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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 22, 2023 — Apr 22, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
@add:2168632;Added a testcase to reproduce a bug reported on the mailing list.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@add:;Added files to Google's services.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@uadd:;Add a new news.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@fix:2313565;Changed the place where the lazy load feature was implemented.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@fix;:Reversed the address of the deployment server.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@fix;:Fixed a typo.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Added a news. Updated the roadmap and team page.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@add;2227200:Implemented the lazy load feature.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@fix;:Fixed the url of deployment to the sourceforge.net.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Configured the issue url of the changes plugin.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Added new TODOs.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@add;:Added a tag with the changes made to the third public release.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Added a news about the IIBoot and added the url to the presentations.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@fix;:Fixed the Linkedin's profile url of Timba.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Added the ohloh widget to the pages.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Updated the configuration of source code format and license terms.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Formated the source code and license terms.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@update;:Updated the BCEL version to 5.2 (Done because version 5.1 has some many System.out.println() calls that pollutes the test execution).
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@fix;:Fixed the new deployment server address of SourceForge.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@add;:Added the floggy-site project to the list of modules.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
@add;:Configured the checkstyle and scmchangelog plugins.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Added the package.html.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Fixed a bug described here http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2105288&group_id=139426&atid=743541.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Added testcases to test the support of Hashtable type. Incremented the version of floggy-persistence-weaver.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Add support to Hashtable. Refactored the SerializationHelper to reuse a common method to read/write objects that resides inside collections (Hashtable, Vector, Stack). Added testcases to test new and old methods.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Added a news. Added the Eclipse site descriptor.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Removed the repositories reference. Updated the parent's version.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Transformed the project on a Maven2 based project. Added and fixed properties on the plugin descriptor.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Removed the reference to repositories. Set the version to a none SNAPSHOT kind.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago
Transformed the project on a Maven2 based project.
Thiago Leão Moreira
as thiagolm
More... over 15 years ago