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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
May 31, 2023 — May 31, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merge pull request #554 from lordbaco/master More... almost 9 years ago
Fix for Pipe |, Backslash \, Curly Brackets {} and At Sign @ on Mac OS #389 More... almost 9 years ago
tests/chat: The chat demo wasn't working due to the recent changes in Google authentication. It would still work if you register the chat application with Google but that doesn't make sense for a test/demo application so I've changed the code to just ask the user to provide a name. app_terminal.py: Added `start_capture()` and `stop_capture()` methods that allow the client to record the output of terminals in an on-demand fashion. It's mostly useful from a JavaScript/automation perspective. More... almost 9 years ago
directly check for a symlink More... almost 9 years ago
fixed a script bug when /bin/sh is a symlink More... almost 9 years ago
gateone_input.js: Fixed a bug with Firefox where the Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] keystrokes were not working properly. More... almost 9 years ago
terminal_input.js and terminal.js: Tweaked some things releated to copy & paste with context menus to work around recent changes to Chrome which prevent the previous logic from working properly. More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #537 from Noelkd/sso-fix More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #528 from wrightrocket/master More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #469 from totakoko/add_unix_socket_mode More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #519 from Adi3000/master More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #504 from elyzov/fix-ipv6-handling More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #491 from edwins/cas-fix-next-param More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #483 from dredkin/improve_russian_translation More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #486 from shane-kerr/master More... about 9 years ago
Reverted file to original contents More... about 9 years ago
Fix issue with passwords with :, should have 1 as max splits More... about 9 years ago
Fixed gateone_anywhere.js and moved it to the main static directory More... about 9 years ago
termio.py: Added a new callback type to `BaseMultiplex`: CALLBACK_LOG_FINALIZED. It can be used to attach a function that will be called *after* the log has completed the finalization process (so you can, say, copy the log data into another system). termio.py: `MultiplexPOSIXIOLoop.terminate()` now calls `get_or_update_metadata()` using `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` instead of `multiprocessing.Process` in order to support callbacks that can be called when a given log has completed finalization. termio.py: Added some information about callbacks to the `BaseMultiplex` docstring. More... about 9 years ago
Issues with some unbinded key, special keys : separate all type of event proprerties (e.keyCode, e.CharCode, and e.key) into multiple dictionnary and use it by type of test More... about 9 years ago
gateone_input.js: Fixed the bug that was preventing special keys (e.g. arrows, backspace, etc) from working properly in Firefox. More... about 9 years ago
example_package/setup.py: Made it so that it will automatically install any .js or .css files found in the static directory instead of using the hard-coded example_package.js. terminal.js: Tweaked `GateOne.Terminal.newTerminal()` slightly to avoid having an exception show up in the JS console in the event that a terminal gets closed really quickly after being opened. gateone_input.js: Gate One now works properly in the beta version of Chrome/Chromium and will continue to work when that version becomes "Stable". Note that this is caused by a backwards-incompatible change the Chrome devs had to make in order to support DOM Level 3 keyboard events (see below). They still have a lot of work to do though :( gateone_input.js: Gate One will now take advantage of the DOM Level 3 `KeyboardEvent.key` attribute if it's available. This will allow certain special keys to work properly when using keyboard layouts other than "US". This currently works in Firefox and IE but has yet to be implemented in Chrome/Chromium. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key and http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events-key/ NOTE: If you wish that the Chrome devs would hurry up with their non-US keyboard layout support please "star" this issue: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=227231 setup.py: Updated the "requires" variable to require Tornado version 4.0+. gateone.js: Fixed the bug reported in #512 (https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne/issues/512) where you could get a black screen after opening a new terminal. Fixing this bug also fixed the grid view which wasn't working properly to switch to your selected workspace. More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #505 from patsissons/master More... about 9 years ago
fixing bug where script execution fails because /bin/sh is symlinked to busybox and -c ends up being used as the applet. This fix checks to see if /bin/sh points to a path ending in busybox and if so prepends sh to the command args so sh is used as the applet and -c is then sent to the sh applet to execute the script. More... about 9 years ago
Added extra check in case the ipv6 address in host variable comes from parser without square brackets More... about 9 years ago
core/server.py: Added a helpful log message to the `check_origin()` function and also some comments indicating why you can still connect to Gate One even if the URL being used doesn't match what's configured in the 'origins' setting. docker/Dockerfile: Added 'telnet' to the list of packages that gets installed. This should resolve the bug reported in issue #489 logviewer.py: Fixed the bug reported in issue #502 where excuting logviewer.py directly from the command line was not working properly. More... about 9 years ago
SSH Plugin: Fixed a bug where the SSH Identity upload dialog would not close after the form was submitted when only submitting a private key (i.e. when you let it generate the public key automatically). Everywhere: Fixed various little things here and there to fix errors/warnings that could occur when generating the documentation. Almost all of the changes were to docstrings and the Sphinx configuration/Makefile. Documentation: Rebuilt everything and now it includes the .pdf version. Dockerfile: Added xserver-xorg and xserver-xorg-video-dummy to the list of packages to install. This is to prepare for the forthcoming X11 feature release. More... over 9 years ago
core/configuration.py: Fixed an issue where combining CSS files was placing theme CSS in the wrong output file(s). More... over 9 years ago
terminal/logviewer.py: Fixed a bug where exporting HTML playbacks would result in a TypeError exception (extra/unnecessary 'log' keyword argument). Also made it clearer that `render_html_playback()` returns bytes (not Unicode). playback.js: "Export Current Session" has been renamed to "Save Playback" to clarify what it does. More... over 9 years ago
core/authentication.py: Fixed a bug with PAM authentication ("UnboundLocalError: local variable 'upn' referenced before assignment"). This should close issue #479 (https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne/issues/479). More... over 9 years ago