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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 20 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 18, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
@fix:3017424;Fixed the deleteAll operation when operating over none existent RecordStore.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@add:3017416;Made boolean fields indexable.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@add:;Added a .gitignore file.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@fix:3017408;Fixed the weaver process of primitive fields for indexes.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@add:3010799;Added a PersistableManager.batchSave method to improve the performance on load data from remote server operations.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@add:2886470;Added the configuration to open shared RecordStore.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@add:2935390;Added the index feature.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... almost 14 years ago
@add:2988927;Updated and centralized the decalration of dependencies of Microemu.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... about 14 years ago
@fix:;Fixed the configuration of dependency plugin when unpacking the floggy-persistence-weaver.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... about 14 years ago
@add:2937635;Added the configuration file feature. Deprecated the Nameable interface since now its purpose was replaced by the former modification.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... about 14 years ago
@update:;Refactored the MetadataManagerUtil and SerializationHelper classes to follow the name class convention.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... about 14 years ago
@add:2936041;Created the RecordStoreManager to manage the operations upon RecordStores.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... about 14 years ago
@fix:;Fixed a path separator issue when reading a zip/jar file.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@fix:2922250;Fixed the path separator issue when creating a zip file.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@remove:;Removed the dependency on floggy-persistence-framework-impl artifact.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update:;Incremented the version number; Refactored a testcase that broke because the former modification.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update:;Incremented the version of build-tools project.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update:;Updated documentation to release the next version (1.3.1).
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@fix:;Fixed an testcase broken caused by shared static fields.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@add:2852335;Added two new persistence strategies (SingleStategy and PerClassStrategy)
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@fix:;Fixed an exception on Weaver.findInvocationOfShutdownMethod(ctClass); if no "clean" target was invoked before compile the classes.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@add:2857247;Added the batch mode property and the shutdown method.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@fix:;Fix probems on windows see 2922250 More... over 14 years ago
@fix:;Fixed documentation issues.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release floggy-1.3.0
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update;;Updated the site documentation for the next release.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update:;Removed the SNAPSHOT sufix of the version value.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update:;Resolved the version of org.microemu:microemulator to a not SNAPSHOT one (Made a fake deploy of 3.0.0 version in the Floggy's repository).
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago
@update:;Sorted the dependencies and plugins declarations.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 14 years ago