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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 13 hours ago. based on code collected about 19 hours ago.
Apr 22, 2023 — Apr 22, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- Moved checking of primitives from Signal.dispatch into private function Signal.primitiveMatchesValueClass. - Added a check in Signal.primitiveMatchesValueClass for Booleans. - Added tests in SignalDispatchNonEventTest for dispatching Booleans and Functions. More... about 14 years ago
- In ISginal, changed get accessors for numListeners and _valueClasses to getNumListeners and getValueClasses respectively. - Updated Signal to work with changes to ISignal. - Fixed a flash IDE compilation issue by adding braces around if else statement in Signal.registerListeners. - Updated AmbiguousRelationshipTest, SignalScopeTest and SignalTest to run with changes mentioned above. More... about 14 years ago
- Fixed an issue in Signal.dispatch where primitives were not being properly compared to their wrapper classes. More... about 14 years ago
- Added files that were missing from initial commit due to line break settings. More... about 14 years ago
- Cleaned up unused variables. More... about 14 years ago
- Removed unnecessary imports. - Removed checkPrimitiveArgumentValue function from Signal class as typeof supplies the same functionality. More... about 14 years ago
Ported the Signal class, ISignal and IDispatcher interfaces and corresponding tests. More... about 14 years ago