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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 17 hours ago. based on code collected about 23 hours ago.
Apr 28, 2023 — Apr 28, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merged with ept/neo4j/master branch Should not send out events on classname changed. This caused the replication_spec.rb to fail More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/andreasronge/neo4j More... almost 15 years ago
Several bugfixes (with tests) More... almost 15 years ago
Release of 0.3.0 More... almost 15 years ago
Fixed bug on the reindexer - if the we restart the neo4j and we used the reindexer extension it would crash. More... almost 15 years ago
Got replication of a simple node space working - see the test_master and test_slave files. [#49] More... almost 15 years ago
removed gem dependencies - will add a complete set of gem dependencies when next sinatra and Rack::Test is released (maybe) More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'robustness' More... almost 15 years ago
Allow mixture of string and symbol keys to be passed to NodeMixin.find More... almost 15 years ago
Allow model objects to throw exceptions which map to suitable HTTP status codes (e.g. 403 Forbidden) More... almost 15 years ago
* The RestStub now resolves to localhost * test/rest/example.rb now runs * the rest_slave uses the /neo resource to locate the referene node and tx tracker. More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/andreasronge/neo4j More... almost 15 years ago
Minor robustness tweak More... almost 15 years ago
* the /neo resource now looks like it is a Node resource. (can use the RestStub on it). More... almost 15 years ago
* Merged with ept/neo4j branch. Lots of conflicts - hope I got it right ... * Deleted lib/neo4j/extensions/rest/node_mixin.rb - RestMixin is now required to be exposed as a REST resource. *There are now two files for replication - the slave machine requires rest_slave.rb and the master machine requires rest_master.rb [#49] More... almost 15 years ago
Fixed a broken regex More... almost 15 years ago
Allow clients to pass options when accessing a resource More... almost 15 years ago
Almost got replication via REST and tx_tracker working. Lots of refactoring of the rest extension. [#49] More... almost 15 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/andreasronge/neo4j More... almost 15 years ago
NodeMixin#update takes a hash of options, including :strict More... almost 15 years ago
NodeMixin Refactoring. Does not setup a new Sinatra Routing for each include of the Neo4j::RestMixin. There is only one routing defined when starting Sinatra More... almost 15 years ago
Neo4j should autostart if NodeMixin#all or NodeMixin#reindex is called, e.g Neo4j::Node.all More... almost 15 years ago
* Use return instead of SInatra#error since it cause rollback of transactions * Simplified transaction - no need to call Neo4j::Transaction#success * Fixed some tx_tracker stuff - undo of create and delete of a node in one TX More... almost 15 years ago
* Added hyperlinks to node classes from /neo and from nodes to its relationships URI. * Also fixed the example.rb - it works. * NodeMixin is now moved inside Neo4j module namespace [#47] More... almost 15 years ago
Merged from ept/master branch. Added support for * Searching and sorting resources RESTfully via GET query parameters * Pagination of RESTful search results (todo need better support in lucene.rb - see ticket 46) [#45] More... almost 15 years ago
Can now specify range of nodes to return via REST, for pagination More... almost 15 years ago
Searching and sorting resources RESTfully via GET query parameters More... almost 15 years ago
Fixed a RSpecs which had sideeffects (index_spec caused tx_tracker to fail if run in that order) More... almost 15 years ago
Call 'error' instead of 'return' - more Sinatra-esque More... almost 15 years ago
The test/rest/example.rb now works with the latest sinatra from github Moved the RestMixin inside the Neo4j name space. Fixed a Sinatra start/stop issues - have to join the thread so that sintatra does not exit on start up. [#26] More... almost 15 years ago