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Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected about 23 hours ago.
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
We can checkout and execute an order, but what does the client see? Firebase gives us a unique ability that way: a realtime update powered by VueJS.
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
Do we use a lot of smaller routines with Firebase Functions? Or one big one? We'll explore the options in this post.
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
Do we use a lot of smaller routines with Firebase Functions? Or one big one? We'll explore the options in this post.
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
There are no "best practices" or established architectural patterns with Firebase Functions. So what do we do when we receive payment from the customer?
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
There are no "best practices" or established architectural patterns with Firebase Functions. So what do we do when we receive payment from the customer?
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
Let's address the elephant in the room: Should you trust a service like Firebase to handle your business? Not unless you want your pants on fire(base)!
Posted almost 7 years ago
In the last post I discussed my initial foray into the serverless thing, and why going with other platforms (AWS Lambda, Webtask.io, etc) didn’t make sense at the time. I’ve received a number of comments since then, specifically about this post ... [More] which details how one company had their costs jacked up by Firebase 7000%: Due to a change in how they report data usage, our monthly costs for Firebase, a SaaS provided by Google, has increased from $25 a month to what is now moving towards the $2,000 mark — with no changes to our actual data use. This change was made without warning. The question was a simple one: how can I possibly trust my business to a company that would do this sort of thing? My answer, in most cases is simple: you shouldn’t. Not now, not ever. Let’s dive into this. A Quick Summary Of This (and Every Other) Service Dissapointment There are a number of problems discussed in the post referenced above, but they basically distill thus: The startup (HomeAutomation) was doing IoT stuff and had a query going off once a minute from all of their distributed devices. The query was small (a flag check) and when the company checked their bandwidth usage they were within the limits of their $25/month plan which let them push 20 gigs of data per month (which is a hell of a lot). Firebase realized they had a bug in their bandwidth measurements: they weren’t accounting for the SSL payload. They fixed this in March/April of 2017. This fix caused HomeAutomation’s bill to go up by 7000%. HomeAutomation could not fix this problem without going offline and changing their app entirely. Given that it’s IoT, this basically means going out of business. Firebase was not responsive and it took a blog post to push them to (rightly) credit costs that were not foreseeable nor accountable. They have corrected it, but the customer service hit here is really, really bad. No one looks good in this. Yes, Firebase did something dumb. I’ve been trying to find the right words to express my thoughts correctly, and I think I’ve hit on one: Duh Firebase (and therefore Google) are Big Companies. They’re in this to make money and if you’re getting by on $25/month for a large distributed IoT system then yes, something is probably wrong. I know that it sounds like I’m about to blame the developer for trying to plan for something that they had no actual metric to plan for it with. This is true, Firebase wasn’t telling them accurate information, but as they say in Hawaii… Akamai! I don’t trust many people. I don’t trust any businesses either. One company I used promised “unlimited bandwidth” until I soaked up 4Tb in a single month and they tried to charge me, saying “it was unreasonable for you to do that”. Sure, whatever, lates. I’m ready to jump ship with any service/platform on a moment’s notice. I’m almost too ready as a matter of fact and routinely need to get pulled off the ceiling by peers. I’m SaaS trigger happy I guess. I could fill this entire post with the different companies that have let me down over the last 2 years, doing shady things and trying to overcharge me. Other’s have simply disappeared without telling people. While fun (for me), I don’t want to derail this post too much. Let me just summarize this way: if something seems just too good to be true, expect a nasty surprise. Paying $25/month pushing 10s of gigs of data over the wire fits that description. Coding For The Future Pardon me while I climb the stairs to my Ivory Tower… ahh the view is nice from here! I can see the past in perfect 20/20 clarity… When you write software applications it’s usually a good idea to have a look at what other people have done before