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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 20 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 22, 2023 — Apr 22, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Greatly improved the Arduino timeline and interpreting code so that both cars can move at the same time and more than once in a single step. Also introduced a "sleep" into timeline_emitter so that it doesn't send all of the bytes too quickly for the Arduino to interpret. Added a control timeline with two instances of the same search term. More... almost 15 years ago
Removed cruft from TwitterRace.pde. More... almost 15 years ago
Added a couple of decent timelines. Kris Allen and Adam Lambert are the American Idol finalists. More... almost 15 years ago
Files are now saved in a format for writing to the Arduino via Serial, as well as a format for Processing. More... almost 15 years ago
Arduino program is now reading input via serial, and I have written a Ruby program for talking to it. More... almost 15 years ago
Initial version of Arduino Twitter Race code. More... almost 15 years ago
timeline_generator.rb now takes command line parameters for search, and generates filenames. More... almost 15 years ago
Processing program is now showing the time that the file was saved, and bringing up a file dialog box for selecting timelines. More... almost 15 years ago
Added support for user races, this requires a file named 'secret' which contains a Twitter username and password. Search races now include 5 pages worth of timelines. Improved the code to equalize the races, not working perfectly yet. More... almost 15 years ago
Removed code for serial input, increased size of window and racer lines, and now using the new metadata line in the timelines to get text for the cars. More... almost 15 years ago
Added a number of timelines. More... almost 15 years ago
Removed timelines from .gitignore, and added a couple of timelines. More... almost 15 years ago
Poorly written Processing sketch to help prototype Twitter Race. More... almost 15 years ago
Added require rubygems to make things work on OS X. Also moved sort, equalize, and normalize timeline functions into save, as these will be common to all subclasses. More... almost 15 years ago
Added equalize_timeline function, for removing the Tweets for the first search term that happened before the second term had been queried for. More... almost 15 years ago
Now using numeric IDs for the timelines, as this will make it easier to deal with on the Arduino side. More... almost 15 years ago
Added normalize_timeline function, which subtracts the earliest time in the timeline from all of the times. More... almost 15 years ago
Moved timeline_generator.rb to a 'ruby' subdirectory. More... almost 15 years ago
Added README. More... almost 15 years ago
Initial commit. More... almost 15 years ago