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Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (LarsDW223)
As the pull-request is not merged/accepted yet (I cannot guarantee that it will be accepted, we have to wait for the maintainer to react) I suggest you manually apply the changes in this way: - Download the zip file from my GitHub repository with ... [More] the changes from https://github.com/LarsGit223/dokuwiki_plugins.git - Extract it - The folder multilingual needs to be copied to your DokuWiki's Server plugin directory (That is the same as installing the plugin) - After that there should be a new configuration option for the plugin multilingual which is called/labeled user_settings In that the admin can list user specific settings as described earlier (so user_settings is not a file - it's the name of the new config setting that comes with my changes). [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (LarsDW223)
As the pull-request is not merged/accepted yet (I cannot guarantee that it will be accepted, we have to wait for the maintainer to react) I suggest you manually apply the changes in this way: - Download the zip file from my GitHub repository with ... [More] the changes from https://github.com/LarsGit223/dokuwiki_plugins.git - Extract it - The folder multilingual needs to be copied to your DokuWiki's Server plugin directory (That is the same as installing the plugin) - After that there should be a new configuration option for the plugin multilingual which is called/labeled user_settings In that the admin can list user specific settings as described earlier (so user_settings is not a file - it's the name of the new config setting that comes with my changes). [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (Otto Riehl)
Ist zwar kein DokuWiki, aber schau mal hier zur Inspiration: https://de.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Hauptseite Wikibooks kannte ich nicht. Da kann man schon Ideen ziehen.: https://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Tauchen_in_Hilfeleistungsunt… Solche ... [More] Adressen wollte ich vor Beginn des Projekts sichten, um ein Konzept zu entwickeln. #cziehr Danke für den Tip [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (Otto Riehl)
Ist zwar kein DokuWiki, aber schau mal hier zur Inspiration: https://de.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Hauptseite Wikibooks kannte ich nicht. Da kann man schon Ideen ziehen.: https://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Tauchen_in_Hilfeleistungsunt… Solche ... [More] Adressen wollte ich vor Beginn des Projekts sichten, um ein Konzept zu entwickeln. #cziehr Danke für den Tip [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (Robert Cailliau)
Oh! Well, great! Yes, that will do for now.  Agreed that it's only the admin who can set it for now, but that can be helped later with a button in the user profile and building the multi-lingual plugin into the main code. Sorry for being totally ... [More] out of the game, I've never used github (stopped programming in 1993) but had a brief look.  Do I understand it well that there is a single php file to change?  That would be easy. However, I still need to edit the file that has user_settings but I could not find that either. No need to answer this, I can wait for an "official" update of the language plugin. Very nice of all of you to help with this, have a good rest of the weekend (it' miserable, raining and dark here in France just North of Geneva airport). Best! [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (Robert Cailliau)
Oh! Well, great! Yes, that will do for now.  Agreed that it's only the admin who can set it for now, but that can be helped later with a button in the user profile and building the multi-lingual plugin into the main code. Sorry for being totally ... [More] out of the game, I've never used github (stopped programming in 1993) but had a brief look.  Do I understand it well that there is a single php file to change?  That would be easy. However, I still need to edit the file that has user_settings but I could not find that either. No need to answer this, I can wait for an "official" update of the language plugin. Very nice of all of you to help with this, have a good rest of the weekend (it' miserable, raining and dark here in France just North of Geneva airport). Best! [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (cziehr)
Quote by Otto Riehl:Natürlich bekommt jedes Unterkapitel seine eigene Seite. Wenn eine Wiki-Seite den Umfang von sagen wir mal 10 Seiten DIN A4 hat, dürfte das kein Problem darstellen. Falls es doch zu Problemen kommt könnte es an den ... [More] PHP-Einstellungen liegen, es gibt eine Einstellung wie viele Zeichen maximal mit einem Formular (also dem Bearbeitungsfenster) abgeschickt werden dürfen, wenn es mehr sind wird PHP wahrscheinlich einen Fehler melden. Je nachdem bei welchem Hoster Du bist kann man das Limit aber hochsetzen. Quote by Otto Riehl:Kennt jemand eine bestehende Website mit Buchcharakter, wo ich Anregungen ziehen kann ? Ist zwar kein DokuWiki, aber schau mal hier zur Inspiration: https://de.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Hauptseite Viele Grüße, Christoph [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (cziehr)
Quote by Otto Riehl:Natürlich bekommt jedes Unterkapitel seine eigene Seite. Wenn eine Wiki-Seite den Umfang von sagen wir mal 10 Seiten DIN A4 hat, dürfte das kein Problem darstellen. Falls es doch zu Problemen kommt könnte es an den ... [More] PHP-Einstellungen liegen, es gibt eine Einstellung wie viele Zeichen maximal mit einem Formular (also dem Bearbeitungsfenster) abgeschickt werden dürfen, wenn es mehr sind wird PHP wahrscheinlich einen Fehler melden. Je nachdem bei welchem Hoster Du bist kann man das Limit aber hochsetzen. Quote by Otto Riehl:Kennt jemand eine bestehende Website mit Buchcharakter, wo ich Anregungen ziehen kann ? Ist zwar kein DokuWiki, aber schau mal hier zur Inspiration: https://de.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Hauptseite Viele Grüße, Christoph [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (Michaelsy)
Quote by LarsDW223:Searching the internet revealed an ISO standard: ISO 639.2 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages" Yes, the link mentioned by you, points to a page called "ISO 639.2". But that should probably refers to information ... [More] about the ISO 639.1 code which is also listed there. As far as I can see the ISO 639.1 code is relevant. HTH - Michael Sy. [Less]
Posted over 5 years ago by [email protected] (Michaelsy)
Quote by LarsDW223:Searching the internet revealed an ISO standard: ISO 639.2 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages" Yes, the link mentioned by you, points to a page called "ISO 639.2". But that should probably refers to information ... [More] about the ISO 639.1 code which is also listed there. As far as I can see the ISO 639.1 code is relevant. HTH - Michael Sy. [Less]