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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected about 21 hours ago.
Apr 27, 2023 — Apr 27, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Road Map section has been finished and published in the website. More... over 16 years ago
1. Title has changed from "Floggy - " to "Floggy - J2ME persistence framework - {section title}"; More... over 16 years ago
Files sample.apt and underconstruction.apt was removed cause they aren't being used. More... over 16 years ago
Added a link to the video that teaches how to configure Netbeans. More... over 16 years ago
Set the source and the target for java elements to 1.3.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added the license term. Added the surefire and findbugs plugins.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added method to build the __serialize and __deserialize methods of __Persistable.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Sorted the members. Added embeddedUnderlineCoreClasses method to embedded the core classes of the framework.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Imported this classes from framework project, this classes are the underline core of the framework.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Changed a comments.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Excluded the isInstanceOf method. Refactored the classes to use the helper methods of SerializationHelper class. Refactored the classes to pass the type of class that are being processed.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Excluded the isInstanceOf method. Refactored the classes to use the helper methods of SerializationHelper class.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Excluded the isInstanceOf method. Refactored the method getType to static method. Refactored the WrapperGenerator class to use the helper methods of SerializationHelper class.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Excluded the instanceOf method and rename the fieldClass field to fieldType.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added the serialVersionUID field for serialization purpose.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added the license term and incremented the weaver's version.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added the support to the addDefaultConstructor flag.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Fixed the testDeleteAll method to deal with the new class structure of the framework project.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Moved this classes to the floggy-persistence-weaver project. And turned the PersistableManager a abstract class.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added the bootclasspath argument to the compiler.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Setted the default value for fields and a little name refactor.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Formated the code, sorted the members, added the license term and fix the encoding.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Changed the RMS implemantation to microemulator. And added a method to test deleteAll.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Changed the dependency rms4test to microemulator . Incremented the framework and plugin version. And added the license term.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Implemented a logger to Ant. Added a detection for a default constructor, cause not exist add it. Added test case to this feature.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Internal links were renamed. More... over 16 years ago
Marked a TODO with done and added new TODOs
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Added the license term.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
Deleted workaround code to load classes available in classpath. Now we use a wrapper to a ClassLoader.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 16 years ago
All "under construction" references were removed. More... over 16 years ago