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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 7 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 15, 2023 — Apr 15, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Modified so that if the directory the user wants to install to is not writable, the user can still proceed with the installation. Now a warning will just be printed instead of an error message blocking the installation. This addresses a problem on Windows systems where the sysem incorrectly reports that writable directories are not writable. More... almost 13 years ago
Modified the version to 0.2.1rc2. More... almost 13 years ago
Modified so that if the directory the user wants to install to is not writable, the user can still proceed with the installation. Now a warning will just be printed instead of an error message blocking the installation. This addresses a problem on Windows systems where the sysem incorrectly reports that writable directories are not writable. More... almost 13 years ago
Now the default look and feel doesn't need to be set on the command line via this script since the StartupUtilities class handles setting the default look and feel itself. More... almost 13 years ago
Now the default look and feel doesn't need to be set on the command line via this script since the StartupUtilities class handles setting the default look and feel itself. More... almost 13 years ago
Now the "render scrolling" argument has been registered as a valid argument. Also the new LookAndFeelUtilities and supporting classes are now used to set the look and feel. More... almost 13 years ago
Modified to not render the canvas while it is being scrolled if the user has specified this should happen. More... almost 13 years ago
Modified to use OtherSettingsPanel in place of VMSettingsPanel. OtherSettingsPanel includes VMSettingsPanel as well as LookAndFeelSettingsPanel. More... almost 13 years ago
Added the field DEFAULT_RENDER_SCROLLING. More... almost 13 years ago
This panel has been modified to use a new control for modifying whether or not the canvas should be rendered while it is being scrolled. More... almost 13 years ago
The code has been slightly cleaned up by using new methods. More... almost 13 years ago
The new panel is used in the settings dialog and contains controls to modify the VM settings and the look and feel settings. More... almost 13 years ago
This new GUI element is used to set the default look and feel. More... almost 13 years ago
Modified the smooth() method to handle the case where the stroke smoothing setting has been set to zero. That is, the stroke is not smoothed, but is set to be "smooth". More... almost 13 years ago
The argument is used to specify whether or not the canvas should be rendered while it is being scrolled. On some slower systems, disabling rendering while the canvas is being scrolled would greatly help performance. More... almost 13 years ago
Modified to use the new methods in SettingsUtilities which in turn uses the new LookAndFeelUtilities. More... almost 13 years ago
Added methods to get and set the current "rendering scrolling" preference and added methods to get and set the current look and feel. More... almost 13 years ago
Added keys which represent the state of scrolling being rendered and the current look and feel. More... almost 13 years ago
Updated the version number and copyright information. More... almost 13 years ago
This utilities class handles changes to the look and feel and was added to support GUI options to modify the look and feel. More... almost 13 years ago
Now if a Binder is constructed with an array of zero Pages supplied to the constructor, a Binder with one Page is constructed where the Paper type for the Page is retrieved from SettingsUtilities (instead of always using "CollegeRuled"). This fixes a bug where a user's paper preferences were not honored. More... almost 14 years ago
Added support for moving the current view by dragging the stylus across the screen, either by dragging outside any page, or by having dragging enabled via the appropriate setter method. More... about 14 years ago
Now a LoggedSwingRenderer2D is used and backbuffer image is only rendered if the image is actually modified (and a path is currently being drawn). Also, the paintComponent() method doesn't call the superclass's method and doesn't set the preferred size or revalidates the panel. Instead, this class implements the BinderListener interface and if the binder is modified the preferred size is updated and the panel is revalidated(). These features were all added to greatly improve performance. More... about 14 years ago
Disabled autoscrolling, modified the scrollbar policies to only show scrollbars when needed, added mouse listeners and mouse motion listeners to the JScrollPane (which was necessary for implementing dragging the current view), and modified the mouseWheelMoved(....) method to scroll only if absolutely needed. More... about 14 years ago
Added a JToggleButton to the toolbar to activate/deactivate moving the current view with a hand tool. More... about 14 years ago
Now if a button other than 'BUTTON1' (instead of specifically 'BUTTON3') is being held down by the stylus, the opposite of the current action will be applied instead of the current action. More... about 14 years ago
Now if a button other than 'BUTTON1' (instead of specifically 'BUTTON3') is being held down by the stylus, strokes will be erased instead of drawn. Also, the icon for erasing strokes has been changed to the new eraser icon. More... about 14 years ago
Added the tooltip for the new view dragging tool. More... about 14 years ago
Added to be used to indicate erasing strokes. More... about 14 years ago
Added to be used to indicate erasing strokes. More... about 14 years ago