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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 15 hours ago. based on code collected about 21 hours ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merge branch '0.11.x' More... 11 months ago
askbot/jinja2/question/sidebar.html: reorders the parameters in the boolean and statement More... 11 months ago
rebuilds css/style.css More... 11 months ago
avatar/confirm_delete.html, question/content.html button css fixes More... 11 months ago
askbot/media/sass/components/sor_nav.scss: z-index 100 -> 1 More... 11 months ago
calls to is_spam function are made only if askbot_settings.SPAM_FILTER_ENABLEd is True More... 11 months ago
* askbot/models/user.py:Activity.add_recipients: - skip adding pre-existing recipients to the same activity More... 11 months ago
media/js/moderation_queue/post_moderation_controls.js: - moderation queue - remove items from the queue list before making the ajax call - an optimistic update More... 11 months ago
* askbot/conf/static_settings.py: - added SPAM_CHECKER_API_KEY, SPAM_CHECKER_API_URL, SPAM_CHECKER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * askbot/doc/source/conf.py - automatic copyright end date * askbot/spam_checker/askbot_spam_checker.py - uses settings from django.conf.settings instead of askbot.conf.settings * changelog edit More... 11 months ago
v0.11.7: version bump, changelog edit More... 12 months ago
Merge pull request #928 from brunobastosg/fix-avatar More... 12 months ago
Restricting django-avatar version More... 12 months ago
v0.10.6: * merges the spam-checker branch, supporting askbot and akismet spam filters * edits askbot/doc/source/changelog.rst More... 12 months ago
Merge branch 'spam-filter' More... 12 months ago
* askbot/mail:send_mail - wrap html body text to fit into email message body * adds askbot_test_instant_email_notification command - command sends an instant email notification for a given post to given email or user * askbot/utils/functions: - adds wrap_text_for_email function More... 12 months ago
pulled and compiled ar, de, ko locales More... about 1 year ago
pulls and rebuilds bt_BR locale More... about 1 year ago
Fix error when user has custom avatar More... about 1 year ago
* askbot/doc/source: - removes {about, text-search, git, debugging, solr, roadmap}.rst - removes references to haystack - removes unused images * edits askbot/doc/source/upgrade.rst More... about 1 year ago
Edits in askbot/doc/source/{changelog.rst,index.rst} More... about 1 year ago
Merge branch 'master' into spam-filter More... about 1 year ago
version 0.11.5 More... about 1 year ago
Merge pull request #925 from brunobastosg/fix-ldap-login More... about 1 year ago
Fixes LDAP login More... about 1 year ago
* adds support for Askbot spam checker * askbot/conf/spam_and_moderation.py - adds settings ASKBOT_SPAM_CHECKER_API_URL and ASKBOT_SPAM_CHECKER_API_KEY * askbot/spam_checker/askbot_spam_checker.py - adds is_spam function calling the custom spam checker for Askbot More... about 1 year ago
* module askbot.spam_classifiers -> askbot.spam_checker * setting ASKBOT_SPAM_CLASSIFIER_FUNCTION -> ASKBOT_SPAM_CHECKER_FUNCTION * module askbot.spam_classifiers.akismet_spam_classifier -> askbot.spam_checker.akismet_spam_checker * askbot.spam_checker: - function is_spam is loaded from ASKBOT_SPAM_CHECKER_FUNCTION Python path - adds function get_params_from_request * is_spam function accepts first argument - text, and positional arguments: - username - email - ip_addr - user_agent * askbot.spam_checker.akismet_spam_checker: - accepts the same parameters as is_spam More... about 1 year ago
* askbot/apps.py: initialize conf settings in the app ready() method * askbot/conf/__init__.py: add init() method instead of importing settings modules in the module body * askbot/conf/spam_and_moderation.py: - USE_AKISMET -> SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED - AKISMET_API_KEY - use only when akismet spam classifier is used * askbot/conf/static_settings.py: * projectwide: USE_AKISMET -> SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED - adds setting ASKBOT_SPAM_CLASSIFIER_FUNCTION - path to the spam classifier function * askbot/models:handle_posts_marked_as_spam - run only if akismet is used * askbot/spam_classifier/ -> askbot/spam_classifiers/ * askbot/spam_classifier/akismet_spam_classifier.py: - rename akismet_utils.py to akismet_spam_classifier.py* askbot/apps.py: initialize conf settings in the app ready() method * askbot/conf/__init__.py: add init() method instead of importing settings modules in the module body * askbot/conf/spam_and_moderation.py: - USE_AKISMET -> SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED - AKISMET_API_KEY - use only when akismet spam classifier is used * askbot/conf/static_settings.py: * projectwide: USE_AKISMET -> SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED - adds setting ASKBOT_SPAM_CLASSIFIER_FUNCTION - path to the spam classifier function * askbot/models:handle_posts_marked_as_spam - run only if akismet is used * askbot/spam_classifier/ -> askbot/spam_classifiers/ * askbot/spam_classifier/akismet_spam_classifier.py: - rename akismet_utils.py to akismet_spam_classifier.py More... about 1 year ago
* askbot/spam_classifier/akismet_utils: call_akismet - restores ip_addr, user_agent arguments * askbot/tests/{akismet.py => test_akismet.py}: renamed More... about 1 year ago
* Post: add fields marked_as_spam, marked_as_spam_by, marked_as_spam_at * User.delete_all_content_authored_by_user: - rename argument submit_spam -> mark_as_spam - when mark_as_spam is True, populates fields Post.marked_as_spam* correspondingly - when mark_as_spam is True, sends signal posts_marked_as_spam * askbot/signals.py: add posts_marked_as_spam signal * askbot/tasks.py: rename submit_spam_posts -> submit_spam_posts_to_akismet * adds signal handler for posts_marked_as_spam: - if akismet is enabled, starts a celery job which reports spam to akismet More... about 1 year ago
* askbot/utils/akismet_utils.py -> askbot/spam_classifier/akismet_utils.py * askbot/spam_classifier/akismet_utils:{akismet_check_spam => check_spam} * askbot/spam_classifier/akismet_utils:call_akismet - removed ip_addr, user_agent arguments * adds askbot_get_spam_training_set management command More... about 1 year ago