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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 12 hours ago. based on code collected about 17 hours ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
We'll want to be able to show Messages based on the public/private status of the message in an individual User view, so I've added a named_scope to Message that adds #public as a class method.
More... over 15 years ago
I wanted to use 'contexts' in a test, so I put a context around a couple Message tests
More... over 15 years ago
checking in code that validates pages via tidy. This is fairly brittle right now and works well only in the methods that redirect due to the fact that pages with newlines break on the 'system'-based tidy calls.
More... over 15 years ago
Removed boiler plate Rails README More... over 15 years ago
Added additional model tests More... over 15 years ago
Added application docs. More... over 15 years ago
Added test to check setting categories for a message. More... over 15 years ago
Updated messages to always init or find a messages from the users models. Updated fixtures content. Simplified categorization routine in Message model. More... over 15 years ago
Merge branch 'mhawkins/master'
More... over 15 years ago
minor changes commited in advance of merge from mhawkins
More... over 15 years ago
Added site keys to make tests pass More... over 15 years ago
Updated fixtures to allow unit tests to pass. More... over 15 years ago
Reinstalled restful authentication. More... over 15 years ago
Updated restful_authentication. Reduced unit tests fail down 4, errors down to 1. More... over 15 years ago
Regenerated key (note: will need to be regenerated before production setup) test_helper.rb pulls in AuthenticatedHelper now. Controller tests now login as quentin for tests. More... over 15 years ago
Added sample db config. More... over 15 years ago
added missing directories More... over 15 years ago
styling changes
More... over 15 years ago
making for a nicer front page
More... over 15 years ago
supporting a basic non-logged in user
More... over 15 years ago
setting system up for user-centric usage - lots of current_user finds. System doesn't work straight from rake db:schema:load yet, user needs to be created via /sessions/new then authenticated in the console.
More... over 15 years ago
working user login system in place - mailer not configured, activations need to be done by hand through the console at the moment
More... over 15 years ago
categorize method accounts for flag-like sequences of characters that aren't flags
More... over 15 years ago
making the general-purpose application.html.erb layout a bit more attractive
More... over 15 years ago
making rudimentary associations between Message and Category based on flags passed in message.content - this being done as a before save in Message More... over 15 years ago
fixes typo in Categorizations association and begins before_save :categorize efforts More... over 15 years ago
fixed broken tests for Messages where the categories_list partial was being called incorrectly and Categories where the tests needed to satisfy the validations More... over 15 years ago
still serving single user only, showing category listing in messages#index More... over 15 years ago
including all the files this time - migrations for Category and Categorization models, etc. Continues previous commit which was preparing for the inclusion of the message categories list on messages#index More... over 15 years ago
preparing for the inclusion of the message categories list on messages#index More... over 15 years ago