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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 39 minutes ago. based on code collected about 4 hours ago.
Apr 25, 2023 — Apr 25, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Updated code templates. More... about 16 years ago
Renamed SortOrder to CollationOrder and introduced preliminary framework for InjectInto(). More... about 16 years ago
More tidying and refactoring. 1) Renamed OrderByExpression..., etc. to CollationExpression..., etc. 2) Refactored math function constants from MathFunction to MathFunctions. 3) Moved convenience factory methods for constructing expression builders from Expressions to Jbel. 4) Updated index.html to follow above changes. More... over 16 years ago
Removed additional conversion logic. More... over 16 years ago
Removed convert package and associated interfaces/classes. More... over 16 years ago
Renamed Function to UnaryFunction for clarity. More... over 16 years ago
Cleaning up names such as OrExpression... to OrPredicate..., etc. More... over 16 years ago
Minor formatting changes. More... over 17 years ago
Minor formatting changes. More... over 17 years ago
Reverted to JDK 1.4 compatibility. More... almost 18 years ago
Reverted back to 1.4 compatibility. Also changed SortOrder, removing getOrderingMultiplier() in favor of orderResult(int) which simply returns the correct value of result: putting the intelligence where it should be. More... almost 18 years ago
Initial cut at converting for Java 5. More... almost 18 years ago
Cleaned up javadoc comments where errors/warnings produced. Gen'd new build.xml ant file. More... about 18 years ago
Moved constants TRUE, FALSE, ZERO, etc. plus static builder creation methods to Expressions class. More... about 18 years ago
Refactored select() and reject() to utilize a SelectionFunction and RejectionFunction respectively, where RejectionFunction extends SelectFunction, simply overriding the predicate test (with not). More... about 18 years ago
Renamed CollectionsTestCase to JbelTestCase. More... about 18 years ago
Repackaged all interfaces to their associated packages (from the root). Combined Expressions and Collections into a new class called Jbel. More... about 18 years ago
*** empty log message *** More... about 18 years ago
Minor refactoring of Collections.detect() to have a single entry and single exit point. More... about 18 years ago
Added benchmark for using Collections.select() with a callback. More... about 18 years ago
Refactoring select, detect, etc. to utilize callbacks. More... about 18 years ago
Removed WherePredicate as it served no purpose--and didn't work correctly in the framework anyway. More... about 18 years ago
1) Moved AndExpression, OrExpression, WhereExpression to predicate package and changed their names to ...Predicate. 2) Removed NotExpression as it's now covered by NotPredicate. 3) Moved UT's and factored accordingly. 4) Also added casts from Expression to Predicate in SelectExpressionBuilderTestCase to make things work again. 5) Moved math-related functions to functions.math package. 6) Changed name of GreaterThanOrEqualOperator to GreaterThanOrEqualPredicate. More... about 18 years ago
Refactoring Collections class to utilize Function, Predicate, Expression interfaces. Things are BROKEN! More... about 18 years ago
Eliminated Functions abstract class with only constants in it, moving the contants to MathFunction. Added NotPredicate (and test case). More... about 18 years ago
Moved Expression, Function, and Predicate interfaces to root package. Repackaged math expressions under expressions.math. Renamed math XxxOperator classes to XxxExpression. More... about 18 years ago
Correcting inheritence. More... about 18 years ago
Added a couple of comments on WhereExpression.evaluateResults(). More... about 18 years ago
Additional cleanup and tidying in WhereExpression. Removed evaluateResults() methods in BinaryPredicate and UnaryPredicate. More... about 18 years ago
Finished refactoring to introduce Predicate, with more distinction between Function, Expression and Predicate. TODO: refactor builder(s). More... about 18 years ago