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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 16 hours ago. based on code collected about 19 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Make the text field in the Template entity nullable so new templates can be created with an empty text field. More... about 10 years ago
Fix application compare now that decisions are stored as templates [2f339b062d3d8863c88da5c4547eb73d1a5640bb] More... over 10 years ago
Fix import/export and copy of applications These were not workign becuase of the decision changes in [2f339b062d3d8863c88da5c4547eb73d1a5640bb] More... over 10 years ago
Typo fix More... over 10 years ago
Ensure that elements still exist before adding them to the chosen element in DisplayManager, otherwise they cause errors. More... over 10 years ago
Add basic payment info to displays In order to show up in teh single applicant view display need to include payments. I added two very basic columns, but more is possible. More... over 10 years ago
Force the user to create a unique name for their display This isn't enforced anywehre but in the UI since it is not necessary for names to be unique, it simply avoids confusion when the user is creating a download display. More... over 10 years ago
Rewrite Preview Links All links go through the absolutePath method so when we are in preview mode we can rewrite these and then redirect throught he Preview controller. More... over 10 years ago
Add Lock Date to decisions Whenever an applicant is locked record the date in the decision table. Display the date in: Single applicant Grid XLS Downloads More... over 10 years ago
Fix cycle list begin date More... over 10 years ago
Fix bulk downloads. When the full appliant display was modified to include tags and status the bulk download csv was not fixed. More... over 10 years ago
Make the login message an error instead of an info message. Make sure it is avaiallbe on all entry points. More... over 10 years ago
Decisions stored for individual applicants Created a template entity which will initially be used for storing decision templates for application, but can be modified for user messages or similiar. Modifiy decision letters setup to use templates. Store decision letters permanently in the Decision entity. Fix preview generation for template applications Fix bulk decisions to require applicants be selected for all forms More... over 10 years ago
Don't update file time stamps when no files have been removed in the filerepository::deleteUnreferencedFiles More... over 10 years ago
Fix dates in browsers Browsers were not rendering shortdate/date elements consitently. Use the moment.js library to ensure cross browser date display and sorting. Fix reserved name 'class' in Display JS. More... over 10 years ago
FileRepository:deleteUnrefercedFiles Improvements Prevent the table from locking and a table scan very slow delete by instead quiering for the files to remvoe and then removing them seperateley. More... over 10 years ago
Education Page in Preview Fixes Add all the schools to the preview database Add fixedId to pages so they work in preview More... over 10 years ago
Add an option to the configuration file which will display a login message to applicants and administrators. More... over 10 years ago
Update foundation and other dependancies. More... over 10 years ago
Remove 'display' from Role display title. Otherwise you get confusing UI messages like the Administrator display Display is saved. More... over 10 years ago
Remove debug code from DisplayManager More... over 10 years ago
FileRepository::findByArray blocking fixed The filerepository when finding a file by array was then usign the hash to set the last update stamp. This caused a full table lock while it searched and died when done in bulk. Instead us the file ID. More... over 10 years ago
Catch input errors on Branching Page Bad input on branching pages shoudl get caught and logged so it canbe traced instead of just ending up a generic PHP error for the missing array key. More... over 10 years ago
Catch input errors on the education page instead of letting them bump up to PHP errors. More... over 10 years ago
When copying program roles, copy the display limitations as well. More... over 10 years ago
Fix displays in multiple cycles Link displays to applications, and allow multiple displays for a single role one for each application cycle. More... over 10 years ago
Address Verification Changes Now applicants can choose to use their original address instead of the one QAS sends back. Edits now allow applicants to choose a new country, but keep the original input More... over 10 years ago
Update Dependancies Updated Foundation to version with HTMLSafe filter fixes Other dependancies updated as availalbe. More... over 10 years ago
Modify HTML safe configuration for clarity on PageBuilder More... over 10 years ago
Lock the time stamp for application previews The existing time was based on the last modification time of the file which gets updated anytime someone uses the preview. Intead put the timestamp into the file name so it is locked. More... over 10 years ago