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Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Waldemar Kornewald)
Hi, if you're interested in helping with the Django non-relational project (native ORM support for cloud DBs) you should join this discussion group: [link] This project should make cloud DB development much easier and make Django apps portable across different cloud and non-cloud platforms -
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Nickolas Daskalou)
I've managed to use AEP and webapp on the same GAE application by filtering based on the HTTP host, as described here: [link] I have not yet tried sharing models between the two (eg. having one models.py file that both webapp and AEP import and use).
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (franz)
Hi, maybe I'm missing something. I downloaded and unziped app-engine- patch-1.1RC. Running manage.py runserver results in import errors. Same errors that I get when using Launcher. See below. Strangly I can import the same modules from Python without problems. Any Idea? Thanks Franz Traceback (most recent call last):
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Mithun Gore)
i am new to app-engine -django. so i have to convert my app engine normal code in django using app-engine-patch so please can any one tell me the detailed steps needed to run also modification to be done in app e.g. some app to convert from one to another app..
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (eng. Ilian Iliev)
Hi, I`m pretty new with python and django so please help. My purpose is to be able to upload images to the datastore and if they are bigger than 1mb to split them in chunks. The file is uploaded as "InMemoryUploadedFile". How can I read custom bytes from it(lets say 1000000), so I can put that bytes in the
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Mir Tanvir Hossain)
Hi, I am trying to integrate Google Picasa web albums into my app- engine-path. I have installed the gdata package from google code. I can import those packages in a normal python console. But, when I try to import those modules in the app engine project, I get import error. I am trying to do the following
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Jay Baker)
I've been running app engie patch on windows for some time. I'm trying to get it going on my linux system. It looks to me like it is finding google_appengine SDK on PATH. That part is working. What *seems* to be failing to me is the part where app engine patch goes through the SDK and adds the libraries.
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (walker)
anyone here can help me to embed text editor in app engine patch? the only one that works for me is nicedit.. I try to embed tinymce and openwysiwyg but failed
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Matteo)
Hello 1) Is this project alive? any new release in the near future? 2) can app-engine-patch use the django 1.1 incuded in gae? Regards Matteo
Posted over 14 years ago by [email protected] (Dave)
I've viewed the messages already in the discussion but can't figure out what the heck I'm doing wrong! Perhaps I'm going mad? The first below works(but obviously I want to use 'media/global/imgs/ favicon.ico') but no matter what I do it seems to not work. Just throws 404, 302 and in viewing the console it appears that the