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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 10 hours ago. based on code collected about 15 hours ago.
Apr 29, 2023 — Apr 29, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
* fix detection of non-script executables when neither MIME-lib is loaded More... over 19 years ago
* search: builds with current doodle 0.4.0 (reported by creepy) More... over 19 years ago
* more robust cache handling in imlib2 thumbnailers * this week's rewrite of the monitors layer * fix a typo in evsh-help * towards dupe-handling in vfolders (thanks ever so much, creepy : ) More... over 19 years ago
* fix potential crash in MP3/ID3 provider More... over 19 years ago
* themes: better compatibility with examine. examine is a GUI configuration tool for enlightened applications. it lives in the e17/EFL-repository (e17/apps/examine) and requires the eCore-library. it also comes with a command-line configurator, exsh, which implements that subset of evsh's commands that works across enlightened applications. More... over 19 years ago
* file: fixes a nasty race-condition that could make the properties-dial crash on "Apply" (reported by creepy) More... over 19 years ago
* minor cleanup More... over 19 years ago
* iconview: prelim edje background loader (by Fletch) (loads an image "Bg" from an edje) More... over 19 years ago
* more backwards-compat (thanks SAAD3000) * more edje-compat (thanks rephorm, Fletch) More... over 19 years ago
* if PCRE has no UTF-8 support, we'll emulate it in type-to-find More... over 19 years ago
* icon-view: ("nautilus" icon-factory) normally, if we need extra-shrinkage for the label to satisfy the constraints of the grid, we'd reset the text-size to the original size here. more specifically, we'd reset to the user-defined text-size adjusted for number of lines. however, as the last line is often the shortest (remaining letters), this leads to shrinkage for all lines but the last, which looks really weird. hence, once we're forced to extra- shrink for the label, we'll stick with the smaller size. sounds wonky, but does the right thing(TM). (reported by Fletch) More... over 19 years ago
* icon-view: type-to-find "do what I mean". when typing to find, characters are added to the search-pattern. if the search times out (user stops typing for a while), more typing will start a new search-pattern, /except/ when the first keystroke is a space, in which case all currently keyboard-selected items will become the selection. as always, this sounds complicated, but is just what most people would expect. More... over 19 years ago
* debian-friendly More... over 19 years ago
* icon-view: if compiled with PCRE, type-to-find matches regular expressions or globs (default) now * icon-view: type-to-find highlights all matches now rather than the first one only (requested by raster) Control-Space toggles select-status of all matches More... over 19 years ago
* POSIX-backend: if ev was configured/built with libcurl and libcurl is present at run-time, the POSIX backend now accepts any URL curl can handle as the source for a "copy" operation. In real terms this means that you can copy images and stuff from the web now by dragging them from the web-browser to the file-browser. This isn't orthogonal yet and hence, not the Right Thing. It also doesn't have a fancy progress indicator yet. More... over 19 years ago
* XDND: handle konquie- and netscape/moz-style URLs correctly ("_NETSCAPE_URL" and "text/uri-list") More... over 19 years ago
* checks for edje at build-time if present, links it in and runs edje_init/_shutdown (so that Fletchman can test some stuff) More... over 19 years ago
* check for edje More... over 19 years ago
* grr More... over 19 years ago
* grrrr More... over 19 years ago
* CVS fix More... over 19 years ago
* allow overrides for the default action of executables and scripts, but only for exact matches of the MIME-type (no wildcards) More... over 19 years ago
* test More... over 19 years ago
* cleanup More... over 19 years ago
* build: docs weren't included in dist : ( (reported by Erdferkel) More... over 19 years ago
* last version stupidly broke browser-view : ( More... over 19 years ago
* xine/emotion thumbnailer now works with --enable-ecore More... over 19 years ago
* --enable-ecore works again (but breaks emotion live thumbnail) More... over 19 years ago
* debi does doodle II More... over 19 years ago