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Posted about 8 years ago by [email protected] (Manvendra Bhangui)
IndiMail now has docker images. You can read about installing Docker here. Once you have installed docker-engine, you need to start it. Typically it would be$ sudo service docker startTo avoid having to use sudo when you use the docker command ... [More] , create a Unix group called docker and add users to it. When the docker daemon starts, it makes the ownership of the Unix socket read/writable by the docker group. Warning: The docker group is equivalent to the root user; For details on how this impacts security in your system, see Docker Daemon Attack Surface for details.$ sudo groupadd docker $ sudo usermod -aG docker your_usernameLog out and login again to ensure your user is running with the correct permissions. You can run the unix id command to confirm that you have the docker group privileges. e.g.$ id -auid=1000(mbhangui) gid=1000(mbhangui) groups=1000(mbhangui),10(wheel),545(docker) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023Now we need to pull the docker image for IndiMail. use the docker pull command. The values for tag can be fedora-23, centos7, debian8, ubuntu-15.10, ubuntu-14.03. If your favourite OS is missing, let me know.$ docker pull cprogrammer/indimail:tag(for indimail-mta image, execute docker pull cprogrammer/indimail-mta:tagYou can now list the docker image by executing the docker images command.$ docker imagesREPOSITORY                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZEcprogrammer/indimail       fedora-23           a02e6014a67b        53 minutes ago      1.774 GBNow let us run a container with this image using the image id a02e6014a67b listed above by running the docker run command. The --privileged flag gives all capabilities to the container, and it also lifts all the limitations enforced by the device cgroup controller. In other words, the container can then do almost everything that the host can do. This flag exists to allow special use-cases, like running Docker within Docker. In our case, I want the systemctl command to work and the container run like a normal host.$ docker run -d -h indimail.org --privileged a02e6014a67b /sbin/initfd09c7ca75bef86f4f9796afcff79316f36512944a18d066d832a99d8803ce7bThe above will start a fully functional Fedora 23 OS with IndiMail, MySQL, sshd, httpd services up and running.We can list the running container by running the docker ps command$ docker psCONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMESfd09c7ca75be        a02e6014a67b        "/sbin/init"        38 seconds ago      Up 37 seconds                      desperate_jones We now have a running container and can attach to it and use it like any functional host. Run the docker exec command. The -ti option attaches a pseudo terminal and makes the session interactive. $ docker exec -ti fd09c7ca75be /bin/bash --loginindimail:>indimail:> /var/indimail/bin/svstat /service/*/service/fetchmail: down 32 seconds/service/greylist.1999: up (pid 203) 32 seconds/service/indisrvr.4000: up (pid 178) 32 seconds/service/inlookup.infifo: up (pid 192) 32 seconds/service/mysql.3306: up (pid 181) 32 seconds/service/proxy-imapd.4143: up (pid 191) 32 seconds/service/proxy-imapd-ssl.9143: up (pid 188) 32 seconds/service/proxy-pop3d.4110: up (pid 197) 32 seconds/service/proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110: up (pid 179) 32 seconds/service/pwdlookup: up (pid 195) 32 seconds/service/qmail-imapd.143: up (pid 222) 32 seconds/service/qmail-imapd-ssl.993: up (pid 200) 32 seconds/service/qmail-pop3d.110: up (pid 212) 32 seconds/service/qmail-pop3d-ssl.995: up (pid 184) 32 seconds/service/qmail-poppass.106: up (pid 216) 32 seconds/service/qmail-qmqpd.628: down 32 seconds/service/qmail-qmtpd.209: up (pid 153) 32 seconds/service/qmail-send.25: up (pid 182) 32 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.25: up (pid 187) 32 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.366: up (pid 208) 32 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.465: up (pid 194) 32 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.587: up (pid 196) 32 seconds/service/qmail-spamlog: up (pid 221) 32 seconds/service/qscanq: up (pid 213) 32 seconds/service/udplogger.3000: up (pid 211) 32 seconds You now have a fully functional mail server with a pre-configured virtual domain indimail.org and a pre-configured virtual user [email protected]. You can use IMAP/POP3/SMTP to your heart's content. If not satisfied, try out the ssl enabled services IMAPS/POP3S/SMTPS or STARTTLS command. If still not satisfied, read the man pages in /var/indimail/man/* :) You can stop the container by executing the docker stop command.$ docker stop fd09c7ca75beYou can make your changes to the container and commit changes by using the docker commit command. Learning how to use docker is not difficult. Just follow the Docker Documentation. If you are lazy like me, just read the Getting Started guide.I am also a newbie as far as docker is concerned. Do let me know your experience with network settings and other advanced docker topics, that you may be familiar with. Do send few bottles of beer my way if you can.NOTE: There are few defaults for the indimail docker container image root password is passxxx@xxx mysql user, password for indimail is indimail, ssh-1.5- mysql privileged user, password is mysql, 4-57343- password for [email protected] virtual imap/pop3 account is passxxx password for [email protected] virtual imap/pop3 account is passxxx [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Cprogrammer)
systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts. systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons ... [More] , keeps track of processes using Linux cgroups, supports snapshots and restoring of the system state, maintains mount and automount points and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. It can work as a drop-in replacement for sysvinit. The first step is to write the service configuration file for IndiMail as /lib/systemd/system/indimail.service [Unit] Description=IndiMail Messaging Platform After=local-fs.target network.target [Service] ExecStart=/var/indimail/bin/svscanboot /service ExecStop=/etc/init.d/indimail stop Restart=on-failure Type=simple [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target In Fedora 15, upstart has been replaced by a service called systemd. Due to improper rpm package upgrade scripts, some system services previously enabled in Fedora 14, may not be enabled after upgrading to Fedora 15. To determine if a service is impacted, run the systemctl status command as shown below. # systemctl is-enabled indimail.service && echo "Enabled on boot" || echo "Disabled on boot" To enable indimail service on boot, run the following systemctl command # systemctl enable indimail.service Now to start IndiMail you can use the usual service command # service indimail start (to start indimail) # service indimail stop (to stop indimail) You can automate the above service creation for systemd by running the initsvc(1) command # /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -on (to enable indimail service)# /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -off (to disable indimail service) You can now also query the status of the running IndiMail service by using the systemctl command # systemctl status indimail.serviceindimail.service - IndiMail Messaging Platform Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/indimail.service) Active: active (running) since Wed, 20 Jul 2011 18:18:35 +0530; 10min ago Main PID: 4353 (svscanboot) CGroup: name=systemd:/system/indimail.service ├ 4353 /bin/sh /var/indimail/bin/svscanboot ├ 4356 /var/indimail/bin/svscan /service ├ 4357 supervise log ├ 4358 supervise clamd ├ 4359 supervise log ├ 4360 supervise freshclam ├ 4361 supervise log ├ 4362 supervise qmail-send.25 ├ 4363 supervise log ├ 4364 supervise qmail-pop3d-ssl.995 ├ 4365 supervise log ├ 4366 supervise proxy-imapd-ssl.9143 ├ 4367 supervise log ├ 4368 supervise qmail-poppass.106 ├ 4369 supervise log ├ 4370 supervise proxy-imapd.4143 ├ 4371 supervise log ├ 4372 supervise proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110 ├ 4373 supervise log ├ 4374 supervise qmail-smtpd.465 ├ 4375 supervise log ├ 4376 supervise inlookup.infifo ├ 4377 supervise log ├ 4378 supervise qmail-smtpd.366 ├ 4379 supervise log ├ 4380 supervise proxy-pop3d.4110 ├ 4381 supervise log ├ 4382 supervise slapd.389 ├ 4383 supervise log ├ 4384 supervise qmail-smtpd.587 ├ 4385 supervise log ├ 4386 supervise pwdlookup ├ 4387 supervise log ├ 4388 supervise qmail-pop3d.110 ├ 4389 supervise log ├ 4390 supervise qmail-qmtpd.209 ├ 4391 supervise log ├ 4392 supervise fetchmail ├ 4393 supervise log ├ 4394 supervise qscanq ├ 4395 supervise log ├ 4396 supervise qmail-smtpd.25 ├ 4397 supervise log ├ 4398 supervise mysql.3306 ├ 4399 supervise log ├ 4400 supervise qmail-spamlog ├ 4401 supervise log ├ 4402 supervise qmail-qmqpd.628 ├ 4403 supervise log ├ 4404 supervise qmail-imapd-ssl.993 ├ 4405 supervise log ├ 4406 supervise indisrvr.4000 ├ 4407 supervise log ├ 4408 supervise qmail-imapd.143 ├ 4409 supervise log ├ 4410 supervise greylist.1999 ├ 4411 supervise log ├ 4412 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fre... ├ 4413 qmail-daemon ./Maildir/ ├ 4414 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4415 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4416 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4417 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4418 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4419 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4420 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4421 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4422 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4424 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4425 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t -* cleanq starting -*... ├ 4426 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4427 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4428 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4429 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/mys... ├ 4430 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4431 /var/indimail/sbin/nssd -d notice ├ 4432 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4433 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pwd... ├ 4434 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4435 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4436 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4437 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/inl... ├ 4438 /usr/bin/perl /var/indimail/bin/greydaemon -w /var... ├ 4439 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4440 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4441 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4442 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4443 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/gre... ├ 4444 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/v... ├ 4445 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4446 /var/indimail/bin/qmail-cat /tmp/spamfifo ├ 4447 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fet... ├ 4448 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmq... ├ 4449 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4450 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmt... ├ 4451 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4452 /var/indimail/sbin/indisrvr -i 0 -p 4000 -b 40 -n ... ├ 4453 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ind... ├ 4454 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4455 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/cla... ├ 4456 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/svs... ├ 4457 /var/indimail/sbin/clamd ├ 4458 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/del... ├ 4459 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4460 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/spa... ├ 4461 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4462 /bin/sh ./run ├ 4477 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/sla... ├ 4509 /var/indimail/bin/freshclam -v --stdout --datadir=... ├ 4519 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4520 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4521 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4522 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4523 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4526 qmail-send ├ 4527 qmail-send ├ 4528 qmail-send ├ 4529 qmail-send ├ 4530 qmail-send ├ 4531 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4532 qmail-rspawn ├ 4533 qmail-clean ├ 4534 qmail-todo ├ 4535 qmail-clean ├ 4536 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4537 qmail-rspawn ├ 4538 qmail-clean ├ 4539 qmail-todo ├ 4540 qmail-clean ├ 4541 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4542 qmail-rspawn ├ 4543 qmail-clean ├ 4544 qmail-todo ├ 4545 qmail-clean ├ 4546 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4547 qmail-rspawn ├ 4548 qmail-clean ├ 4549 qmail-todo ├ 4550 qmail-clean ├ 4551 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4552 qmail-rspawn ├ 4553 qmail-clean ├ 4554 qmail-todo ├ 4555 qmail-clean ├ 4751 /bin/sh ./run └ 4752 sleep 200 [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Manvendra Bhangui)
systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts. systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons ... [More] , keeps track of processes using Linux cgroups, supports snapshots and restoring of the system state, maintains mount and automount points and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. It can work as a drop-in replacement for sysvinit.The first step is to write the service configuration file for IndiMail as /lib/systemd/system/indimail.service[Unit]Description=IndiMail Messaging PlatformAfter=local-fs.target network.target[Service]ExecStart=/var/indimail/bin/svscanboot /serviceExecStop=/etc/init.d/indimail stopRestart=on-failureType=simple[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetIn Fedora 15, upstart has been replaced by a service called systemd. Due to improper rpm package upgrade scripts, some system services previously enabled in Fedora 14, may not be enabled after upgrading to Fedora 15. To determine if a service is impacted, run the systemctl status command as shown below. # systemctl is-enabled indimail.service && echo "Enabled on boot" || echo "Disabled on boot" To enable indimail service on boot, run the following systemctl command# systemctl enable indimail.service Now to start IndiMail you can use the usual service command # service indimail start (to start indimail) # service indimail stop (to stop indimail) You can automate the above service creation for systemd by running the initsvc(1) command # /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -on (to enable indimail service) # /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -off (to disable indimail service) You can now also query the status of the running IndiMail service by using the systemctl command # systemctl status indimail.service indimail.service - IndiMail Messaging Platform Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/indimail.service) Active: active (running) since Wed, 20 Jul 2011 18:18:35 +0530; 10min ago Main PID: 4353 (svscanboot) CGroup: name=systemd:/system/indimail.service ├ 4353 /bin/sh /var/indimail/bin/svscanboot ├ 4356 /var/indimail/bin/svscan /service ├ 4357 supervise log ├ 4358 supervise clamd ├ 4359 supervise log ├ 4360 supervise freshclam ├ 4361 supervise log ├ 4362 supervise qmail-send.25 ├ 4363 supervise log ├ 4364 supervise qmail-pop3d-ssl.995 ├ 4365 supervise log ├ 4366 supervise proxy-imapd-ssl.9143 ├ 4367 supervise log ├ 4368 supervise qmail-poppass.106 ├ 4369 supervise log ├ 4370 supervise proxy-imapd.4143 ├ 4371 supervise log ├ 4372 supervise proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110 ├ 4373 supervise log ├ 4374 supervise qmail-smtpd.465 ├ 4375 supervise log ├ 4376 supervise inlookup.infifo ├ 4377 supervise log ├ 4378 supervise qmail-smtpd.366 ├ 4379 supervise log ├ 4380 supervise proxy-pop3d.4110 ├ 4381 supervise log ├ 4382 supervise slapd.389 ├ 4383 supervise log ├ 4384 supervise qmail-smtpd.587 ├ 4385 supervise log ├ 4386 supervise pwdlookup ├ 4387 supervise log ├ 4388 supervise qmail-pop3d.110 ├ 4389 supervise log ├ 4390 supervise qmail-qmtpd.209 ├ 4391 supervise log ├ 4392 supervise fetchmail ├ 4393 supervise log ├ 4394 supervise qscanq ├ 4395 supervise log ├ 4396 supervise qmail-smtpd.25 ├ 4397 supervise log ├ 4398 supervise mysql.3306 ├ 4399 supervise log ├ 4400 supervise qmail-spamlog ├ 4401 supervise log ├ 4402 supervise qmail-qmqpd.628 ├ 4403 supervise log ├ 4404 supervise qmail-imapd-ssl.993 ├ 4405 supervise log ├ 4406 supervise indisrvr.4000 ├ 4407 supervise log ├ 4408 supervise qmail-imapd.143 ├ 4409 supervise log ├ 4410 supervise greylist.1999 ├ 4411 supervise log ├ 4412 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fre... ├ 4413 qmail-daemon ./Maildir/ ├ 4414 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4415 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4416 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4417 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4418 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4419 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4420 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4421 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4422 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4424 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4425 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t -* cleanq starting -*... ├ 4426 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4427 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4428 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4429 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/mys... ├ 4430 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4431 /var/indimail/sbin/nssd -d notice ├ 4432 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4433 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pwd... ├ 4434 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4435 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4436 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4437 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/inl... ├ 4438 /usr/bin/perl /var/indimail/bin/greydaemon -w /var... ├ 4439 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4440 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4441 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4442 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4443 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/gre... ├ 4444 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/v... ├ 4445 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4446 /var/indimail/bin/qmail-cat /tmp/spamfifo ├ 4447 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fet... ├ 4448 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmq... ├ 4449 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4450 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmt... ├ 4451 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4452 /var/indimail/sbin/indisrvr -i 0 -p 4000 -b 40 -n ... ├ 4453 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ind... ├ 4454 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4455 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/cla... ├ 4456 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/svs... ├ 4457 /var/indimail/sbin/clamd ├ 4458 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/del... ├ 4459 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4460 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/spa... ├ 4461 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4462 /bin/sh ./run ├ 4477 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/sla... ├ 4509 /var/indimail/bin/freshclam -v --stdout --datadir=... ├ 4519 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4520 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4521 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4522 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4523 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4526 qmail-send ├ 4527 qmail-send ├ 4528 qmail-send ├ 4529 qmail-send ├ 4530 qmail-send ├ 4531 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4532 qmail-rspawn ├ 4533 qmail-clean ├ 4534 qmail-todo ├ 4535 qmail-clean ├ 4536 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4537 qmail-rspawn ├ 4538 qmail-clean ├ 4539 qmail-todo ├ 4540 qmail-clean ├ 4541 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4542 qmail-rspawn ├ 4543 qmail-clean ├ 4544 qmail-todo ├ 4545 qmail-clean ├ 4546 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4547 qmail-rspawn ├ 4548 qmail-clean ├ 4549 qmail-todo ├ 4550 qmail-clean ├ 4551 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4552 qmail-rspawn ├ 4553 qmail-clean ├ 4554 qmail-todo ├ 4555 qmail-clean ├ 4751 /bin/sh ./run └ 4752 sleep 200 [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Cprogrammer)
systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts. systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons ... [More] , keeps track of processes using Linux cgroups, supports snapshots and restoring of the system state, maintains mount and automount points and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. It can work as a drop-in replacement for sysvinit.The first step is to write the service configuration file for IndiMail as /lib/systemd/system/indimail.service[Unit]Description=IndiMail Messaging PlatformAfter=local-fs.target network.target[Service]ExecStart=/var/indimail/bin/svscanboot /serviceExecStop=/etc/init.d/indimail stopRestart=on-failureType=simple[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetIn Fedora 15, upstart has been replaced by a service called systemd. Due to improper rpm package upgrade scripts, some system services previously enabled in Fedora 14, may not be enabled after upgrading to Fedora 15. To determine if a service is impacted, run the systemctl status command as shown below.# systemctl is-enabled indimail.service && echo "Enabled on boot" || echo "Disabled on boot"To enable indimail service on boot, run the following systemctl command# systemctl enable indimail.serviceNow to start IndiMail you can use the usual service command# service indimail start (to start indimail)# service indimail stop (to stop indimail)You can automate the above service creation for systemd by running the initsvc(1) command# /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -on (to enable indimail service)# /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -off (to disable indimail service)You can now also query the status of the running IndiMail service by using the systemctl command# systemctl status indimail.serviceindimail.service - IndiMail Messaging Platform Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/indimail.service) Active: active (running) since Wed, 20 Jul 2011 18:18:35 +0530; 10min ago Main PID: 4353 (svscanboot) CGroup: name=systemd:/system/indimail.service ├ 4353 /bin/sh /var/indimail/bin/svscanboot ├ 4356 /var/indimail/bin/svscan /service ├ 4357 supervise log ├ 4358 supervise clamd ├ 4359 supervise log ├ 4360 supervise freshclam ├ 4361 supervise log ├ 4362 supervise qmail-send.25 ├ 4363 supervise log ├ 4364 supervise qmail-pop3d-ssl.995 ├ 4365 supervise log ├ 4366 supervise proxy-imapd-ssl.9143 ├ 4367 supervise log ├ 4368 supervise qmail-poppass.106 ├ 4369 supervise log ├ 4370 supervise proxy-imapd.4143 ├ 4371 supervise log ├ 4372 supervise proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110 ├ 4373 supervise log ├ 4374 supervise qmail-smtpd.465 ├ 4375 supervise log ├ 4376 supervise inlookup.infifo ├ 4377 supervise log ├ 4378 supervise qmail-smtpd.366 ├ 4379 supervise log ├ 4380 supervise proxy-pop3d.4110 ├ 4381 supervise log ├ 4382 supervise slapd.389 ├ 4383 supervise log ├ 4384 supervise qmail-smtpd.587 ├ 4385 supervise log ├ 4386 supervise pwdlookup ├ 4387 supervise log ├ 4388 supervise qmail-pop3d.110 ├ 4389 supervise log ├ 4390 supervise qmail-qmtpd.209 ├ 4391 supervise log ├ 4392 supervise fetchmail ├ 4393 supervise log ├ 4394 supervise qscanq ├ 4395 supervise log ├ 4396 supervise qmail-smtpd.25 ├ 4397 supervise log ├ 4398 supervise mysql.3306 ├ 4399 supervise log ├ 4400 supervise qmail-spamlog ├ 4401 supervise log ├ 4402 supervise qmail-qmqpd.628 ├ 4403 supervise log ├ 4404 supervise qmail-imapd-ssl.993 ├ 4405 supervise log ├ 4406 supervise indisrvr.4000 ├ 4407 supervise log ├ 4408 supervise qmail-imapd.143 ├ 4409 supervise log ├ 4410 supervise greylist.1999 ├ 4411 supervise log ├ 4412 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fre... ├ 4413 qmail-daemon ./Maildir/ ├ 4414 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4415 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4416 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4417 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4418 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4419 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4420 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4421 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4422 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4424 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4425 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t -* cleanq starting -*... ├ 4426 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4427 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4428 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4429 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/mys... ├ 4430 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4431 /var/indimail/sbin/nssd -d notice ├ 4432 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4433 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pwd... ├ 4434 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4435 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4436 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4437 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/inl... ├ 4438 /usr/bin/perl /var/indimail/bin/greydaemon -w /var... ├ 4439 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4440 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4441 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4442 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4443 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/gre... ├ 4444 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/v... ├ 4445 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4446 /var/indimail/bin/qmail-cat /tmp/spamfifo ├ 4447 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fet... ├ 4448 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmq... ├ 4449 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4450 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmt... ├ 4451 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4452 /var/indimail/sbin/indisrvr -i 0 -p 4000 -b 40 -n ... ├ 4453 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ind... ├ 4454 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4455 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/cla... ├ 4456 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/svs... ├ 4457 /var/indimail/sbin/clamd ├ 4458 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/del... ├ 4459 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4460 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/spa... ├ 4461 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4462 /bin/sh ./run ├ 4477 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/sla... ├ 4509 /var/indimail/bin/freshclam -v --stdout --datadir=... ├ 4519 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4520 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4521 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4522 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4523 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4526 qmail-send ├ 4527 qmail-send ├ 4528 qmail-send ├ 4529 qmail-send ├ 4530 qmail-send ├ 4531 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4532 qmail-rspawn ├ 4533 qmail-clean ├ 4534 qmail-todo ├ 4535 qmail-clean ├ 4536 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4537 qmail-rspawn ├ 4538 qmail-clean ├ 4539 qmail-todo ├ 4540 qmail-clean ├ 4541 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4542 qmail-rspawn ├ 4543 qmail-clean ├ 4544 qmail-todo ├ 4545 qmail-clean ├ 4546 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4547 qmail-rspawn ├ 4548 qmail-clean ├ 4549 qmail-todo ├ 4550 qmail-clean ├ 4551 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4552 qmail-rspawn ├ 4553 qmail-clean ├ 4554 qmail-todo ├ 4555 qmail-clean ├ 4751 /bin/sh ./run └ 4752 sleep 200 [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Manvendra Bhangui)
systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts. systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons ... [More] , keeps track of processes using Linux cgroups, supports snapshots and restoring of the system state, maintains mount and automount points and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. It can work as a drop-in replacement for sysvinit.The first step is to write the service configuration file for IndiMail as /lib/systemd/system/indimail.service[Unit]Description=IndiMail Messaging PlatformAfter=local-fs.target network.target[Service]ExecStart=/var/indimail/bin/svscanboot /serviceExecStop=/etc/init.d/indimail stopRestart=on-failureType=simple[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetIn Fedora 15, upstart has been replaced by a service called systemd. Due to improper rpm package upgrade scripts, some system services previously enabled in Fedora 14, may not be enabled after upgrading to Fedora 15. To determine if a service is impacted, run the systemctl status command as shown below. # systemctl is-enabled indimail.service && echo "Enabled on boot" || echo "Disabled on boot" To enable indimail service on boot, run the following systemctl command# systemctl enable indimail.service Now to start IndiMail you can use the usual service command # service indimail start (to start indimail) # service indimail stop (to stop indimail) You can automate the above service creation for systemd by running the initsvc(1) command # /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -on (to enable indimail service) # /var/indimail/bin/initsvc -off (to disable indimail service) You can now also query the status of the running IndiMail service by using the systemctl command # systemctl status indimail.service indimail.service - IndiMail Messaging Platform Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/indimail.service) Active: active (running) since Wed, 20 Jul 2011 18:18:35 +0530; 10min ago Main PID: 4353 (svscanboot) CGroup: name=systemd:/system/indimail.service ├ 4353 /bin/sh /var/indimail/bin/svscanboot ├ 4356 /var/indimail/bin/svscan /service ├ 4357 supervise log ├ 4358 supervise clamd ├ 4359 supervise log ├ 4360 supervise freshclam ├ 4361 supervise log ├ 4362 supervise qmail-send.25 ├ 4363 supervise log ├ 4364 supervise qmail-pop3d-ssl.995 ├ 4365 supervise log ├ 4366 supervise proxy-imapd-ssl.9143 ├ 4367 supervise log ├ 4368 supervise qmail-poppass.106 ├ 4369 supervise log ├ 4370 supervise proxy-imapd.4143 ├ 4371 supervise log ├ 4372 supervise proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110 ├ 4373 supervise log ├ 4374 supervise qmail-smtpd.465 ├ 4375 supervise log ├ 4376 supervise inlookup.infifo ├ 4377 supervise log ├ 4378 supervise qmail-smtpd.366 ├ 4379 supervise log ├ 4380 supervise proxy-pop3d.4110 ├ 4381 supervise log ├ 4382 supervise slapd.389 ├ 4383 supervise log ├ 4384 supervise qmail-smtpd.587 ├ 4385 supervise log ├ 4386 supervise pwdlookup ├ 4387 supervise log ├ 4388 supervise qmail-pop3d.110 ├ 4389 supervise log ├ 4390 supervise qmail-qmtpd.209 ├ 4391 supervise log ├ 4392 supervise fetchmail ├ 4393 supervise log ├ 4394 supervise qscanq ├ 4395 supervise log ├ 4396 supervise qmail-smtpd.25 ├ 4397 supervise log ├ 4398 supervise mysql.3306 ├ 4399 supervise log ├ 4400 supervise qmail-spamlog ├ 4401 supervise log ├ 4402 supervise qmail-qmqpd.628 ├ 4403 supervise log ├ 4404 supervise qmail-imapd-ssl.993 ├ 4405 supervise log ├ 4406 supervise indisrvr.4000 ├ 4407 supervise log ├ 4408 supervise qmail-imapd.143 ├ 4409 supervise log ├ 4410 supervise greylist.1999 ├ 4411 supervise log ├ 4412 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fre... ├ 4413 qmail-daemon ./Maildir/ ├ 4414 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4415 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4416 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4417 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4418 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4419 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4420 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4421 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-p... ├ 4422 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pro... ├ 4424 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4425 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t -* cleanq starting -*... ├ 4426 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4427 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4428 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4429 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/mys... ├ 4430 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4431 /var/indimail/sbin/nssd -d notice ├ 4432 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4433 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pwd... ├ 4434 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4435 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/pop... ├ 4436 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-i... ├ 4437 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/inl... ├ 4438 /usr/bin/perl /var/indimail/bin/greydaemon -w /var... ├ 4439 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/qmail-i... ├ 4440 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -h -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4441 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4442 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4443 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/gre... ├ 4444 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/v... ├ 4445 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4446 /var/indimail/bin/qmail-cat /tmp/spamfifo ├ 4447 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/fet... ├ 4448 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmq... ├ 4449 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4450 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/qmt... ├ 4451 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x /var/... ├ 4452 /var/indimail/sbin/indisrvr -i 0 -p 4000 -b 40 -n ... ├ 4453 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ind... ├ 4454 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/smt... ├ 4455 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/cla... ├ 4456 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/svs... ├ 4457 /var/indimail/sbin/clamd ├ 4458 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/del... ├ 4459 /var/indimail/bin/tcpserver -v -c /service/proxy-p... ├ 4460 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/spa... ├ 4461 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/ima... ├ 4462 /bin/sh ./run ├ 4477 /var/indimail/bin/multilog t /var/log/indimail/sla... ├ 4509 /var/indimail/bin/freshclam -v --stdout --datadir=... ├ 4519 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4520 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4521 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4522 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4523 /var/indimail/sbin/inlookup -i 5 ├ 4526 qmail-send ├ 4527 qmail-send ├ 4528 qmail-send ├ 4529 qmail-send ├ 4530 qmail-send ├ 4531 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4532 qmail-rspawn ├ 4533 qmail-clean ├ 4534 qmail-todo ├ 4535 qmail-clean ├ 4536 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4537 qmail-rspawn ├ 4538 qmail-clean ├ 4539 qmail-todo ├ 4540 qmail-clean ├ 4541 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4542 qmail-rspawn ├ 4543 qmail-clean ├ 4544 qmail-todo ├ 4545 qmail-clean ├ 4546 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4547 qmail-rspawn ├ 4548 qmail-clean ├ 4549 qmail-todo ├ 4550 qmail-clean ├ 4551 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ ├ 4552 qmail-rspawn ├ 4553 qmail-clean ├ 4554 qmail-todo ├ 4555 qmail-clean ├ 4751 /bin/sh ./run └ 4752 sleep 200 [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Manvendra Bhangui)
Installing IndiMail from RPM 1. Install OS SUSE o openSUSE 13.2 o openSUSE 13.1 o openSUSE 11.4 o openSUSE Tumbleweed o SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP4 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 o SUSE ... [More] Linux Enterprise 11 SP1 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 o openSUSE Factory * Red Hato Feodra 23o Fedora 22 o Fedora 21 o Fedora 20 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 o CentOS 7 o CentOS 6 o CentOS 5 * Debian o Debian 8.0 o Debian 7.0 o Debian 6.0o Ubuntu 15.10o Ubuntu 15.04 o Ubuntu 14.10 o Ubuntu 14.04 o Ubuntu 13.10 o Ubuntu 13.04 o Ubuntu 12.10 o Ubuntu 12.04 2. Determine if your OS is 32 bit or 64 Bit % uname -m The command will output i386, i586, i686 for 32 bit and x86_64 for 64 bit 3. Download the Repo correspoding to your OS from* http://sourceforge.net/projects/indimail/files/Repo/ e.g Indimail-CentOS7.repo for CentOS 7 and copy that to /etc/yum.repos.d % sudo cp IndiMail-CentOS_7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/indimail.repo* for Debian Packages, you need to download the corresponding debian package for your OS fromhttp://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/indimail 4. Execute the YUM command as per the output of uname command in step 2 % sudo yum install indimail.i386 (for 32 bit) % sudo yum install indimail.x86_64 (for 64 bit)* for debian packages, execute the command% dpkg -i indimail_version_i386.deb (for 32 bit)% dpkg -i indimail_version_amd64.deb (for 64 bit) The above should install IndiMail 5. Shutdown MySQL if already running and disable MySQL being started up by the system % /etc/init.d/mysqld stop % sudo chkconfig mysqld off % /bin/rm -f /service/mysql.3306/down 6. Start IndiMail % sudo service indimail start 7. Check if everthing is fine by running the svstat command % sudo /var/indimail/bin/svstat /service/* /service/clamd: up (pid 1579) 1028 seconds /service/fetchmail: up (pid 1578) 1028 seconds /service/freshclam: up (pid 1584) 1028 seconds /service/greylist.1999: up (pid 1581) 1028 seconds /service/indisrvr.4000: up (pid 1570) 1028 seconds /service/inlookup.infifo: up (pid 1568) 1028 seconds /service/mysql.3306: up (pid 1555) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd.4143: up (pid 1549) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd-ssl.9143: up (pid 1548) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d.4110: up (pid 1554) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110: up (pid 1583) 1028 seconds /service/pwdlookup: up (pid 1580) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd.143: up (pid 1576) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd-ssl.993: up (pid 1594) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d.110: up (pid 1597) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d-ssl.995: up (pid 1577) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-poppass.106: up (pid 1587) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-qmqpd.628: down 1029 seconds /service/qmail-qmtpd.209: up (pid 1564) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-send.25: up (pid 1553) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.25: up (pid 1598) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.366: up (pid 1565) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.465: up (pid 1551) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.587: up (pid 1559) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-spamlog: up (pid 1552) 1029 seconds /service/qscanq: up (pid 3802) 29 seconds 8. Play with the system Add a domain % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadddomain example.com password Add a user % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadduser [email protected] password Send an email using SMTP % swaks --to youremail@yourdomain --from [email protected] --server localhost Inject a mail locally % cat /tmp/email.msg | mail -s "testing indimail" [email protected] you@yourdomain 9. Set up your .bash_profile and RTFM PATH=$PATH:/var/indimail/bin:/var/indimail/sbin MANPATH=$MANPATH:/var/indimail/man % man indimail 10. Buy beer for Manvendra Bhangui  NOTE: The MySQL database gets installed with the user 'mysql' with all privileges and a user 'indimail' with limited privileges. You will find the passwords for these two users in the script /var/indimail/sbin/svctool. If you modify these, please don't forget to modify /var/indimail/control/host.mysql [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Manvendra Bhangui)
Installing Indimail using YUM/APT RepositoryInstall OS OpenSUSE openSUSE Leap 42.3 openSUSE Leap 42.2 openSUSE 13.2 openSUSE 13.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 ... [More] Red Hat Feodra 27 Fedora 26 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 CentOS 7 CentOS 6 Debian Debian 8.0 Debian 7.0 Ubuntu 17.04 Ubuntu 16.10 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04 Click the below URL for Install Instructions https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Aindimail&package=indimail Shutdown MySQL if already running and disable MySQL from being started up by the system % /etc/init.d/mysqld stop % sudo chkconfig mysqld off % /bin/rm -f /service/mysql.3306/down Start IndiMail % sudo service indimail startCheck Servicess % sudo /usr/bin/svstat /service/*/service/clamd: up (pid 1014) 2985 seconds/service/dnscache: up (pid 1021) 2985 seconds/service/fetchmail: down 2985 seconds/service/freshclam: up (pid 1020) 2985 seconds/service/greylist.1999: up (pid 1043) 2985 seconds/service/indisrvr.4000: up (pid 1048) 2985 seconds/service/inlookup.infifo: up (pid 1057) 2985 seconds/service/mrtg: up (pid 1023) 2985 seconds/service/mysql.3306: up (pid 1031) 2985 seconds/service/proxy-imapd.4143: up (pid 1018) 2985 seconds/service/proxy-imapd-ssl.9143: up (pid 1041) 2985 seconds/service/proxy-pop3d.4110: up (pid 1017) 2985 seconds/service/proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110: