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Analyzed about 12 hours ago. based on code collected about 15 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Added simple unit test for checking isEqual: method with an object that is certainly not equal. More... about 14 years ago
Documented that an NSInvalidArgumentException is raised if an NSIndexSet parameter is nil. Added assertions to unit tests to verify this behavior. Made sure there is a blank line before the first @throw in a documentation block for visual consistency. Changed "If" to "if" for @throw lines so they read more smoothly. More... about 14 years ago
Modified ivar comments so Doxygen won't document them, since the methods are the only part of the API clients should really care about; preserved comments for struct fields and enum values, but changed the documentation style slightly. More... about 14 years ago
Added @see links between related protocols and classes. Tweaked some @link text and removed links to methods that have been removed and redundant documentation blocks. More... about 14 years ago
Added names and anchors for a few more NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary methods. More... about 14 years ago
Removed obsolete (and thus misleading) comments about sending KVO notifications. More... about 14 years ago
Fixed a bug where equality test or key ordering would fail on PPC. Updated unit tests to use STAssertEqualObjects(a,b,...) rather than STAssertTrue([a isEqual:b],...) wherever possible. This makes test failures more immediately useful, since the unequal values are displayed in the error message, not just the fact that they weren't equal. (The code is shorter, too.) More... about 14 years ago
Added overridden -isEqual: method to CHAbstractBinarySearchTree. More... about 14 years ago
Minor fix in tests, where an NSString* was passed where an NSSet* was expected, removed redundant test lines. More... about 14 years ago
Updated copyright date ranges, bumped version number to 1.4.0, and fixed main page mention of CHMultiDictionary to reflect new inheritance hierarchy. More... about 14 years ago
Refactored CHMultiDictionary to subclass CHLockableDictionary, so it can now be used anywhere an NSDictionary is required. (This also cuts the code size roughly in half, and removes lots of now-redundant documentation of NS(Mutable)Dictionary methods.) Refactored existing tests (pushing the ordered key functionality into a new class, and merged in multi-dictionary tests. Removed references from Xcode projects. More... about 14 years ago
Made -setObject:forKey: raise an exception for a nil key or object, just like NSMutableDictionary. More... about 14 years ago
Added link to external documentation for CFBinaryHeapRef so CHBinaryHeap can link to it. More... about 14 years ago
Trimmed a few lines by collapsing the logic of checking for empty and too-big index sets. More... about 14 years ago
Added basic documentation for CHBinaryHeap so it appears in generated docs and inheritance diagrams. Minor changes so it subclasses CHLockableObject instead of NSObject. More... about 14 years ago
Improvements to documentation comments, like removing @see tags for nonexistent methods. More... about 14 years ago
Added objectsAtIndexes: and removeObjectsAtIndexes: to linked list protocol, implementations, and unit tests; added pass-through methods to CHAbstractListCollection. More... about 14 years ago
Added addObjectsFromArray: to linked list protocol and renamed appendObject: to addObject: for consistency with Cocoa collections. Updated all references that use the old method. Minor organization of unit test methods and cut out some verbose code. More... about 14 years ago
Added declarations for objectsAtIndexes: and removeObjectsAtIndexes: to circular buffer header to prevent compiler warnings for unknown methods (even though NSMutableArray has them). More... about 14 years ago
Added objectsAtIndexes: and removeObjectsAtIndexes: to stack, queue, and deque protocols. More... about 14 years ago
Slight improvements to circular buffer and custom set unit tests, especially a fencepost error in the removeObjectsAtIndexes: test methods that limited the ranges that were tested. More... about 14 years ago
Strengthened CHHeap unit tests and made indexed insertion and removal raise unsupported operation exceptions. Moved documentation for extra (non-protocol) methods to header file. More... about 14 years ago
Minor cleanup in CHCircularBuffer.m, including grouping CHLockable methods and migrating a todo comment. More... about 14 years ago
Added a new implementation of CHHeap, named CHBinaryHeap, which uses a CFBinaryHeap (from Core Foundation) internally. Updated project references and added unit tests for coverage. Added section for CHHeap to Benchmark target to enable direct comparison of implementations. More... about 14 years ago
Removed CHAbstractMutableArrayCollection references from iPhone-specific project. More... about 14 years ago
Migrated a few methods from the CHHeap protocol to CHMutableArrayHeap, since they might not be possible for all CHHeap implementations. Refactored CHMutableArrayHeap to subclass NSMutableArray; eliminated now-unused CHAbstractMutableArrayCollection class and related tests. Minor cleanup to CHHeapTest code. More... about 14 years ago
Corrected typo in comments describing designated initializer. More... about 14 years ago
Added check for null reference before calling CFRelease, just in case. More... about 14 years ago
Moved kCHPointerSize to be declared, defined, and documented only once, in Util.h/m files. This makes it easier for any framework code to use it as desired. More... about 14 years ago
Removed CHMutableArrayDeque, CHMutableArrayQueue, and CHMutableArrayStack classes and all references. These classes are slower than the circular buffer equivalents, and offer no tangible benefits, so it's time to declutter. More... about 14 years ago