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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 22 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Comments out the settings in the example datatool.properties since all are optional. More... over 12 years ago
Updates datatool-spawner to default the http port to 8089 if none is in the datatool.properties file (and there is no https_port). Note that setting "http_port = " should allow not listening for HTTP, which you might do if you only want the server to serve HTTPS. More... over 12 years ago
Updates README for 1.10 release. More... over 12 years ago
Simplifies process of setting up init.d script. Startup options are largely specified in datatool.properties. See init-script/README for detailed instructions. Removes use of jakarta-commons-daemon (jsvc). More... over 12 years ago
Changes logging.properties to log to a file with rotation at 10mb keeping up to 30 files (same as discovery engine). More... over 12 years ago
Fixes warnings for unused variables in a test case. More... over 12 years ago
Fixes build-time warning about javac using Ant runtime classpath. More... over 12 years ago
Fixes defect in add-to-item configuration parsing: add-to-item was only read from delta configuration elements. add-to-item elements in snapshots were ignored. delta add-to-item elements were incorrectly used by the publisher's snapshots. Updates README for release 1.9. More... over 12 years ago
Makes subqueries use NullDefaultCaseInsensitiveParameterSource. If subquery uses a bound parameter that is not present in the main item properties, then null is used for the parameter value. More... over 12 years ago
Adds support for unscopedJsonColumns to be able to merge in JSON column data to the top level properties. Deprecates property "jsonColumnNames" in favor of more explicit "scopedJsonColumns" for the same behavior. Adds new property "unscopedJsonColumns" for columns that should be merged into the top-level item properties. More... over 12 years ago
Updates README for 1.8 release. More... over 12 years ago
Fixes "If a subquery is empty, it should be ignored (and reported) and not throw an error." More... over 12 years ago
Adds configuration attribute for item property-case (preserve, lower, upper and legacy). Starting with new schema version 7, the default is preserve. Older schema versions continue to have the legacy behavior of lowercasing properties from column names but not pivoted values. More... over 12 years ago
Updates README for current release. More... over 12 years ago
Adds another subquery test scenario. More... over 12 years ago
Adds support for add-to-item for deltas and snapshots (the Discovery Engine does not support add-to-item for bulk or full changesets). The add-to-item configuration element supports the same attributes and child configuration elements as set-item. More... over 12 years ago
Fixes Data Tool Outputs Empty Strings: If a column returns an empty string, the data tool still outputs the column value. Empty strings should not be output. This bloats the XML. More... over 12 years ago
Fixes merge-columns should not be case sensitive. More... over 12 years ago
Adds support for provider and kind to Discovery Data Tool. The configuration elements can now take optional attributes providerColumn and kindColumn. If either of these are specified, then the resulting changeset set-item and remove-item elements will not have an id attribute, and instead will have locator, provider and kind attributes. The providerColumn and kindColumn are not included in the resulting set-item properties, since that would be redundant. More... over 12 years ago
No longer includes id column in set-item properties, since it is redundant to the set-item id attribute. More... over 12 years ago
Refactors item id building. Removes unused vestigial idPrefix and idSuffix (they were in the code, but not specified in the XML schema and could not be set). More... over 12 years ago
Removes unnecessary public from interface methods. More... over 12 years ago
Adds support for "vertical" tables. More... over 12 years ago
Ensures that exceptions during changeset generation will cause an invalid changeset with a useful error message. More... about 13 years ago
Creates new version of Data Tool Configuration XML schema to support bulk and full changesets and subqueries. Adds support for bulk and full changesets in addition to snapshots. Adds support for a wide variety of subquery types in order to better support flattening complex database structures without the use of views or stored procedures. Fixes WebServerMain to handle paths with spaces in directory names. Fixes problem where datatool cannot be run if its path contains spaces. Updates tests to verify tool continutes to be backwards compatible in parsing all versions of the configuration xml. Adds support for column aliases. Makes named SQL parameter matching case insensitive by creating and using CaseInsensitveParameterSource (based on Spring's MapSqlParameterSource, which unfortunately does not allow plugging in a different Map implementation). All tests now pass. Updates logging.properties to log com.t11e.discovery.datatool at FINE. And adds a comment explaining how to enable logging sql query execution speed. Turns down default level to WARNING (which quiets Spring). More... about 13 years ago
Adds test to show that Discovery Data Tool can call stored procedures. More... about 13 years ago
Refactors IntegrationTest to create IntegrationTestBase. Fixes generics related warnings in IntegrationTest. More... about 13 years ago
Modifies ConfigurationManager to be more testable by only loading the configuration at startup if the configurationFile is specified in the applicationContext.xml (which it is for release, but not for testing). More... about 13 years ago
Cleans up use of generics in CollectionsFactory. More... about 13 years ago
Updates ChangesetWriter to more correctly take Map<String, ?> rather than Map<String, Object> More... about 13 years ago