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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 5 hours ago. based on code collected about 10 hours ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
* fix: issue #1 (undefined 'uploaded' variable)
idle sign
as idlesign
More... over 14 years ago
* new: Uploaded files support (through CUploadedFile Yii class) * new: 'isUploaded' property * chg: 'getContents()' method now has 'recursive' parameter for directories * fix: always recursive 'dirContents()' method behaviour changed to appropriate
idle sign
as idlesign
More... over 14 years ago
* new: 'isFile' & 'isDir' properties * new: 'rename()', 'move()', 'copy()', 'delete()', 'getSize()' and 'getContents()' methods now are able to deal with directories * new: 'purge()' method to empty filesystem object * new: 'createDir()' method to create directory * new: 'isEmpty' property * chg: '$formatPrecision' param of 'getSize()' method now changed to '$format' and accepts format pattern for 'CNumberFormatter' * chg: 'download()' method is now alias for primary 'send()' method * chg: now 'readable' & 'writeable' properties are loaded on 'set()' even when in non-greedy mode * fix: unnecessary file availability checks when 'greedy' option is specified for 'set()' removed
idle sign
as idlesign
More... over 14 years ago
* new: setBasename() method (lazy file rename) * new: setFilename() method (lazy file rename) * new: setExtension() method (lazy file rename) * new: download() method * chg: copy() & rename() methods improved (destination file name without path is enough for them to perform actions in the current file directory) * fix: 'extension' key existance check (in pathInfo())
idle sign
as idlesign
More... over 14 years ago
* new: getContents() and setContents() methods * new: create() method * new: 'readable' & 'writeable' properties * fix: posix family functions existance check (in getOwner() & getGroup())
idle sign
as idlesign
More... over 14 years ago
* initial commit
idle sign
as idlesign
More... over 14 years ago