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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 30, 2023 — Apr 30, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
TJFabric/EPFramework: - Support 'tags' to identify (groups of) devices. A device can specify a list of tags (such as 'livingroom' or in key-value syntax 'room=living') and devices can be discovered based on these tags. Additionally, fabrics can use the <has-tag tag="room=living"/> to only include enpoints in a group that have a particular tag. - EPPublication now supports a 'postfix' magic number, which is useful in TJFabric, where fabrics may connect to eachothers services within the same process, but not to their own services. The fabric ID is postfixed to the server magic number. - Removed EPServerConnection, TJFabric uses an EPPublication. Fabrics do not need to add <connection type="epserver" /> tags anymore. - Added EPSpecificCondition, which can query for a specific device by ID and namespace: <specific id="D787892A1" namespace="com.tjshow.ep.usp3" />
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared: - Added syslog logging for daemons
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJLEDEPServer: - Added LED EP server, EP endpoint server for the TubLED protocol
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJRemote: - Now shows icons for EP-Basic methods
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJScript: - Add suport for 'and','is not', 'is', 'or', 'xor', 'greater than', 'less than' as operators (in fabric scripts, the & and <> characters are hard to type because they require escaping with an XML entity)
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared: - Fixed a bug where Date objects create with d,m,y parameters would get a wrong absolute timestamp
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
All: - Updated TJShow SDK installer to include EP framework and some stuff that was moved - Plug-ins and other components now use the new way of including files (#include <TJShow/include/*>)
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
- Made all Linux-buildable projects build again using the new include/project structure.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
Forgot new TJShared/include/tjsharedinternal.h file
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
Big include/framework restructuring. All projects should now include header files from other projects using the #include <TJShared/include/tjshared.h> syntax. On Mac, these headers are now packaged in the frameworks. More work is needed under Windows and Mac; this revision will *NOT* compile there.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared: - Event::Wait now also works properly when waiting with a timeout smaller than 1000 ms on POSIX
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJFabric: - Fixed Group::Load,which would only load the first discovery element and then start looking for a <disco> element (huh?)
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
EPFramework: - Added EPMethodDefinition constructor to ease method construction
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
EPFramework: - Removed spurious token after #endif
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
EPFramework: - Oops, forgot to commit the new source files for EPPublication and EPEndpointServer.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared: - Added Daemon class that handles run loop and forking logic for command line/service daemons - Fixed a bug in the FNV Hash::Calculate implementation on POSIX; hash would be different for equal strings because the hash buffer was not filled correctly under POSIX.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJUSP3EPServer: - When a parameter required for a message was not sent, the receiving thread would crash due to an exception; fixed with a try/catch-block.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJRemote: - Sliders and other controls now remember their value even if the view is popped out and pushed in again
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJUSP3EPServer: - Added USP3 EP server for Chromoflex LED controllers
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared/EPFramework/TJFabric: - Last changes to make it build on Windows
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJFabric: - Forgot to include <sys/stat.h> file in fabricmain.cpp, wouldn't build on Mac
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJFabric: - Added SConstruct script to build .deb-package; also added the necessary scripts and program functions to run as daemon. The TJ Fabric Server (package name 'tjfabricserver') installs to /usr/share/tjfabricserver, is run from /etc/init.d/tjfabricd, saves its PID in /var/run/tjfabricd.pid and reads the configuration files from /etc/fabric.d/*.fabric. It requires mdnsd to be running, although this is not packaged (in fact there is no Debian package); people will have to build this themselves.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
EPFramework: - A little more error information is printed everywhere
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJScout: - Fixed a bug where the this-pointer of a DNSSDResolveRequest object was used in the constructor and given as context to the DNSServiceBrowse call. Because for some reason this is happening synchronously or really fast under Linux, the this-pointer could not be converted back into a ref because SetObjectPointer wasn't called yet. The code has been moved to DNSSDResolveRequest::OnCreated.
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared: - Event should now be working properly (it wasn't implemented right according to the pthread docs).
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
- Linux changes after the TJShared restructuring
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJShared: - Fix ifdefs in tjutil.cpp; sometimes, methods would not return any value for TJ_OS_LINUX
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
TJFabric/EPFramework: - Now supports reply messages on methods - Fixed some network initialization stuff on Windows
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
EPFramework/TJFabric: - Fixes for Windows; it builds!
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago
EPFramework/TJFabric: - Lots of classes moved to EPFramework, so they can be used by other programs. Most notably, all connections have moved to EPFramework. The generation and serving of EP definition files is now completely done inside EPFramework, and does not depend on the XML serialization stuff TJFabric uses. Also, TJFabric does not deal with TJScout or OSCPack anymore; this is handled transparently by the EPFramework. - Removed between-fabric connections (may come back in some other way) - Removed HTTP message interface (/ep/*/message); considered bad practice anyway
Tommy V
as Tommy van der Vorst
More... over 14 years ago