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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 28, 2023 — Apr 28, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Fixed bug where gap would not show if it fell on a retweet. Fixed bug where loading older tweets would not note the gap. More... almost 14 years ago
Adjusted the padding and margin of some CSS styles. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed bug with showing the Compose popover. Added detection of twitter.com/.../status/ links and redirects to The Conversation. More... almost 14 years ago
Loading gaps now works. Added spinner to Loading status message. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed bug: Tweet row template HTML was missing the id parameter for stars, so didFave wasn't able to toggle the star state of tweets correctly. More work on TwitterTimeline support. More... almost 14 years ago
Groundwork for TwitterTimeline class More... almost 14 years ago
Changed TwitterAction parameters to accept both NSString and NSNumber for dictionary values. More... almost 14 years ago
Moved Instapaper actions in Web Browser into a separate toolbar button. Added "No Internet connection" to list of possible status messages in User Page, and suppressed showing error alerts when auto-loading that page. Reduced default timeline loading to 50 messages per load. Initial work on gap detection in timelines by creating a TwitterTimeline class. More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented loading of account user's own RTs that is limited to range of tweets loaded in the home timeline. It's not yet tested though. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed bug where retweeted status user was incorrectly set in the JSON parser. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed: User objects from loading timelines should have the timestamp of the status update that encapsulates it, not the current time. Change sync of cached users to take into account the received date. DMs load correctly now. Added block for Via in timeline. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed: User objects from loading timelines should have the timestamp of the status update that encapsulates it, not the current time. Change sync of cached users to take into account the received date. More... almost 14 years ago
Changed Lists popover so it separates lists and subscriptions into 2 sections. Fixed bug with Message JSON Parser where user info wasn't being copied from messages being loaded correctly. Fixed first-run bug where you could never add an account because the accounts array was never created in the first place. More... almost 14 years ago
Refactored LKJSONParser to implement keyPath, which several delegates were already doing. Fixed bug where Compose send button and clear were mixed up for char counts. Refactored JSON parsing so that code that maps Twitter API result key-value pairs to ivars is in the TwitterMessage and TwitterUser classes. More... almost 14 years ago
Added BSD license to new files. Removed unit tests because they were incomplete. Retweets are now added to the home timeline, but user page RTs are not working. More... almost 14 years ago
Added option to select between new-style RTs and old-style RTs. Changed tint of popover search bars to default white. Swapped Clear and Send button positions because I kept wanting to hit the wrong button. More... almost 14 years ago
Added #hashtag detection to htmlFormattedString:. Fixed bug with loading only 2 older messages in timeline. Added "No Internet connection." to list of status text. More... almost 14 years ago
The Conversation and User Pages now allow rows to be selected and show a different style. Fixed bug with first-run login. Limiting each search request to 50 tweets. Reduced minimum size for loading newer and older tweets to 2 in the timeline, to fix a bug where the Load Older Messages link was always reappearing. Added checking to make sure objects in NSUserDefaults are NSData when loading arrays. More... almost 14 years ago
Special rows in The Conversation and User Pages now use a bigger font. More... almost 14 years ago
Added full name to Go to User table. More... almost 14 years ago
Network error alerts are suppressed for automatic reloading actions. Fixed bug where network error would result in loading spinner not being hidden. Switching tabs no longer reloads timeline if network is not reachable. Login screen is automatically shown when Accounts popover has no accounts. Turned off NSURLConnection caching for TwitterActions and Instapaper. Rewriting HTML now checks if the HTML has been loaded into the web view for some methods. Timeline footer now shows if there are no older messages. TwitterUser statuses and favorites are now saved to disk and reloaded on launch. Conversation page now adds any replies to the main conversation chain from the statuses cache. Refactored tweet_row into a method that can be overriden for custom row highlighting. More... almost 14 years ago
Renamed shouldReloadAfterWebViewFinishesRendering to inverted flag webViewHasValidHTML to be clearer what it does. More... almost 14 years ago
Turned on ability to resize content in Web Browser. Fixed bug where loading older messges after loading newer messages resulted in an empty set being returned from Twitter. Added number of members to Lists popover. Removed limit on length of Search Results timeline. More... almost 14 years ago
Added NSCoding to TwitterSavedSearch. Added ability to delete saved searches. More... almost 14 years ago
Added ability to save searches. More... almost 14 years ago
Changed auto-hyphenate to handle non-breaking-spaces. Tweaked toolbar layout in root view. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed whitespace trimming in Go to User. Fixed @username detection and breaking up long words so they ignore HTML tags. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed bug where Conversation page network requests would cause timeline to be ended prematurely. More... almost 14 years ago
Added Search results view controller and renamed conversation template to basic template. More... almost 14 years ago
Search is now available on all TimelineViewController subclasses. Moved Search Results into its own view controller. Redesigned toolbars across all 4 full-screen view controllers so that more features are available at all times. Added the screen name of user whose lists are shown. List index is not downloaded again if last update was in the past 60 seconds. More... almost 14 years ago