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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 7 hours ago. based on code collected about 12 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Added Apache 2 license and copyright boilerplate to contributed JMX implementation, following Doug MacEachern's confirmation of licensing details. More... about 15 years ago
Fixed typo in Doug MacEachern's name -- oops, sorry Doug More... about 15 years ago
Further tweak for supporting non-S3 service endpoints. The Constant.S3_HOSTNAME value is now set (globally) according to the local JetS3t properties when a service is first created. This is a hacky work-around but it may do the trick. More... about 15 years ago
Tweaks to improve support for the open source Eucalyptus cloud computing service More... about 15 years ago
Added JMX instrumentation support based largely on a contribution by Doug MacEachern of Hyperic.com. More... about 15 years ago
Issue number: 64 Fixed shell scripts to only define the OSX_APP_NAME environment variable when running on an OS X system, i.e. one that reports "Darwin" in response to the "uname -s" command. More... about 15 years ago
Added S3Service#getAccountOwner method that returns an S3Owner object with details about the owner of an S3 account. This method returns the owner information even when the account contains no buckets, whereas previously this information was only available via an S3Bucket object. More... about 15 years ago
Preparation for next JetS3t release, with minor Cockpit and REST implementation bug fixes More... about 15 years ago
Preparation for next JetS3t release, with minor Cockpit and REST implementation bug fixes More... about 15 years ago
Fixed a configuration oversight that caused the maximum number of HTTPClient connections to be limited to 20, regardless of the value of JetS3t's "httpclient.max-connections" property. Following this fix, both the HTTPClient max connections per host, *and* max connections in total, will be set according to the value of the "httpclient.max-connections" property. More... about 15 years ago
Fixed bug where application menus would be displayed behind the main GUI panel on Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines. The fix requires some OS-checking before deciding whether to add the app menus to the application's owner frame (for Mac OS X) or to itself (for everything else). Yuck. More... about 15 years ago
Release of JetS3t version 0.7.0 More... about 15 years ago
Fixed intermittent TableSorter null pointer bug More... about 15 years ago
Swing application names are now shown correctly in the menu bar on OS X. Also, Cockpit's menus are displayed in the OS X system menu when run as a stand-alone app, instead of within the application window More... about 15 years ago
Corrected hints in Synchronize properties file, following addition of new ways to provide properties More... about 15 years ago
Fixed typo in Deleting Distribution progress status message More... about 15 years ago
Buckets listing table now shows or hides the CloudFront Distribution icon column, depending on whether or not the user is logged in to an account that is signed up for the CloudFront service More... about 15 years ago
Fix suggested by Laxmilal to allow bucket names to contain the string ".s3.amazonaws.com" without breaking sub-domain-checking string comparisons. More... about 15 years ago
Added extra Javadoc to warn that the File- and String-based constructors could be slow, due to the automatic calculation of MD5 hash values More... about 15 years ago
The live calculation of an MD5 hash digest for uploaded data is now optional. The REST implementation will no longer automatically calculate this value when the S3Object being uploaded already knows its expected hash value, i.e. by having its Content-MD5 header set. More... about 15 years ago
Minor Cockpit bug fixes More... over 15 years ago
Minor code addition, to improve documentation More... over 15 years ago
Cancel button now works, and set default behaviour for Escape and Enter keys More... over 15 years ago
Progress dialog now indicates when the CloudFront account status is being checked, and massively reduced the number of bucket JTable lookups to (hopefully) fix occasional GUI race condition errors More... over 15 years ago
Added example code for AWSDevPayCredentials More... over 15 years ago
Changed property name from "httpclient.requester-pay-buckets-enabled" to "httpclient.requester-pays-buckets-enabled" (i.e. added 's' to the "requester-pay" string) More... over 15 years ago
When S3 objects are downloaded via a DownloadPackage, the wrapped S3Object is updated to contain the downloaded object's metadata etc. More... over 15 years ago
Updated Cockpit scripts to include the java-xmlbuilder library in the classpath More... over 15 years ago
S3 Service can now create public Signed URLs for objects in a DevPay account, provided an AwsDevPayCredentials credentials object is provided. More... over 15 years ago
Removed an object re-listing action when an object deletion is cancelled, as it was causing nasty GUI race condition exceptions More... over 15 years ago