up (pid 1037) 2985 seconds/service/pwdlookup: up (pid 1030) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-imapd.143: up (pid 1046) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-imapd-ssl.993: up (pid 1055) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-logfifo: up (pid 1024) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-pop3d.110: up (pid 1029) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-pop3d-ssl.995: up (pid 1054) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-poppass.106: up (pid 1022) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-qmqpd.628: down 2985 seconds/service/qmail-qmtpd.209: up (pid 1044) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-send.25: up (pid 1026) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.25: up (pid 1050) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.366: up (pid 1019) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.465: up (pid 1027) 2985 seconds/service/qmail-smtpd.587: up (pid 1012) 2985 seconds/service/qscanq: up (pid 1036) 2985 seconds/service/resolvconf: up (pid 1069) 2985 seconds/service/udplogger.3000: up (pid 1061) 2985 seconds Play with the System Add A Domain % sudo vadddomain example.com password1Add a User % sudo vadduser [email protected] email swaks –to youremail@yourdomain–from [email protected]–server localhostRTFM % man indimailBuy Beer for Manvendra Bhangui NOTE: The MySQL database gets installed with the user 'mysql' with all privileges and a user 'indimail' with limited privileges. You will find the passwords for these two users in the script /usr/sbin/svctool. If you modify these, please don't forget to modify /etc/indimail/control/host.mysql [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Cprogrammer)
Installing IndiMail from RPM 1. Install OS SUSE o openSUSE 11.4 o openSUSE 11.3 o openSUSE Tumbleweed o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP1 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 o openSUSE Factory * Red Hat o Fedora 15 o ... [More] Fedora 14 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 o CentOS 5 o Mandriva_2010.1 2. Determine if your OS is 32 bit or 64 Bit % uname -m The command will output i386, i586, i686 for 32 bit and x86_64 for 64 bit 3. Download the Repo correspoding to your OS from http://sourceforge.net/projects/indimail/files/Repo/ e.g IndiMail-CentOS_5.repo for CentOS 5 and copy that to /etc/yum.repos.d % sudo cp IndiMail-CentOS_5.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/indimail.repo 4. Execute the YUM command as per the output of uname command in step 2 % sudo yum install indimail.i386 (for 32 bit)% sudo yum install indimail.x86_64 (for 64 bit) The above should install IndiMail 5. Shutdown MySQL if already running and disable MySQL being started up by the system % /etc/init.d/mysqld stop % sudo chkconfig mysqld off % /bin/rm -f /service/mysql.3306/down 6. Start IndiMail % sudo service indimail start 7. Check if everthing is fine by running the svstat command % sudo /var/indimail/bin/svstat /service/*/service/clamd: up (pid 1579) 1028 seconds /service/fetchmail: up (pid 1578) 1028 seconds /service/freshclam: up (pid 1584) 1028 seconds /service/greylist.1999: up (pid 1581) 1028 seconds /service/indisrvr.4000: up (pid 1570) 1028 seconds /service/inlookup.infifo: up (pid 1568) 1028 seconds /service/mysql.3306: up (pid 1555) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd.4143: up (pid 1549) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd-ssl.9143: up (pid 1548) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d.4110: up (pid 1554) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110: up (pid 1583) 1028 seconds /service/pwdlookup: up (pid 1580) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd.143: up (pid 1576) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd-ssl.993: up (pid 1594) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d.110: up (pid 1597) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d-ssl.995: up (pid 1577) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-poppass.106: up (pid 1587) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-qmqpd.628: down 1029 seconds /service/qmail-qmtpd.209: up (pid 1564) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-send.25: up (pid 1553) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.25: up (pid 1598) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.366: up (pid 1565) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.465: up (pid 1551) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.587: up (pid 1559) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-spamlog: up (pid 1552) 1029 seconds /service/qscanq: up (pid 3802) 29 seconds8. Play with the system Add a domain % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadddomain example.com password Add a user % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadduser [email protected] password Send an email using SMTP % swaks --to youremail@yourdomain --from [email protected] --server localhost Inject a mail locally % cat /tmp/email.msg | mail -s "testing indimail" [email protected] you@yourdomain 9. Set up your .bash_profile and RTFM PATH=$PATH:/var/indimail/bin:/var/indimail/sbin MANPATH=$MANPATH:/var/indimail/man % man indimail 10. Buy beer for Manvendra Bhangui  [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Cprogrammer)
Installing IndiMail from RPM 1. Install OS SUSE o openSUSE 13.2 o openSUSE 13.1 o openSUSE 11.4 o openSUSE Tumbleweed o SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP4 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 o SUSE Linux ... [More] Enterprise 11 SP1 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 o openSUSE Factory * Red Hat o Fedora 22 o Fedora 21 o Fedora 20 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 o CentOS 7 o CentOS 6 o CentOS 5 * Debian o Debian 8.0 o Debian 7.0 o Debian 6.0 o Ubuntu 15.04 o Ubuntu 14.10 o Ubuntu 14.04 o Ubuntu 13.10 o Ubuntu 13.04 o Ubuntu 12.10 o Ubuntu 12.04 2. Determine if your OS is 32 bit or 64 Bit % uname -m The command will output i386, i586, i686 for 32 bit and x86_64 for 64 bit 3. Download the Repo correspoding to your OS from* http://sourceforge.net/projects/indimail/files/Repo/ e.g Indimail-CentOS7.repo for CentOS 7 and copy that to /etc/yum.repos.d % sudo cp IndiMail-CentOS_7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/indimail.repo* for Debian Packages, you need to download the corresponding debian package for your OS fromhttp://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/indimail 4. Execute the YUM command as per the output of uname command in step 2 % sudo yum install indimail.i386 (for 32 bit)% sudo yum install indimail.x86_64 (for 64 bit)* for debian packages, execute the command% dpkg -i indimail_version_i386.deb (for 32 bit)% dpkg -i indimail_version_amd64.deb (for 64 bit) The above should install IndiMail 5. Shutdown MySQL if already running and disable MySQL being started up by the system % /etc/init.d/mysqld stop % sudo chkconfig mysqld off % /bin/rm -f /service/mysql.3306/down 6. Start IndiMail % sudo service indimail start 7. Check if everthing