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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 11 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 15, 2023 — Apr 15, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Suppressed a warning in the Base64 class. More... over 13 years ago
Enabled the ability to transfer the application to an SD card on Froyo. This is also the release for version 1.0.5. More... over 13 years ago
Closes gh-1 More... over 13 years ago
Major code cleanup using automatic styles along with replacing all tabs with spaces. No functional changes, just code cleanup. More... over 13 years ago
Cleaned up license headers. More... over 13 years ago
Changed the version number for release 1.0.3 More... over 13 years ago
Removed some code that was put in place for debugging, but was never deleted. More... over 13 years ago
Cleaned up the source code and finished commenting all of the methods and parameters. More... over 13 years ago
Added a check to see if the file name was left blank or a file alreay existed and displays an message if the file was not created. More... almost 14 years ago
Actually, this is version 1.0.2 More... almost 14 years ago
Changed version number to 1.0.3 for a new release. More... almost 14 years ago
The help menu is now an HTML page that is displayed using a WebView. More... almost 14 years ago
Fixed some spacing. More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented the delete command which is accessable from the context menu. More... almost 14 years ago
Added a menu to all of the windows that displays a "help" item. This item displays a help activity that displays useful information. The help activity needs to be improved and should include version information. More... almost 14 years ago
When the back button is pressed the sensitive inforation contained in the application is removed and the garbage collector is invoked. More... almost 14 years ago
Added header comments to the AESEncryptionProvider. More... almost 14 years ago
Changed the application so it is linked agains Froyo (2.2) but only requires Donut (1.6). More... almost 14 years ago
Added the new application icon. More... almost 14 years ago
Finished implementing the AESEncryptionProvider and finished the DESEncryptionProvider. The application not has basic functionality for encrypting and decrypting plan text, AES, and DES files. More... almost 14 years ago
Reorganized the structure of the project by adding some folders. More... almost 14 years ago
The password field is only enabled when an encryption algorithm is used that requires a password. When no encryption is selected the password field is disabled. More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented AES encryption for file read and write so that encryption is functional. When the decryption fails the interface is disabled and the file can not be saved. More... almost 14 years ago
Added an AsyncTask for encrypting the file and writing it to the file. This task dismisses the saving dialog that is displayed when the save operation is requested. More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented an AsyncTask for decrypting the file that also dismisses the dialog that indicates that the file is being decrypted preventing the user for gaining access to the GUI and editing the content before it loads. More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented the required functions to encrypt and decrypt a string using AES. More... almost 14 years ago
New files can now be created. More... almost 14 years ago
Implemented the intent and necessary logic for displaying the textedit interface. Additional logic was added to the interface for selecting an algorithm. More... almost 14 years ago
Added the license information to the readme. More... almost 14 years ago
File is now passed into the view that selects the algorithm and provides a password. More... almost 14 years ago