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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 26, 2023 — Apr 26, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
undoing the last two commits, and specifically fixing alet* (the only one that had a problem). locally was giving me shit. More... about 11 years ago
multiple-future-bind now uses locally instead of let as well =] More... about 11 years ago
removing useless (let ...) forms wrapping alet/alet* bodies, replacing with (locally ...) which i didnt know existed before. allows declarations within the body form without screwing with unreffed variable BS. seems to work really nicely. More... about 11 years ago
updated print-object method for future, now uses print-unreadable-object (puts the futures address at the end, very nice for debugging...) More... about 11 years ago
upping version number for API changes More... about 11 years ago
API teaks More... about 11 years ago
in QL, so no need for dup note... More... about 11 years ago
can title be a link?? More... about 11 years ago
adding tests note More... about 11 years ago
adding simple readme More... about 11 years ago
porting over test framework for futures in cl-async to cl-async-future More... about 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:orthecreedence/cl-async More... over 11 years ago
lots of fixes for BSD-type systems. all tests (save IPV6) running! mainly had to do with using AF_UNSPEC, which fails for many operations. AF_INET is a much better option (at least for BSD systems) so cl-async-util now exports *default-lookup-type* which holds the "correct" lookup-type value for the current platform. any place in the system that used to use AF_UNSPEC/AF_INET by default now use this value. works really well. More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:orthecreedence/cl-async More... over 11 years ago
Merge pull request #61 from jd/master More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:orthecreedence/cl-async More... over 11 years ago
removing `:preserve-callbacks t` from alet finalizeation future. was the culprit for making the body fire twice, and was doing so even if bound futures only fire once. not kewl. More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:orthecreedence/cl-async More... over 11 years ago
updating alet macro so that a) it can be fired multiple times if its bound futures do, and b) it cannot run its body until ALL bindings have finished...this was the original intent, but it used a counter to track which futures had fired, which doesnt account for a future firing multiple times if its finished more than once (and preserves callbacks). alet still has a strange issue where if it binds to a future that fires multiple times, the body is run twice for each firing of that future. not really sure what the deal is More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' into ssl-connect More... over 11 years ago
updating test suite to incorporate ssl. you now can do (run-tests :ssl t) and all the necessary preparations will be made. not sure if this is jenky, ill probably look back in a year and laugh, but oh well, works great. More... over 11 years ago
merging in ssl-server More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' into ssl-server More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:orthecreedence/cl-async More... over 11 years ago
Merge pull request #48 from jd/master More... over 11 years ago
merging two heads, fixing conflict in tcp test. (wrap existing & tcp-server-stream) More... over 11 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:orthecreedence/cl-async More... over 11 years ago
adding gensym for attach macros `future-values` var. More... over 11 years ago
file modes 755 -> 644 (figured out my vim config, finally) More... over 11 years ago
test error: worked in ccl, not in sbcl (needed to subetypep instead of eq) More... over 11 years ago