you. This situation could have been mitigated/avoided by embracing a simple sentiment that my friend Rob Sullivan stated quite elegantly once in a talk he gave at NDC Oslo: Change hurts when you write bad code, doesn’t it? Developers in the previous decades have learned the hard way that hitching your wagon to any particular dependency, and betting your entire business on it will always be a bad thing. This goes for services, frameworks, and even the people themselves. HomeAutomation seems to have just found this out, as this was one of their summary points: Always build your architecture in a way that will avoid becoming trapped into a specific service. Build your application in a way that swapping one service for another is as simple as possible. You have come correct sir. Writing apps is indeed hard and takes some forethought. So, Should You Trust Firebase? No. Don’t “trust” anything. As a developer you’re not allowed to “trust” any language, service, platform or other coder for that matter. Most of all: you’re not even allowed to “trust” yourself. In short trust has nothing to do with creating software. Firebase is a service that you can use with a reasonable amount of confidence. It can help you get your app out quickly and, hopefully, if you need to change something later on then you should be able to do that! I know, I know: Ivory Tower Dev wagging Ivory Finger. But hoooonnnneeessstlllyyyyyyyyyy do we have to keep learning this lesson again and again? At the very least - if your app is pushing 10s of gigs of data per day, don’t you think it’s reasonable to ask the question: “Are you sure we only have to pay $25/month” This would scare me. It should scare you too! Here’s the really scary part: even if they built their app to handle a complete service change, they would have been in serious trouble anyway. Let’s say they made it easy to move their system to AWS, for instance. They’re in business to make money too, as it turns out, and if you’re pushing 10’s of gigs of data per day (or in HomeAutomation’s case, 100s of gigs of data though they didn’t know it at the time) you will have to pay for that. $2000/month is not unheard of for this. I am going to be extremely curious what happens to this company in the next few months. No excuses for Firebase here either… this was a complete mess on all sides. Which means you and I have to build defensive systems with interchangeable parts… because change sucks no matter what you do. I’ve been using Firebase for 3 years total now, for very small things compared to HomeAutomation. I like what I’ve seen and so far I’m happy. This doesn’t mean you will be, nor does it mean that I will be in a year or so. I’m expecting that. You should be too. See this series as a video Watch how I built a serverless ecommerce site using Firebase. Over 3 hours of tightly-edited video, getting into the weeds with Firebase. We’ll use the realtime database, storage, auth, and yes, functions. I’ll also integrate Drip for user management. I detest foo/bar/hello-world demos; I want to see what’s really possible. That’s what this video is. [Less]
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
Let's address the elephant in the room: Should you trust a service like Firebase to handle your business? Not unless you want your pants on fire(base)!
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Conery
Yes, I know, you're sick of the term. The idea is interesting... but is it realistic? In this blog series we'll find out.
Posted almost 7 years ago
I just released a video series about building a serverless application with Firebase, and I thought I would write it up in a blog series as well. I think it’s worth reading and understanding what I went through. This is Part 1 of that series. The ... [More] Punchline Before doing this I spent a few months with AWS Lambda (which you’ll read about below); first with The Serverless Framework (which I quite like - so jealous they got that domain!) and then with ClaudiaJS which didn’t quite fit what I wanted. Finally I rolled my own thing with some shell scripts and a zip file. I ended up with a mess that cost more money than I wanted it to. It wasn’t easy to figure out and more than once I had to rage-swim at the Y to get over the stress of the day. I had better luck with Firebase. I had a fun time and built something interesting. At least I think it is. I had to approach the development process in a completely different way than what I was used to… but I like that kind of thing. I know others don’t. The big thing to me, however, is that I was able to build something that I would truly use. In fact I’m using parts of it now in production (more on that in a future post). This is a long story and will cover many posts. Not sure how many but I’ll try to keep it focused. As you can clearly tell I like Firebase, a lot, and yes I encountered quite a few issues along the way but they were surmountable. I’ll get into all that, I promise. For now let’s start at the