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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected about 22 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merge pull request #69 from aweber/deprecation_notice More... over 4 years ago
change h2 to h3 More... over 4 years ago
remove span More... over 4 years ago
add deprecation notice to readme More... over 4 years ago
Merge pull request #65 from geoffp-aweber/master More... over 6 years ago
Removing comment in change log More... over 6 years ago
Simplifying the login in ensureContentType and adding the underscore to adhere with conventions More... over 6 years ago
Putting the _getResourceType method back to the original name of _type Making sure the application/json conttent-type is set on PATCH More... over 6 years ago
Renaming the _type method to _getResourceType to be more descriptive. Renaming snake case variable to camel case to match PHP standards Improving the readability of the needsUrlFormatting method and fixing missing conditional More... over 6 years ago
Refactoring the code to perform the ContentType check once and make it more readable Using the _type to check the 'custom_fields' endpoint Fixing test to handle the reordering of how the request URL and Bosy are built Removing the PHP 5.3 build from Travis as it has been sunset from Travis CI (will do the 5.3 builds internally) More... over 6 years ago
Updating travis configuration to get the PHP 5.3 build More... over 6 years ago
Reverting the upgrade to createMock method as it creates issue with the build. The build fails because it can't find the method. Tried to update the libraries, but certain libraries have issues with the version of PHP. More... over 6 years ago
Updating travis.yml file to update the composer dependencies More... over 6 years ago
Adding test to check the encoding of the request to create subscriber and custom fields, since they use the same method, but different encodings. More... over 6 years ago
Updating README.md file More... over 6 years ago
- Adding check for custom fields to not encode as JSON, as request fails not form encoded More... over 6 years ago
- Fixing improper headers being sent with GET requests More... over 6 years ago
- Fixing issue with nested objects in the create call - Replacing deprecated getMock() with createMock() - Fixing PHPDocs - Updating the version More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #64 from geoffp-aweber/master More... over 6 years ago
Fixing broken unit test on the OAuth version number More... over 6 years ago
Making interface match implementation. Adding userAgent method to calculate the User-Agent header. More... over 6 years ago
Adding the proper phpdocs to the request method More... over 6 years ago
Updating README.md with correct dates and missing version More... over 6 years ago
Bumping version and updating README.md More... over 6 years ago
Modifying methods to allow for headers to be passed in the request. This is to fix the issue with UTF-8 characters. Adding asserts to verify that the 'Content-Type' is properly set on the methods. More... over 6 years ago
Merge pull request #62 from nvllsvm/master More... over 7 years ago
composer.lock in .gitignore More... over 7 years ago
autoload with classmap More... over 7 years ago
Merge pull request #60 from brettsantore/hotfix-ignore-dev-files More... over 7 years ago
Merge branch 'master' into hotfix-ignore-dev-files More... over 7 years ago