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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 5 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- Added $auth property to ezcWebdavServer.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Added ezcWebdavAuth interface.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Added ezcWebdavAuth interface.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Updated test cases to reflect ETag header in responses created by backends. - Fixed ETag generation on PUT requests to ezcWebdavFileBackend (stat cache issue). # Attention: A lot of client tests fail currently, due to new ETag header. # These tests need to be re-created later.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Updated test cases to reflect ETag header in responses created by backends.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Implemented ETag header tests for COPY request. - Make ezcWebdavSimpleBackend return ETag property for collections, too. # Makes sense for COPY and MOVE requests to check destination state. - Adjusted ezcWebdavFileBackend ETag generation to ezcWebdavSimpleBackend one.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Implemented ETag header tests for COPY request.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Initialize property cporrectly in ezcWebdavErrorResponse ctor.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Initialize property cporrectly in ezcWebdavErrorResponse ctor.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Started fixing issue #13462. ezcWebdavSimpleBackend->propPatch() does not correctly return an ezcWebavMultistatusResponse on processing errors and ezcWebdavTransport handles the response sent correctly. # I needed to adjust an RFC test, which was obviously incorrectly generated # (see RFC 2518, section 8.2.2) for details.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Started fixing issue #13462. ezcWebdavSimpleBackend->propPatch() does not
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Implemented If-Match and If-None-Match header handling in
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Implemented If-Match and If-None-Match header handling in ezcWebdavSimpleBackend. - Started test suite to test ETag header handling. # GET already tested, more to follow now...
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Released Webdav version 1.0.1
Derick Rethans
as dr:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Released Webdav version 1.0.1
Derick Rethans
as dr:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Declared missing $collectionPathes property in ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Declared missing $collectionPathes property in ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Renamed ezcWebdavTransport->retreiveBody() to
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Renamed ezcWebdavTransport->retreiveBody() to ezcWebdavTransport->retrieveBody(). # Old method is kept for BC reasons.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Renamed ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::TYPE_RESSOURCE to ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::TYPE_RESOURCE as required by review. # ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::TYPE_RESSOURCE is still kept for BC reasons.
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Renamed ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::TYPE_RESSOURCE to
as ts:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Added a list of typos encountered while working with Webdav.
Alexandru Stanoi
as as:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Added a list of typos encountered while working with Webdav.
Alexandru Stanoi
as as:ez.no
More... over 15 years ago
- Fixed issue #13389: ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory does now perform sanity checks
as ts:ez.no
More... almost 16 years ago
- Fixed issue #13389: ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory does now perform sanity checks on the given base URI during construction.
as ts:ez.no
More... almost 16 years ago
- Fixed issue #13313: Webdav does now correctly identify recent Nautilus
as ts:ez.no
More... almost 16 years ago
- Fixed issue #13313: Webdav does now correctly identify recent Nautilus version.
as ts:ez.no
More... almost 16 years ago
- Open changes in design doc for Webdav 1.1. # Markup only.
as ts:ez.no
More... almost 16 years ago
- Open changes in design doc for Webdav 1.1.
as ts:ez.no
More... almost 16 years ago
- Fixed auto-generating of version in handleResponse() in ezcWebdavTransport.
Alexandru Stanoi
as as:ez.no
More... about 16 years ago