beginning, when I first dug into the “serverless” thing. AWS, Firebase, Webtask.io…? Let’s start with Webtask. I know a number of people over at Auth0 (who own and run Webtask.io) and I have a ton of respect for them. Everything you’re about to read has been said to them in person, so don’t think I’m being unfair - I think they would agree with me straight away. If you head over to the Webtask site you’ll see a simple page with a headline: It’s a puzzling headline with a rather sparse lede. If you click on anything on this page (the green button or “learn more”) you’re asked to log in. Once you log in you’re taken to this page: It’s gorgeous, as you can see, but it just adds to the confusion. What “more” am I supposed to learn here? How much does this cost? What language do I use? What… is happening? I’ve built a few tasks with this tool and they worked great, but from there… I have no idea. If you read their pricing you’ll become more confused, most likely. The documentation looks promising but is, once again, more than a bit sparse. Verdict: Webtask is a neat idea but doesn’t seem to be the thing I need. In fact I have no idea what it’s supposed to be. AWS Amazon introduced AWS Lambda over a year ago and it made a big splash. The pitch was simple to understand: AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service - all with zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability. You can set up your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile app. If you’ve worked with AWS before, you know that nothing AWS is ever simple. I went into this with a good dose of skepticism! Step 1: Pick Your Function After signing into the AWS console and clicking on “Lambda”, you’re sent to a splash screen with a button that says “Get Started”. You’re then taken here: Welcome to AWS. It might just be me, but I feel like working with AWS is like wandering around the Mall of America, hoping to find that one store that sells that one thing you’re trying to find. Note: for foreign readers, the Mall of America is a gigantic structure in Minnesota that embodies everything that is not wonderful about the US. AWS is conceptually deafening. I am literally exhausted after working with it for a few hours and often I roll out of my chair onto the floor, weeping, as I can’t remember what I just did nor how much it will cost me. OK maybe a little hyperbolic. There’s just a lot of moving parts is what I’m trying to say. So, where was I … Step 2: Pick Your Trigger Right: after you pick you function (good luck with that) you’re given this screen: Your function is executed based on some type of event. If you know AWS and you know what these services are, you’re in luck! If not, say goodbye to the next few hours. Step 3: Get Lost In The AWS Wilderness We want to choose “API Gateway” for this so we can call our function from the outside world over HTTPS. And then… This is where I’m going to hit the fast-forward button. I remember swearing a lot and feeling lost at this point (not hyperbole). I mean: I know what these things are, but I don’t know the implications fully. We’re talking about security here, and staging environments! These aren’t to be taken lightly. I tried to figure it out myself for 2 solid days, and then I just gave up and went with a framework. Serverless Framework The Serverless Framework is a Node project that automates most of the pain when dealing with AWS. The video on the site is reasonably informative but… clicking on the documentation link (from the home page) gives you a 404, which I think is funny. If you use the menu on the top you’ll be OK. So, in short, you use their CLI to generate a YML file and a Node file for your function code. You can use Python or Java with Lambda, but for now we’ll stick with Node. As with most HelloWorld demos, the initial steps look simple. I’m not interested in that, I want to see what complex looks like. Here ya go: service: bigmachine-checkout provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs4.3 region: us-west-2 stage: dev vpc: securityGroupIds: - "sg-derptyderp" subnetIds: - "subnet-herptyherp" iamRoleStatements: # permissions for all of your functions can be set here - Effect: Allow Action: - cloudwatch:DescribeAlarms - cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics - ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes - ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones - ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups - ec2:DescribeSubnets - ec2:DescribeVpcs - ec2:CreateNetworkInterface - ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces - ec2:DetachNetworkInterface - ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface - sns:ListSubscriptions - sns:ListTopics - sns:Publish - logs:DescribeLogStreams - logs:GetLogEvents Resource: "*" functions: paypalBraintreeFinalize: handler: handler.paypalExpressFinalize events: - http: path: paypal/finalize method: post cors: true paypalBraintreeToken: handler: handler.paypalExpressToken