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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 16 hours ago. based on code collected about 19 hours ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
missing files
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
work on manual network editing
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
added missing file
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
pretty rendering of worm model now possible
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
work on rendering of lineage+mesh. can render something, details left.
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
scale is adjusted by a bounding box instead of "a representative scale". this might later replace finding midpos & bounding sphere. fixed bugs in linw when particles have no frames. fixed bugs in lineage calculations. high-lighting of meshs in lineage.
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
changed mesh serialization to conserve space. work on integrating mesh with lineage. changed default bg color in model window to gray.
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
work on IJ importer. might work partially, now compiles. added ij.jar. improved mesh3d rendering. turned polygon into proper endrov roi (line tracer left!).
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
initial ij roi code (not compiling). data browser improvement. can render selection channel. fixed bug in mesh3d serialization. improved wavefront loader. working on lighting. fixed mesh selection (partially), was due to lighting.
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
work on importing wblin
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
wb lineage (tree) more or less imported
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
fixed lineage rendering bug with multiple parents. work on importing wb lineage.
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
cleanup. a hack in the DICOM reader; needed or is the reader wrong? work on 3d stack renderer
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
added rename and delete to data browser
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
DnD moving in data browser is working
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
data browser improved, work on DnD
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
work on data browser. work on object selection (mesh). found a shader object in jogl2
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
more on mesh
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
work on mesh. commiting because of harddisk problems
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
working on storing jpegs in bf. small improvements
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
bioformats not overwriting existing file - safe for endusers
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:mahogny/Endrov
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
first successful import of omero data, with int32 format
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
cleaned up makefile, imserv references
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
deleted imserv and old omero bindings. new omero bindings - not stable yet but can connect and good attempt at import. mapping etc left to be done, and other formats. general cleanup
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:mahogny/Endrov
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
was able to export to ometiff and import in omero - but the reading of files is wrong this way
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
cleanup; work on the new evcombochannel
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
can write and read ometiffs. using int32, lzw, the images are 12 times larger than our OST-files. more improvements needed before a stable release.
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago
writing with bioformats now sort-of works, but much tweaking left
as Johan Henriksson
More... over 12 years ago