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Posted over 13 years ago by kov
Cegueira ideológica e Tribalismo Muita gente repete que o pior cego é o que não quer ver, mas muito pouca gente me parece refletir a respeito do que isso quer de fato dizer. O Mark Shuttleworth fez há pouco tempo um post em seu blog que eu acho que vai no ponto exato da questão [...]
Posted over 13 years ago by kov
Remember when I said Epiphany worked out of the box with Youtube’s WebM? Well, Google has recently decided to deny us WebM, like it did before with Wave, the Pacman doodle, and who knows what else? \o/ Wouldn’t it be nice if Google practiced what they preach? Update: so it looks like my message went [...]
Posted over 13 years ago by kov
When I started working on WebKitGTK+ I was a web developer, writing IT applications using Python and Django, and building features for content portals running Plone (argh). Even though I was an Epiphany user ever since it was forked off Galeon, I still had to use Firefox for my work, because I couldn’t really live [...]
Posted over 13 years ago by kov
Acabei de ler nos últimos dias, finalmente, o clássico e frequentemente citado livro Hackers, do Steven Levy. Não há discussão sobre cultura e ética hacker que não faça pelo menos uma referência a esse livro. Poucos meses atrás a editora O’Reilly lançou uma nova edição do livro, que inclui um novo apêndice, em que o [...]
Posted almost 14 years ago by kov
Some of you may have noticed WebKitGTK+ 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 have been uploaded recently. Here’s their announcement =). A quick summary: if you’re running the 1.2.x series upgrade to 1.2.3. Here’s some information regarding 1.2.2: 1.2.2 is an update to the 1.2.x stable series; along with a lot of crash, and misc fixes the biggest [...]
Posted almost 14 years ago by kov
Google has had a very nice idea today, to celebrate Pacman’s aniversary: they made their logo become a playable HTML5 pacman. If you’re wondering why your WebKitGTK+ browser is not being able to play the game here’s why: Google is doing User-Agent sniffing and denying you the fun, sending a static image that you can [...]
Posted almost 14 years ago by kov
So you probably heard about WebM, right? It’s the awesome new media format being pushed by Google and a large number of partners, including Collabora, following the release of the VP8 video codec free of royalties and patents, along with a Free Software implementation. It turns out that if you are a user or developer [...]
Posted almost 14 years ago by kov
Lembra daquele cabo pendurado na minha rua? Pois é… nem mandar mensagem pra ouvidoria, nem passar o protocolo pra alguém falar com “conhecidos” na CEMIG parece ter ajudado. Já passou mais quase um mês e o cabo, apesar de alguém ter cortado um pedaço pra não ficar caído até a calçada, continua lá. Sugestões? =)
Posted about 14 years ago by kov
A CEMIG é a empresa prestadora de energia elétrica em Minas Gerais. É uma empresa de capital misto controlada pelo governo do Estado. Recentemente a CEMIG tem feito propaganda com frequência ultimamente por ter ganho grande reconhecimento no mercado financeiro como empresa que se preocupa com uso racional de energia. O slogan da campanha é [...]
Posted about 14 years ago by kov
So you’ve seen people talking about WebKit2, perhaps have seen someone claiming it “drops support for Linux“, and you’ve been wondering what the hell that means for WebKitGTK+. Well, welcome to the preemptive Q&A section with WebKitGTK+ ... [More] maintainers =D. Let’s first explore some history so we can better understand what exactly is going on. What [...] [Less]