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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Fixed bug where Kaleido throws NumberFormatException on launch (where platform doesn't already have Processing installed) because I didn't name my start up preference attributes correctly. More... about 14 years ago
Yet another edit menu fix: right before the popup menu shows, menu items are updated according to selection; otherwise the menu items are constantly updated according to focus changes. This way the hotkeys will always work (otherwise there is no good way to track textarea selection) More... about 14 years ago
Just some file system cleanup -- committing the files that never made it in the first place. More... about 14 years ago
Fixed edit menu's focus problems: now the items update right before the menu shows, and the menu items can refer to the last focused component even when the focus owner is the edit menu rather than textarea or graphcomp (hotkey access still refers to focus owner) More... about 14 years ago
Updates edit menu when editMenuWillBecomeVisible instead of only during focus changes (wrong). Also, reverted handleOpenRepl so the bug is back but in exchange we don't get fatal saveAs errors. More... about 14 years ago
Removed the "utoh you found a nonexistent tool" error output since it's not helpful to the user or to me until I sit down for a proper debugging session. More... about 14 years ago
Fixed yet another bug with painting labels. Now labels are guaranteed to be the width of the shape, and single-line labels will wrap and ellide properly. More... about 14 years ago
Editor: makes a new empty graph when handleOpenReplace can't find a graph file kCanvas: commented out sysout "draw person?" More... about 14 years ago
Fixed bug of not being able to select text, select shape tool, and establish link when text already has links. More... about 14 years ago
drawarea.mirrorDocEdit: Fixed bug with not updating code marks that hadn't had a code window made yet. More... about 14 years ago
Editor: removed another println More... about 14 years ago
kCodeWindow: removed println statements More... about 14 years ago
Set graph component to be focusable, otherwise I guess default is custom components don't get focus. More... about 14 years ago
kCodeWindow: Implemented anti-aliased triangles; pretty! More... about 14 years ago
1. Removed more straggling sysouts. 2. Sort of solved problem of inserting new character right at start of linked area to not be inclued in link 3. Forced text boxes to use mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW="fill" so drawLabel can handle wrapping 4. Fix so that when selection sync causes tab switching, the graph component doesn't lose focus 5. Forced pasting of cells to be stripped of their links (to avoid problems when copy-pasting across different instances of Kaleido) More... about 14 years ago
1. commented out all system.out.printlns 2. fixed bug where nested cells didn't get line markers or selection sync More... about 14 years ago
1. modified Help menu to put Kaleido Help and Processing Help as two submenus of Help 2. successfully set code window transparency (root pane background color needed to be alpha 0) More... about 14 years ago
Fixed new notes label bounds scale & translate problems, and modified/undo status of newly opened files. More... about 14 years ago
Open/save of graph (namely kGraphModel objects) works again by forcing a kModelCodec when encoding/decoding. More... about 14 years ago
A buggy but mostly working version of word wrap, hooray. Also swimlane labels now align to the top of the cell. More... about 14 years ago
Installed keyboard listener for code windows in order to filter key events for tab expansion/indent/newline/etc. More... about 14 years ago
1. updated help menu to add Kaleido help functions 2. added Select None (text side), Actual Size (zoom), lock/unlock to menu with hotkeys 3. disallowed drag & drop into locked objects 4. changed color theme, all objects black text 5. saving gets rid of the title bar asterisk More... about 14 years ago
Added BUILD_FOR_RELEASE flag before development-only methods like helloWorld() More... about 14 years ago
Implemented cross-text-graph copy paste, and made textareas single-text-field, align top & left. - pasting text in graph creates a new text shape that contains the pasted text - pasting linked cells in textarea inserts the code associated with each of the linked cells More... about 14 years ago
Updated keyboard system: Mac command key works for multiple selection, and cell editor only triggers on "single left click on a selected cell with no key modifiers" More... about 14 years ago
Fixed bug with kUndoableEdits, i.e. link & lock, not being repainted (kUndoableEdit's dispatch() was empty) More... about 14 years ago
Some cleaning up and refactoring. More... about 14 years ago
Link marker repainting works for linking, re-linking, and undo/redo of links. More... about 14 years ago
Implemented kGraphModel in order to create kUndoableEdits which are basically and compound mxUndoable edit with a human-readable name like "code-visual link" or "lock". Also cleaned up drawarea a bit. More... about 14 years ago
Addendum comment for previous commit: Editor: added prompts/instructions in statusarea for various mid-stages of linking More... about 14 years ago