is fine by running the svstat command % sudo /var/indimail/bin/svstat /service/*/service/clamd: up (pid 1579) 1028 seconds /service/fetchmail: up (pid 1578) 1028 seconds /service/freshclam: up (pid 1584) 1028 seconds /service/greylist.1999: up (pid 1581) 1028 seconds /service/indisrvr.4000: up (pid 1570) 1028 seconds /service/inlookup.infifo: up (pid 1568) 1028 seconds /service/mysql.3306: up (pid 1555) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd.4143: up (pid 1549) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd-ssl.9143: up (pid 1548) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d.4110: up (pid 1554) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110: up (pid 1583) 1028 seconds /service/pwdlookup: up (pid 1580) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd.143: up (pid 1576) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd-ssl.993: up (pid 1594) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d.110: up (pid 1597) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d-ssl.995: up (pid 1577) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-poppass.106: up (pid 1587) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-qmqpd.628: down 1029 seconds /service/qmail-qmtpd.209: up (pid 1564) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-send.25: up (pid 1553) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.25: up (pid 1598) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.366: up (pid 1565) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.465: up (pid 1551) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.587: up (pid 1559) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-spamlog: up (pid 1552) 1029 seconds /service/qscanq: up (pid 3802) 29 seconds8. Play with the system Add a domain % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadddomain example.com password Add a user % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadduser [email protected] password Send an email using SMTP % swaks --to youremail@yourdomain --from [email protected] --server localhost Inject a mail locally % cat /tmp/email.msg | mail -s "testing indimail" [email protected] you@yourdomain 9. Set up your .bash_profile and RTFM PATH=$PATH:/var/indimail/bin:/var/indimail/sbin MANPATH=$MANPATH:/var/indimail/man % man indimail 10. Buy beer for Manvendra Bhangui NOTE: The MySQL database gets installed with the user 'mysql' with all privileges and a user 'indimail' with limited privileges. You will find the passwords for these two users in the script /var/indimail/sbin/svctool. If you modify these, please don't forget to modify /var/indimail/control/host.mysql [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Cprogrammer)
Installing IndiMail from RPM 1. Install OS SUSE o openSUSE 13.2 o openSUSE 13.1 o openSUSE 11.4 o openSUSE Tumbleweed o SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP4 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 o SUSE Linux ... [More] Enterprise 11 SP1 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 o SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 o openSUSE Factory * Red Hato Feodra 23o Fedora 22 o Fedora 21 o Fedora 20 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 o CentOS 7 o CentOS 6 o CentOS 5 * Debian o Debian 8.0 o Debian 7.0 o Debian 6.0o Ubuntu 15.10o Ubuntu 15.04 o Ubuntu 14.10 o Ubuntu 14.04 o Ubuntu 13.10 o Ubuntu 13.04 o Ubuntu 12.10 o Ubuntu 12.04 2. Determine if your OS is 32 bit or 64 Bit % uname -m The command will output i386, i586, i686 for 32 bit and x86_64 for 64 bit 3. Download the Repo correspoding to your OS from* http://sourceforge.net/projects/indimail/files/Repo/ e.g Indimail-CentOS7.repo for CentOS 7 and copy that to /etc/yum.repos.d % sudo cp IndiMail-CentOS_7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/indimail.repo* for Debian Packages, you need to download the corresponding debian package for your OS fromhttp://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/indimail 4. Execute the YUM command as per the output of uname command in step 2 % sudo yum install indimail.i386 (for 32 bit)% sudo yum install indimail.x86_64 (for 64 bit)* for debian packages, execute the command% dpkg -i indimail_version_i386.deb (for 32 bit)% dpkg -i indimail_version_amd64.deb (for 64 bit) The above should install IndiMail 5. Shutdown MySQL if already running and disable MySQL being started up by the system % /etc/init.d/mysqld stop % sudo chkconfig mysqld off % /bin/rm -f /service/mysql.3306/down 6. Start IndiMail % sudo service indimail start 7. Check if everthing is fine by running the svstat command % sudo /var/indimail/bin/svstat /service/*/service/clamd: up (pid 1579) 1028 seconds /service/fetchmail: up (pid 1578) 1028 seconds /service/freshclam: up (pid 1584) 1028 seconds /service/greylist.1999: up (pid 1581) 1028 seconds /service/indisrvr.4000: up (pid 1570) 1028 seconds /service/inlookup.infifo: up (pid 1568) 1028 seconds /service/mysql.3306: up (pid 1555) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd.4143: up (pid 1549) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-imapd-ssl.9143: up (pid 1548) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d.4110: up (pid 1554) 1029 seconds /service/proxy-pop3d-ssl.9110: up (pid 1583) 1028 seconds /service/pwdlookup: up (pid 1580) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd.143: up (pid 1576) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-imapd-ssl.993: up (pid 1594) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d.110: up (pid 1597) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-pop3d-ssl.995: up (pid 1577) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-poppass.106: up (pid 1587) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-qmqpd.628: down 1029 seconds /service/qmail-qmtpd.209: up (pid 1564) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-send.25: up (pid 1553) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.25: up (pid 1598) 1028 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.366: up (pid 1565) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.465: up (pid 1551) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-smtpd.587: up (pid 1559) 1029 seconds /service/qmail-spamlog: up (pid 1552) 1029 seconds /service/qscanq: up (pid 3802) 29 seconds8. Play with the system Add a domain % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadddomain example.com password Add a user % sudo /var/indimail/bin/vadduser [email protected] password Send an email using SMTP % swaks --to youremail@yourdomain --from [email protected] --server localhost Inject a mail locally % cat /tmp/email.msg | mail -s "testing indimail" [email protected] you@yourdomain 9. Set up your .bash_profile and RTFM PATH=$PATH:/var/indimail/bin:/var/indimail/sbin MANPATH=$MANPATH:/var/indimail/man % man indimail 10. Buy beer for Manvendra Bhangui NOTE: The MySQL database gets installed with the user 'mysql' with all privileges and a user 'indimail' with limited privileges. You will find the passwords for these two users in the script /var/indimail/sbin/svctool. If you modify these, please don't forget to modify /var/indimail/control/host.mysql [Less]