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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 3 hours ago. based on code collected about 5 hours ago.
Apr 25, 2023 — Apr 25, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
use console log More... almost 12 years ago
bad mongo More... almost 12 years ago
can now accept a port through -p argument passed. More... almost 12 years ago
just status will use mongo More... almost 12 years ago
Revert to 5ab1afde01e5af1b97e329ef10fffda4227c2650 More... almost 12 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Kapinko/ExpressMVC More... almost 12 years ago
created a wrapper for mongo db More... almost 12 years ago
change the date_create_columns constructor argument to an options argument so that the user can specify both the date_created and date_modified columns. More... almost 12 years ago
update the MySQL driver so that it throws an exception when unable to connect to the database. More... almost 12 years ago
update the mysql model to allow for custom names for the date_created column More... almost 12 years ago
update the model library to be an access point for the ExpresssMVC abstract models. More... almost 12 years ago
update the package json to include the object-additions package More... almost 12 years ago
update incorrect documentation for M VC.prototype.init() function. More... almost 12 years ago
update the package.json file so that npm will install all the modules necessary for ExpressMVC to run More... almost 12 years ago
Add the MySQL abstract to ExpressMVC More... almost 12 years ago
Removing form More... about 12 years ago
Create the mongodb.Server instance inside the pool.create function so that we don't try to open multiple connections against a single server object. More... about 12 years ago
Remove bad file rename references. More... about 12 years ago
Create a DbPool plugin and have the PerRequestDb use that plugin. More... about 12 years ago
Update the PerRequestDb plugin to use the separate db plugin library instead of it's own inline code. More... about 12 years ago
update the package.json file to include the redis and connect-redis dependencies. More... about 12 years ago
Add the redis session store capability. Also add a logging message for each controller load. More... about 12 years ago
Move the DB pool connection functionality into it's own library. This way we can grab a DB connection separate from the PerRequestDb plugin. More... about 12 years ago
Add the ability to load a given controller immediately instead of the default deferred loading. Also fire a notic when a controller is loaded and annotate the deferred/immediate loading. More... about 12 years ago
23586019 Add the ability to provide the OAuth container data at instantiation time. More... about 12 years ago
23586019 Add access to the OAuth container object to the OAuth plugin. The container object can be accessed via OAuth.container More... about 12 years ago
Add logging statment to warn when a model object cannot be loaded. More... about 12 years ago
Add an MVC.Middleware function to load application wide plugins. Had to change the way that the controllers are loaded and push the server.configure call to the MVC.run function. The controllers are now called at the end of the server.configure call and not immediately. More... about 12 years ago
#request() will not attempt to re-parse the oauth header if req.oauth already exists. More... about 12 years ago
Change the OAuth main plugin file to the proper plugin format. More... about 12 years ago