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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 10 minutes ago. based on code collected about 3 hours ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Reason locking doesn't work is because it wasn't set to lock anything :-s Early indications appear to suggest it is fixed. More... over 14 years ago
Moved initialisation check logic to autojump.c and fixed a bug with the initial directory not being recorded. More... almost 15 years ago
Bugfix: No segfault (shell crashes and hangs) when you enter 'j' without an argument. Closes gh-1. More... almost 15 years ago
"Jumping spec", or rather the argument passed to 'j' can now be a regular expression. This is a case insensative regular expression and therefore this closes gh-3. More... almost 15 years ago
More sutble error message. More... almost 15 years ago
ajump_exit() called from bash exit command so that closing the shell saves the time spent in that last used directory. This is often the most important directory (you navigate there and stay there for the whole of your session) so it makes sense to implement this. More... almost 15 years ago
Redundant line More... almost 15 years ago
Redundant line of code More... almost 15 years ago
Bugfix: If your ~/.autojump file doesn't exist, create a blank one in preparation for the next sync. More... almost 15 years ago
Nice formatting and instructions for testing and installing autojump are available at the end of the build script. More... almost 15 years ago
File locking is working again (which is important when running multiple instances) More... almost 15 years ago
Woo Hoo, fixed that the merge functions. More... almost 15 years ago
Still debugging sync_to_file :-( More... almost 15 years ago
Fixed some debugging lines making it easier to test sync_to_file() Replaced fseek with fclose / fopen because fseek(0) was still appending Made load_file() return a more descriptive error code. (Now we could optionally trash the file) Changes the test harness to make it simpler to see what's going on. More... almost 15 years ago
New build script that does the following: 1. looks to see if an existing build had already been applied and scraps it if so 2. looks to see if bash-4.0.tar.gz is present and downloads it from GNU.org if needed 3. asks the user for ./configure options they want passed into bash (e.g. --prefix=/opt/localinstall) 4. adds symlinks for autojump files so they can be found when the project is built. 5. patches common.c and Makefile.in by running the 'patch' command 6. runs bash's ./configure script 7. runs bash's make command More... almost 15 years ago
printing handled by ajump.def rather than autojump.c printing is now blue More... almost 15 years ago
Lots of changes. More... almost 15 years ago
cleaned up some of the formatting and error messages and added fseek to fix a bug with the file continuously growing. More... about 15 years ago
This brings us a lot closer to completion. There are bugs that need to be ironed out by all of the functionality is now present. More... about 15 years ago
Changes to the readme More... about 15 years ago
Stole the readme. More... about 15 years ago
Added a readme. More... about 15 years ago
Complete rewrite of sync_to_file which calls smaller, easier to debug functions. Much better code and it works as far as I've gotten so far. More... about 15 years ago
Lots of changes. More... about 15 years ago
Initial Commit. More... about 15 years ago