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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 2 hours ago. based on code collected about 8 hours ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Final Pre-Ship Code. Manual control of Arm Joints and Wrist. Autonomous lacks functioning Gyro code and camera distance calculation code. More... about 17 years ago
Added global variable for target pot, added function skeleton for proportional control. More... about 17 years ago
Contains some updates to SearchForLights. Should check if there is a new T_packet. Also tried to fix the timer. Wrote code to get net pan light angle. Now just need to find accurate MACRO values. changed time to Timer data type. cut out some printf statements. machine_control.h was giving me problems. Need help merging that with most recent version that works. More... about 17 years ago
Commented out calling of manual arm control, end of day code. More... about 17 years ago
Added calling of function to user_routines. More... about 17 years ago
Assigned motor value to pot value, added defines for arm controls. More... about 17 years ago
New version of SearchForLights. New structure should have more flexibility if it misses a light or can only find 1 light. Still need to write CheckLightData function. Need to debug. More... about 17 years ago
incorporated camera_handler into user_routines_fast.c. More... about 17 years ago
Camera can now locate one light on first loop. Code is merged and should be latest version for John and Nathaniel. More... about 17 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... about 17 years ago
wrote potentially all the code for SearchForLights. includes state machine. needs to be tested. Compiles. Need to experimentally determine some of the MACROS. More... about 17 years ago
Added a few functions in autonomous.c/.h Commented out original code that moved camera New code moves to initial start positions. commented out a line in ms_timer.c that was giving me problems. More... about 17 years ago
Changes from 1/25/07 sw team meeting: Integrated single joystick drive w/ power curve and first cut of camera searching code. More... about 17 years ago
Single Joystick in working condition. PWM outputs not working. More... about 17 years ago
Changes from the 1/23/07 team meeting. Beginnings of court geometry calculations and single joystick drive. More... about 17 years ago
1) Finished changing gyro calibration to happen when the bot boots. 2) Changed to the new command dispatching system. More... over 17 years ago
Changes from the 12/1/06 team meeting More... over 17 years ago
Changes from 10/20/06 team meeting. Tried to get turn to heading working, but it is not stopping at the right place yet. More... over 17 years ago
When integrating the camera communications we switched to Kevin Watson's buffered serial driver, so the FIRST supplied serial drivers are no longer used. More... over 17 years ago
Camera communications now works. Also restructured the code a bit - renamed state_machine.c/h to autonomous.c/h, added a machine_control.c/h for the logical abstraction of machine interface. More... over 17 years ago
Robothan code More... over 17 years ago
Pre Robothan code More... over 17 years ago
6/26/06 team meeting. The gyro initializes, but is not fully calibrated. The touch sensors now stop the robot. The state machine was also refactored. More... over 17 years ago
Added in RIGHT_TOUCH_SENSOR and LEFT_TOUCH_SENSOR. More... over 17 years ago
Changes from the 9/23/06 integration meeting. The robot now moves through the way points successfully More... over 17 years ago
Many changes in one: 1. Changes from the team meeting 9/21/06 2. Broke out the autonomous state machine into it's own files, state_machine.c and state_machine.h 3. Updated the wheel constant based on the guess from reading the encoder readme that there are actually 512 ticks / rev rather than 256 4. Added logic to slow down when approaching a way point 5. Added a stopping state which waits for the robot to come to a halt before transitioning to the next state 6. Some general housekeeping and clean up - added some typedefs and made the defines type safe. More... over 17 years ago
Added WayPoint type and array of WayPoints More... over 17 years ago
New autonomous code with State Machine. Still need to input code for individual states, but decision structure is in place. (I think.) More... over 17 years ago
Changes from the first integration meeting with the hardware team - Autonomous mode now drives forward for 2000 encoder ticks More... over 17 years ago
Updated and didn't seem to have the mistake fixed. now has LEFT and RIGHT instead of LEFT, LEFT. More... over 17 years ago