I Use This!

Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 23, 2023 — Apr 23, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
refined slogan More... about 14 years ago
minor view refinements More... about 14 years ago
made changes to accomodate the opera browser. More... about 15 years ago
cleaned up look and feel, increased autocomplete result set from 10 records to 100 records. added automatic y-scroll overflow. More... about 15 years ago
fixed styling so that site would work on IE More... about 15 years ago
setup default focus field for 2 screens with setFocus(). More... about 15 years ago
fixed auto-complete by implementing :after_update_element javascript function after user selects from the autocomplete. Also enabled city search. More... about 15 years ago
refined the look & feel of the home page More... about 15 years ago
corrected home link. More... about 15 years ago
added map.root to set the home page and deleted public/index.html More... about 15 years ago
added map.root to set the home page and deleted public/index.html More... about 15 years ago
made sure all menu items work and refined the styling to fit in a typical portable computer screen height. Still many items are not working. More... about 15 years ago
removed RAILS_ENV bread crumb that I had placed for debugging, i.e figuring out if we were running in 'development' or 'production' mode. More... about 15 years ago
added 'RAILS_ENV' and set it to production for all 3 dispatch.* files. These are called by Apache2. More... about 15 years ago
updated google maps api key for public/*.html (i.e static html pages ) to use the http://rubywebworks.com key. More... about 15 years ago
added google maps api key for rubywebworks.com More... about 15 years ago
refined the application menuing links More... about 15 years ago
removed demo stuff that I added for tammy More... about 15 years ago
made change to demo app for Tammy More... about 15 years ago
added a test change to see how it propagates all the way to production using capistrano. More... about 15 years ago
refined capistrano script to cleanup by removing releases/*_BUP directory More... about 15 years ago
added capistrano config files More... about 15 years ago
made changes to gmaps-helper project so that it can run on site5's production server maple. Basically, added ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] to environment.rb, added public/.htaccess to allow Apache2 to redirect requests to public/dispatch.fcgi. Corrected shebang reference for all 3 public/dispatch.* files to have them point to /usr/bin/ruby instead of /usr/bin/ruby1.8 which was causing server errors. Corrected rexml.rb file because map...@site5 is using ruby 1.8.4 instead of ruby 1.8.6 patch 111, and there is the issue of VERSION vs Version, so made a harmless change to rexml.rb More... about 15 years ago
added autocomplete support to City field for map/locate_city_on_map action, and cleaned code in few other places. More... about 15 years ago
disabled 'new', 'create', 'update', 'delete' actions for city_global_locations, country_codes, and us_state_codes. added styling to country_codes, us_state_codes. Added GMAP key to application.html.erb. changed style for locate_city_on_map view. renamed delete button as remove button. moved all styling into style.css More... about 15 years ago
corrected Population abreviation to 'Pop.', and removed un-necessary styles in style.css More... about 15 years ago
temporarily moved db/development.sqlite3 out of project's root to stop git from seeing as modified eventhough it is in .gitignore More... about 15 years ago
added db/development.sqlite3 and geo-info/world-cities-pop.txt to .gitignore More... about 15 years ago
Added test for nil for UsStateCode. Added state name when we have use city for _cities.html.erb. Added different color background for all index.html.erb and search_for.html.erb. Added application level layout as app/views/layout/application.html.erb. Added Jason Moon's calender calendar demo html file and script and images. Refined auto_complete_cities.css file and style.css. Removed script.aculo.us.css file since it was no longer needed. Cleaned up the layout for the whole application. More... about 15 years ago
reverted the previous correction in table country_codes from 'rs' back to 'cs' for Serbia, and elected to use a migration to do this correction and not a straight DB SQL correction. More... about 15 years ago