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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 26, 2023 — Apr 26, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
question detail page: fixes UI of the Q/A vote buttons More... almost 2 years ago
* macros paginator, ajax_paginator, paginator_questions - have compatible css and markup * removes js/user/user_answer_paginator.js * user profile main page, followed questions - fixes ajax paginators for questions and answers * js/utils/paginator.js - new ajax paginator More... almost 2 years ago
fixes feedback link on page 404 More... almost 2 years ago
reopen question: css fixes changes close and reopen urls More... almost 2 years ago
close question page: css fixes More... almost 2 years ago
question detail page: only admins and mods have access to "publish/unpublish" functionality More... almost 2 years ago
* when groups are enabled: "published" post means - shared with group "everyone" * questions can be published/unpublished * question detail, sidebar - removes the thread sharing tools * fixes test cases (except two) More... almost 2 years ago
fixes bug in askbot_fix_thread_points management command More... almost 2 years ago
/ask: fixes bug where posting question in multilingual mode with a single active language is impossible More... almost 2 years ago
* EditUserForm, edit user page: removes "about" field * EditUserForm: fixes bug on the form editing when email is not changeable * UserDescriptionForm: description field is optional * Slightly fixes the edit user about info UX More... almost 2 years ago
fix --db-engine option in askbot-setup More... almost 2 years ago
/search-posts page: * view uses SearchPostsForm * has navigation by the match number * current page url can be copied to the clipboard More... almost 2 years ago
* views.commands:set_post_body uses SetPostBodyForm * question and answer edit forms get the "suppress email" checkboxes * jinja2/question/javascript.html: factors out the /js/pages/question/init_page.js file * search-posts/ page - allows editing posts, by default minor edit checkbox is checked * js/utils/editable.js: supports optional "minor edit" checkbox * views get_post_body and set_post_body use data validation forms More... almost 2 years ago
* askbot/conf/email.py - adds `FROM_EMAIL` setting defaulting to `DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL` * askbot/mail:send_mail - instead of `askbot_settings.ADMIN_EMAIL` use `askbot_settings.FROM_EMAIL` as sending address * some PEP8 fixes in the above files More... almost 2 years ago
* minor text changes in the question form * question form: in multilingual mode show language selector if there are > 1 languages * wmd editor: adds basic instruction between the buttons and the input box * minor css changes in the post and editor More... almost 2 years ago
* askbot/utils/markup.py: adds function markdown_split_paragraphs * askbot/utils/translation.py: fixes get_language function when language is not set More... almost 2 years ago
adds /search-posts/ page More... almost 2 years ago
question detail: fixes the category tree tag editor More... almost 2 years ago
* question deatail title editor has the same style as display version * sass/variables: adds --question-detail-title-line-height variable More... almost 2 years ago
tasks.send_instant_notifications_about_activity_in_post: bug fix More... almost 2 years ago
send_instant_notifications_about_activity_in_post: fixes non-serializable arguments issue More... almost 2 years ago
bug fix submitting send_instant_notifications_about_activity_in_post askbot_markdownify_content - bug fix in testing the settings More... almost 2 years ago
settings.py template: lower the instant notification delay to 5 minutes More... almost 2 years ago
* askbot.utils.transaction.defer_celery_task -> askbot.utils.celery_utils.defer_celery_task * askbot.utils.celery_utils.defer_celery_task: when celery task is async, place task via transaction.on_commit More... almost 2 years ago
/questions: fixes blank state css More... almost 2 years ago
adds management command askbot_init_badges.py More... almost 2 years ago
askbot/conf/static_settings.py: adds ASKBOT_AUTO_INIT_BADGES setting More... almost 2 years ago
file upload: bug fix More... almost 2 years ago
* refactors askbot.utils.file_utils:store_file * askbot_markdownify_content: adds settings tests * adds askbot_render_posts.py management command * adds Post.render() * to askbot.utils.markup adds markdown_force_linebreaks, markdown_extract_inline_images, markdown_is_line_empty More... almost 2 years ago
* adds management command: askbot_fix_group_memberships * askbot/apps.py: adds default_auto_field = django.db.models.AutoField to AppConfig * settings.py template: adds DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = django.db.models.BigAutoField * urls.py global template: removes $ from the robots.txt url path * askbot/models.py: improves User.join_default_groups() More... almost 2 years ago