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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 18, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
creating a non-exported future-values method More... over 9 years ago
updating for blackbird package changes More... over 9 years ago
fixing compat to handle missing preserve/reattach class members More... over 9 years ago
directly forwarding the classname `future` to `promise`. More... over 9 years ago
now auto-exporting all blackbird external symbols (tests passing). More... over 9 years ago
commenting FHC a bit more wrg to the macro/macrolet jumping and expansion stuff More... almost 10 years ago
fixing futures for ECL. thanks, #lisp More... almost 10 years ago
fixing test compile error More... almost 10 years ago
tweaks/updates (sbcl test fix) More... almost 10 years ago
adding error propagation tests (fails in new error-wrap branch, works in master (which doesnt compile in ECL)) More... almost 10 years ago
adolist bugfix (caused by previous changes) More... about 10 years ago
version bump More... about 10 years ago
adding better error handling around adolist More... about 10 years ago
upping version for better error catching in attach callbacks in FHC More... over 10 years ago
fixing small macro issue in FHC that was causing some craziness in turtl. More... over 10 years ago
simplying attach redefinition form in FHC More... over 10 years ago
in future-handler-case, adding handler-case around callback being attached to future via `attach`. this allows handling of errors in the callback itself, which was previously not happening. ordering of error catching is preserved, so inner future-handler-cases will take priority over outer ones still. More... over 10 years ago
adding/exporting adolist function, for async looping More... over 10 years ago
adding "debug" mode where if :future-debug is present in *features*, no errors are caught and signal-error throws the error instead of pushing it onto the future. More... over 10 years ago
upping verison for alet bugfix More... over 10 years ago
fixing bug in alet where if forms would return the same value (ie a value, not a future) and the values were EQ then the body form wouldnt fire due to the way alet tracks subforms. fixed. More... over 10 years ago
Adding aif macro More... almost 11 years ago
fixing really annoying bug in alet macro: whenever an error was signalled on a future, alet would re-trigger that error (once for each time wrapped in alet) so a top-level future handler case would fire its error handling forms multiple times (once for the actual error, and once for each child alet form) which caused a lot of mayhem in some of the apps im bulding. this is because alet was forwarding errors from its sub-binding forms to the main collection future, but since the sub-forms are using attach, future-handler-case is able to catch errors with them already...meaning the error was caught and dealt with, but then fired once more by the forwarding process...annoying, and hard to track down, but finally did. now an error triggered deep in the async stack only shows up once. thank god. More... almost 11 years ago
fixing small bug in signal-error: was using future instead of forwarded-future hwne checking for duplicate errbacks. probably wouldnt screw up a whole lot, but its worth fixing. More... almost 11 years ago
STUPID typo... More... almost 11 years ago
adding reset-future function, useful for clearing out all callbacks/errbacks/values/events/etc. essentialy turns a future into a blank slate. More... almost 11 years ago
fixing and simplifying alet*. seems to work for all cases now. More... about 11 years ago
adding forwarding test More... about 11 years ago
fixing forwarding bug. dont know WHY it suddenly stopped working after months, but seems fine now. need to write tests for this i guess. More... about 11 years ago
makign same fix for alet* to alet (no wrapping (let) form, just push the ignored bindings onto the body form. works a lot nicer (and expands nicer, too) More... about 11 years ago