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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
Apr 14, 2023 — Apr 14, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Make FSEvent#files more resilient against disappearing files. More... over 14 years ago
Rucola::TestCase: Make sure outlets are not overriden by the test case helper if the user already assigned values. Don't break in test cases which don't use the "tests" class method. More... almost 15 years ago
Don't be so verbose when reloading classes. More... almost 15 years ago
Raise a Gem::LoadError when a ::LoadError bubbles up during a call to Kernel::gem More... almost 15 years ago
Small cleanup and call super from #setup / #teardown. But this is less than optimal, need to override #run instead. More... almost 15 years ago
Oops, forgot to implement a spec, such a silly boy More... almost 15 years ago
Finished speccing Rucola::TestCase More... almost 15 years ago
Spec most of Rucola::TestCase More... almost 15 years ago
Cleaner test case More... almost 15 years ago
Make sure that #after_setup and #after_teardown are called _from_ #setup and #teardown. More... almost 15 years ago
Started on test case for Rucola::TestCase and finally made it so that the user isn't forced to use #after_setup and #after_teardown. More... almost 15 years ago
Forgot to commit these 0.5.1 version changes. More... over 15 years ago
Bump the version to 0.5.2. More... over 15 years ago
Small changes to the FSEvents API. More... over 15 years ago
The latest version of XCode requires the InfoPlist.strings file to be in big endian UTF-16 encoding. More... over 15 years ago
Prepared for release 0.5. More... almost 16 years ago
Renamed the core ext #constantize methods to #to_const as to not conflict with active_support. More... almost 16 years ago
Moved the running of a build into it's own task so building and running can be done freely from other tasks. More... almost 16 years ago
2008-4-12 Eloy Duran <[email protected]> More... about 16 years ago
fix for rubygems 1.1.0 Gem.activate difference More... about 16 years ago
Updated the docs a little. More... about 16 years ago
Forgot to add the ChangeLog. More... about 16 years ago
Added a test case mixin which sets up a test case for a controller and defines helper methods and creates stubs for all ib_outlets that are defined in the controller. More... about 16 years ago
- When deploying, start the application after building to test if the application runs before actually deploying. - Comment the URI suggestions in an applications Rakefile. More... about 16 years ago
Small cleanup. More... about 16 years ago
- Running the release rake task will automatically check if libs need to be bundled from the environments/release.rb file. - Added a deploy:release_notes task which looks for textile files in ReleaseNotes/AppName_Version. - The deploy:upload task now also uploads the release notes file. More... about 16 years ago
Forgot to update the generated Rakefile with an example of the PUBLISH_URI & APPCAST_URI. More... about 16 years ago
- Added a deploy:upload task which atm can upload via scp. (Implementing the possibility to use other schemes should be fairly simple.) - Cleaned up the Log tests. - Cleaned up the Reloader to use the new Log. More... about 16 years ago
- Refactored a lot of the initializer/configuration related code. - Now possible to bundle libs specified in release.rb, create a dmg and it works standalone! More... about 16 years ago
Added the Log related files to the manifest so they get included in the gem. More... about 16 years ago