the olMouseMove routine while the module loads and writing out a new script block that contains the new code so that it will replace the original version. More... about 20 years ago
No longer needed. Functionality included in core module. More... about 20 years ago
Removed a line in the mouse move routine to be consistent with recent changes made to the core module. More... about 20 years ago
Made some small changes in the code that displays and places a popup. The earlier coding was to eliminate some display problems with Netscape 6+ browsers that, on further testing, doesn't appear to be manisfested in the current code. This change will also eliminate the problem pointed out by Fote Macrides when the triggering event is onmousemove. More... about 20 years ago
Beta 1 More... over 20 years ago
Name change More... over 20 years ago