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Analyzed about 9 hours ago. based on code collected about 14 hours ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
fixing up the pom for release. changed the javadoc plugin so it now works with the usual javadoc:javadoc command. Added back in some info that fell out when I got rid of cleartk-release such as scm, license, developers, etc. More... almost 10 years ago
removing dependencies from javadoc profile More... almost 10 years ago
removed cleartk-release and moved license, readme and some javadoc stuff from pom.xml into the top-level pom More... almost 10 years ago
added complete unit test for CentroidTfidfSimilarityExtractor and fixed bug in computeCentroid - the brackets were off such that the mean for each value in the map was being calculated for each instance rather than just once at the end More... almost 10 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/cleartk/ More... about 10 years ago
added basic test for FixedCosineSimilarity added license information to CosineSimilarityTest More... about 10 years ago
added basic test for FixedCosineSimilarity More... about 10 years ago
- added basic unit test for CosineSimilarity which had a bug in it - the magnitude was not summing the squares of the values appropriately. Fixed it with a plus sign! More... about 10 years ago
- if stddev = 0 or if a feature from the sub extractor has never been seen before, then we will not create a zmus feature for it. - initial commit of MinMaxNormalizationExtractorTest and ZeroMenuUnitStddevExtractorTest More... about 10 years ago
fixed typo in name of TfidfExtractorTest More... about 10 years ago
- added simple PrintClassificationsAnnotator to end of pipelines in both document examples' RunModel drivers so that something useful prints to the console. This seems better than simply adding println statements to the annotator's process methods . More... about 10 years ago
- moved types from META-INF/org.uimafit to META-INF/org.apach.uima.fit to fix issue 394 - added println statement to end of BasicDocumentClassificationAnnotator.process so that the user sees something More... about 10 years ago
refactored org.cleartk.util.cr.linereader.LineReaderXmiWriterTest.testXmiWriter() so that it will give a more detailed reason for why the test fails on the drone.io build More... about 10 years ago
added @SuppressWarnings("unused") to org.cleartk.ml.tksvmlight.RunTkSvmLightTest.testPTKSpeed() local variable sim to remove compiler warning. It didn't seem right to remove it. More... about 10 years ago
commented out unused member variable cacheHits in TreeKernel to remove compiler warning. More... about 10 years ago
removed compiler warnings in AnnotationStatistics by adding @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") to e.g. countFalseNegatives param positiveOutcomes More... about 10 years ago
- fixes issue 398 - CleartkEncoderException.invalidFeatureVectorValue has two signatures now - one that now takes a throwable. This will help debugging when FeatureVectorFeaturesEncoder.encodeAll throws it (it now passes the cause). This handles the complaint that initiated this issue. - CleartkProcessingException.unsupportedOperationSetParameter now takes a Throwable param. The only caller of this method was inside a catch block. - fixed a bug in CleartkEncoderException constructor in which the parameters were in the wrong order More... about 10 years ago
removed src/main/resources from classpath since it doesn't exist. This is causing a build problem in Eclipse More... about 10 years ago
Fix to model builder. Fixes Issue-384. More... about 10 years ago
Fixed some project settings. More... about 10 years ago
Added Beta tags to all tk-related classes. More... about 10 years ago
fixed license notice in source files More... about 10 years ago
- adding new XmiWriter to cleartk-util and marking it with @Beta - removing XmiWriter in examples, and XMIWriter classes from TreebankParsingExample and SumBasic - added LineReaderXmiWriter which overrides the getXmiFile method to work with the URIs generated by LineReader - added simple unit test for LineReaderXmiWriter More... about 10 years ago
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Issue-388' More... about 10 years ago
ignoring delegated model directory in timeml models More... about 10 years ago
rebuilt the timeml models per instructions here: https://code.google.com/p/cleartk/source/browse/cleartk-timeml/MODELS More... about 10 years ago
- removed unnecessary delegated model from time ml - Fixed up LineWriter enough to get the test passing again. I couldn't figure out why it was failing but when I replaced some of the old code with uimaFIT code it started working again. More... about 10 years ago
- changed packaging in cleartk-snowball to org.cleartk.snowball - changed packaging in cleartk-opennlp-maxent to org.cleartk.opennlp.maxent - renamed package org.cleartk.ml.grmm to org.cleartk.ml.mallet.grmm - changed packaging in cleartk-stanford-corenlp to org.cleartk.stanford.corenlp - removed cleartk-test-util/apidocs - fixes issue 400 - move ParentheticalAnnotator into cleartk-util - added Parenthetical to test type system - removed any dependency on cleartk-type-system by removing default value for ParentheticalType and adding a parenthetical type param to the getDescriptin methods - package names in cleartk-test-util are now consistent More... about 10 years ago
Adds evaluation pipeline example More... about 10 years ago
Adds BIO chunker example code More... about 10 years ago