events: - http: path: paypal/token method: get cors: true stripeCheckout: handler: handler.stripeCharge events: - http: path: charge/stripe method: post cors: true All in all, not that bad. You can read through this and probably figure out that I have functions to handle a Stripe charge and some PayPal stuff. They’re exposed via the API Gateway (which the framework does for you) and I’m able to wire up CORS easily. Unfortunately I also want to talk to a database that’s not DynamoDB. I like using PostgreSQL with Compose.com which means that if I want my Lambda functions to talk to the outside world I need to set up a gateway, a VPC and all the lovely machinery that goes along with it. The super silly thing is that I need to do this even if I use Amazon’s RDS stuff - you have to have a VPC setup for security reasons. That aint cheap. VPCs and gateways are not cheap but, in the grand scheme of things, $50/month isn’t so bad either. But if I’m going to pay that… why don’t I just use Heroku? Back Where I Started It took me about 10 days to get things running properly. 2 of those days were spent being very, very frustrated trying to figure out all of the moving pieces and dealing with errors like this: This was the final capper for me: servless --help WARNING: You are running v1.7.0. v1.8.0 will include the following breaking changes: ... This doesn’t make me feel excited about the team behind this thing. Breaking things on a point release goes against the whole idea of semantic versioning. It wouldn’t matter but the framework uses Node/NPM which by general agreement follows semver, so it seems a bit silly to ignore it. A bug report was filed and completely ignored, aside from this email response: Breaking Changes - We’re no longer following strict semver. You can always find the most recent list of breaking changes in the upcoming milestone or in the Serverless CLI. So there’s that then. Would you base a business on this framework? I decided it wasn’t for me. Rolling My Own Once you understand the machinery that goes into AWS Lambda, rolling your own isn’t too difficult. I took a weekend to dive in and figure out the bits that confused me prior, and eventually I had a few shell scripts rolled together that orchestrated most of what I needed. If you’re comfortable with scripting, know AWS and can tolerate some head-pounding… AWS Lambda isn’t all that bad. A bit more expensive then I’d like but… not that bad. Verdict: Every single time I’ve used AWS I’ve had to ditch a weekend or 2 remembering how things worked. It’s a powerful system, but in many ways is overkill when compared to something like Heroku (or the services like Heroku). The problem is that Heroku can get expensive, fast. Then there’s what I’ve been doing for the last 5 years or so that’s working great: DigitalOcean. It has been my go-to for so long; it takes a lot to justify moving away from them. I have my build scripts down cold and I can whip up a server during lunch, complete with SSL and multiple, managed Node processes. I have the same for Elixir too. Honestly: serverless with AWS isn’t buying me anything. I don’t want to use DynamoDB (though I’m sure it’s wonderful), I can use a message queue if I want to do things in a “small function” kind of way, and honestly it just takes too much space in my brain. All of that said, yes I know that new frameworks are popping up daily, so maybe things will change a bit. For now, no AWS Lambda for me. And Then: Firebase I remember reading this post with a groan, thinking “not again”… Today we are excited to announce the beta launch of Cloud Functions for Firebase. It lets you write small pieces of JavaScript, deploy them to Google’s Cloud infrastructure, and execute them in response to events from throughout the Firebase ecosystem. I’ll admit to a heavy amount of Magpie-ishness. I can’t help it… it’s just me and I’ve learned to let me be me… as opposed to you or anyone else. The first impression I had when looking over the “new” Firebase site was one of immense relief. The page is elegant, focused, easy on the eyes and easy to understand. The console is wonderfully simple, too: Clicking through each of the services made sense to me. But what about the functions? How simple would it be to get code up here? What about hosting? Can I SSL this stuff? Outbound networking? Can I use PostgreSQL instead of Firebase or, maybe, together with it? I found out the answers to all of these questions was, in short: simple, simple, yes, yes and yes. After working with AWS, Firebase was a very welcome change. I’ll get to all of that in the next post. See this series as a video Watch how I built a serverless ecommerce site using Firebase. Over 3 hours of tightly-edited video, getting into the weeds with Firebase. We’ll use the realtime database, storage, auth, and yes, functions. I’ll also integrate Drip for user management. I detest foo/bar/hello-world demos; I want to see what’s really possible. That’s what this video is. [Less]