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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 16, 2023 — Apr 16, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Adding yet another properties file in hopes of getting a reliable import. More... over 13 years ago
adding a few preference files-hopefully to facilitate clean loading in Flash Builder More... over 13 years ago
re-added SelectionSet for the time being. Also added commentspace.shared.swc library. More... over 13 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wjwillett/common-sense-maps More... over 13 years ago
removed SelectionSet class More... over 13 years ago
Adding project file to the repository. More... over 13 years ago
changed the loading button to say load/refresh More... almost 14 years ago
Temporarily removed episodes, location, and time selection mechanisms along with hiding CO data selection. Have also added a split-screen view to commentspace implementation and modified the over-plotting algorithm again. More... almost 14 years ago
Minor changes to ui, and in the middle of disabling the CO querying... More... almost 14 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:wjwillett/common-sense-maps More... almost 14 years ago
Updated CommonSenseApp to automatically log in using the "[email protected]" account. More... almost 14 years ago
Played around with the point overlap tolerance and sizes to see if we could make things bigger without more occlusion. Modified the tooltips to give device type and nicer units. More... almost 14 years ago
Provided a more inclusive shift-list regex, fixed some issues with checkbox state consistency between loads/savestates. More... almost 14 years ago
Modified the regex for shift names. Checkbox states need to be fixed... More... almost 14 years ago
Modified the hack that forces big spikes to show up on map, and also fixed a scaling-coloring issue with pm25's multiplier stuff. More... almost 14 years ago
Changed check-mark colors on worse pollutant levels. More... almost 14 years ago
Modified the AirQualityMapLayer plotter so that all points beyond the orange thresholds will be plotted regardless of geographic overlap tolerance. More... almost 14 years ago
The tooltip pollutant values have been scaled down by the dataset multiplier to mimic what the pm sensors originally showed. More... almost 14 years ago
The checkboxes are now colored with appropriate aqi colors. More... almost 14 years ago
The slider has been replaced by a series of checkboxes to customize what thresholds we are viewing. Note they are also saved in the comment space state just like the original slider state was. More... almost 14 years ago
Viz now queries PM 'shifts' from the database. Further minor changes pending. More... almost 14 years ago
moved episodes shade to the left of the disabled ones. reversed order of list of PM files. More... about 14 years ago
Removed 'Badge' from file list regex, and made it such that playhead controls do not show up until the first dataset is loaded. From then on, it autoplays when a new set is loaded. More... about 14 years ago
changed the unicode symbols used for the play button and windowshades closer button because windows apparently failed with the previous choices... More... about 14 years ago
The file list now uses a regex to make raw filenames on the server more human readable. More... about 14 years ago
Added a custom thumbnailing method that gets around our crossdomain issues with the maps by just leaving them out of the thumbnail altogether. More... about 14 years ago
A few little tweaks to the UI. Subbed in icons and unicode characters for some of the controls that previously used either bad icons or latin characters. More... about 14 years ago
Minor fix to CommonSenseTracksPlayer - a typo made its way in on the last big commit... Look at the previous commit message for all the big changes on this revision. More... about 14 years ago
Hopefully this commit should give a snapshot of all current issues with the UI: More... about 14 years ago
Set state now sets the min and max times on the plot layer correctly. More... about 14 years ago