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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 28, 2023 — Apr 28, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
removed usage of Smart Nulls by Mock in order to better detect unexpected interactions, as soon as they happen More... about 10 years ago
extracted method buildQueryURI() so that future QueryExecutor implementations can get the URI object and eventually change it before turning it into a String More... about 10 years ago
introduced the QueryExecutor strategy in order to move the default implementation of StdCouchDbConnector.executeQuery(ViewQuery, ResponseCallback) to new class DefaultQueryExecutor that is used by default. This should greatly improve the ability to change the default behavior in a non intrusive way More... about 10 years ago
Merge pull request #171 from soluvas/slf4j More... about 10 years ago
just to trigger Travis CI build More... about 10 years ago
just to trigger Travis CI build More... about 10 years ago
Replaced commons-logging with jcl-over-slf4j. Fixed #169 https://github.com/helun/Ektorp/issues/169 More... about 10 years ago
Replaced commons-logging with jcl-over-slf4j. Fixed #169 https://github.com/helun/Ektorp/issues/169 More... about 10 years ago
improved resilience of BulkTest in order to support running on a Cloudant instance and not requiring to drop the database before each test + also reducing iterationCount to avoid costing too much on Cloudant More... about 10 years ago
fixed invalid Content-Encoding that fails when used with Cloudant More... about 10 years ago
created class InputStreamBulkEntityBulkExecutor as an alternative to InputStreamWrapperBulkExecutor, reducing allocations of temporary objects More... about 10 years ago
checked generic More... about 10 years ago
using Generics on interface BulkExecutor and renamed classes and variables to be consistent with usage More... about 10 years ago
extracted method into new interface BulkStreamExecutor and new class DefaultBulkStreamExecutor, in order to make it easy to change it by configuration More... about 10 years ago
extracted the StreamedCouchDbConnector way of doing bulk into a new class BulkEntityExecutor, and setting an instance of it to be the default BulkExecutor for StreamedCouchDbConnector More... about 10 years ago
extracted interface BulkExecutor and class BulkOperationExecutor in order to make it easy to change implementation by configuration More... about 10 years ago
extracted interface LocalBulkBuffer and class DefaultLocalBulkBuffer More... about 10 years ago
inlined method in order to avoid dependency on class StreamingJsonSerializer More... about 10 years ago
Making it possible to POST bulks in a single-threaded way, avoiding usage of Piped streamed More... about 10 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of org.ektorp.parent-1.4.2 More... about 10 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration More... about 10 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.ektorp.parent-1.4.2 More... about 10 years ago
Merge pull request #161 from keith-f/master More... about 10 years ago
Previously, StreamingViewResult would attempt to fetch a new Row on calling 'hasNext()', regardless of whether that Row was subsequently collected by a call to 'next'. This patch fixes StreamingViewResult so that hasNext() can be called multiple times without side effects. The hasNext() method may also be called after the BufferedReader's stream has been closed. In this case, the method will only return 'false' instead of attempting to retrieve further Rows. More... about 10 years ago
Merge pull request #157 from yaronyg/master More... over 10 years ago
Merge pull request #156 from sgrailways/syntax-highlighting More... over 10 years ago
Merge pull request #155 from YannRobert/FixedMissingExplicitMavenSourcePluginVersion More... over 10 years ago
Merge pull request #154 from YannRobert/FixedDependencyOnDefaultCharset More... over 10 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/yaronyg/Ektorp More... over 10 years ago
Makes getAllDocIds() accept unrecognized fields with array values. Includes a quick test just for fun. More... over 10 years ago