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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected about 23 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Added presenter#accepts?(sym) so you can query a presenter instance to see if presents on a particular symbol. Useful in Rails applications so controllers can always set the current_user on any presenter that accepts :current_user More... about 15 years ago
updated readme (again) More... about 15 years ago
updated readme More... about 15 years ago
updated readme More... about 15 years ago
* Added a rakefile with tasks to run specs, build gems, and create rdoc * Added History file * Updated .gitignore More... about 15 years ago
renamed MIT-LICENSE to MIT-LICENSE.txt More... about 15 years ago
updated the readme and renamed it to README.rdoc More... about 15 years ago
* Made it so CachingPresenter will not attempt to cache assignment/writer methods. * Made it so CachingPresenter will cache #[] methods More... about 15 years ago
Refactored examples to reduce dependency on # of top-level sample classes and changed how the memoizable and instantiation methods are loaded. No behaviour changes. More... about 15 years ago
Removing unnecessary code comment. More... about 15 years ago
Made CachingPresenter raise an ArgumentError if an unknown option is used when declaring what a presenter presents on. More... about 15 years ago
Deprecated/removed the :requiring option for creating a presenter in favor of :accepts. * :accepts makes all additional arguments optional More... about 15 years ago
moved caching examples in spec into their own describe block More... about 15 years ago
updated the description of the it() examples in the specs to be consistent More... about 15 years ago
Update == to on blow up when passing it an object which is not a subclass of CachingPresenter More... about 15 years ago
Pass options from present and present_collection to new More... about 15 years ago
Updated README to reflect repository change to mhs/caching_presenter rather than zdennis/caching_presenter More... about 15 years ago
fixed bug where namespaced objects were not being properly found More... over 15 years ago
made #present take advantage of lazy loading features of Rails More... over 15 years ago
updated #present_collection to use #map! instad of #map so the array is preserved More... over 15 years ago
added the :as option to the #present and #present_collection methods More... over 15 years ago
downcased and underscored Present() and PresentCollection() More... over 15 years ago
renamed Presenter() to Present(), introduced PresentCollection More... over 15 years ago
CachingPresenter now always delegates class, id and to_param methods to the object being presented on (unless of course you override it on the presenter to do something else), respond_to? is now delegated to the object being presented on as well More... over 15 years ago
removed activesupport dependencies, cleaned up some code formatting More... over 15 years ago
Introduced the Presenter() method in CachingPresenter::InstantiationMethods module which constructs a presenter based off of the type of argument passed in. More... over 15 years ago
added a README More... over 15 years ago
pulled out caching/memoizable functionality into CachingPresenter::Memoizable. Added an example to ensure memoization works with different methods with the same arguments. Stole MEMOIZED_IVAR proc from Rails' ActiveSupport More... over 15 years ago
switched method_missing to use class_eval rather than define_method, so block passing would work. Added an example to ensure doesn't break methods with blocks More... over 15 years ago
adds some examples to ensure no method calls with blocks are cached More... over 15 years ago