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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 18, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Merge pull request #262 from antihax/Fix-Lines More... almost 6 years ago
Add item so lines are able to be created. More... almost 6 years ago
Merge pull request #259 from cppctamber/patch-2 More... about 6 years ago
Merge pull request #258 from cppctamber/patch-1 More... about 6 years ago
Merge pull request #257 from cppctamber/master More... about 6 years ago
Fixed typo EveLensflare More... about 6 years ago
Updated /src/index.js More... about 6 years ago
Minor fixes for Tw2Effect --- - Removed `_onModified` property which isn't used yet - Fixed `UnbindParameters` so it now works - Added `instanceof` calls for `Tw2TextureParameter` More... about 6 years ago
added support for new effect version and multiple effect techniques More... about 6 years ago
Merge pull request #256 from cppctamber/src-core-refactor More... about 6 years ago
Merge pull request #255 from cppctamber/master More... about 6 years ago
Fixed typo in Tw2EventEmitter More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/Tw2ResMan and cleaned up More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/resource and minor fixes More... about 6 years ago
Updated Tw2Device --- - Converted files to es6/classes - Fixed linting - Added basic jsdocs - Moved functions around so they're grouped in a more relevant fashion - Removed possible pass by reference errors by forcing `GetEyePosition` to require a vec3 as an argument - Rename state table objects so they're now all considered 'private' - Updated `Resize` method to handle resizing the canvas when a `VRDisplay` is being used - Updated `Resize` method to use device pixel ratios - Updated `Resize` method so viewport store variable is updated whenever it is called - Added `RequestAnimationFrame` prototype which will use a vrDisplay's higher frame rate `requestAnimationFrame` method if available, else the browser's standard version or window timeouts when no `requestAnimationFrame` method is available - Added `OnResize` which adds a method to the device which will be fired whenever there is a canvas resize event - Added `Now` which returns the device's current time - Added `UpdateViewProjection` which updates a device's view projection matrix and store variable - Added `CreateSolidTexture` method which creates a solid coloured texture - Added `CreateSolidCube` method which creates a solid colored cube - Made `DwordToFloat` a static class method - Renamed `_whiteTexture` and `whiteCube` privates to `_fallbackTexture` and `_fallbackCube` as they weren't really white! More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core and /post files --- - Converted files to es6/classes - Fixed linting More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/sampler More... about 6 years ago
Added ids, and basic implementations of `EveStarField` and `Tw2GpuUniqueEmitter` More... about 6 years ago
Updated Tw2EventEmitter and Tw2ObjectReader More... about 6 years ago
Updated core/reader --- - Converted constructors to es6/classes - Fixed linting - Added `IsValidXML` static method to `Tw2ObjectReader` - Removed deprecated code from `Tw2ObjectReader`. *Will add an oldschool `.red` file reader in this folder later* More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/parameter --- - Created `Tw2Parameter` and `Tw2VectorParameter` base classes - Converted constructors to es6/ classes, each extends from one of the new base classes - Fixed linting - Added `Clone` method which clones a parameter - Added `Copy` method which copies another parameter's value(s) and optionally their name - Added `EqualsValue` method which checks if a value is equal to the parameter's value - Added `OnModified` method which adds callback(s) that are fired when the parameter is modified - Added `OffModified` method which removed callback(s) - Added `_onModified` array which contains all callbacks that should be fired when a parameter is modified - Added `constantBufferSize` static value and `size` getter/setter to each `Tw2Parameter` - Updated `Tw2Effect` so that it correctly returns true/false when it's `SetOverrides` method has been used and something has been updated or not More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/mesh --- - Converted constructors to es6/ classes - Fixed linting - Moved `Tw2MeshArea` and `Tw2MeshLineArea` into their own files - Added `IsGood` method to `Tw2Effect` and `Tw2Mesh` to simplify calls to ensure their resources are good - Added `Tw2Effect.create` static method which creates `Tw2Effect`s from an object, which reduces the amount of code required to setup effects and minimizes imports - Added `Tw2Effect.autoParameter` property which when enabled will automatically create and populate an effect's parameter list with any parameters that have default values already set in a constant buffer and have only one element. (*Texture values default to nothing*). - Added `GetTextures`, `GetParameters`, `GetOverrides` and `SetTextures`, `SetParameters`, `SetOverrides` to `Tw2Effect` - Replaced manual effect definitions with object creations More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/vertex --- - Moved `Tw2VertexElement` to its own file - Converted vertex constructors to es6/classes - Fixed linting - Moved `Tw2VertexDeclaration` static class enum declarations to an object `Tw2VertexDeclaration.Type` and refactored all affected files - Added `Tw2VertexDeclaration.DeclareFromObject` method which allows you to define declarations from an array instead of defining them line per line (*this can be done during or after instantiation) More... about 6 years ago
Added Tw2Store and deprecated Tw2VariableStore --- - `Tw2Store` is a single repository for all global values and Constructors, and is instantiated as `store` - Custom resource managers can now more easily replace the standard `Tw2ResMan` by using this single store - Replaced all `Tw2VariableStore` usages with `Tw2Store` equivalents and moved `Tw2VariableStore` to `/core/deprecated` - Added `is` static methods to the Tw2 Parameters which are used as Types. (*These are used by a new method `store.GetTypeByValue`*) - Replaced `resMan.Register` in `src/index` with `store.Register` - Moved all store variable registrations from individual Classes and put them into `src/index.js` - Object ids can be changed to use UUIDs instead of Object ids with `store.Register({ uuid: true })` More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/data More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/curve More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/batch More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/geometry More... about 6 years ago
Updated /core/model More... about 6 years ago
Updated readme More... about 6 years ago